Joe Rogan Podcast

I dunno even if Spotify were to cave

Joe Rogan would be back on YouTube tomorrow.
He's too famous and popular to be stopped in any significant way.

So I personally wouldn't see the point in waisting money on it.

I think you're missing the point of these artists taking a moral stand

They clearly know who Spotify is going to side with
I don’t think you understand the significance of Americans giving an incumbent president the boot.
Again, different realities. Then again you’re the same dude in here trying your best to paint Joe Rogan as some neutral sometimes skeptic instead of the vile piece of **** that he is.

Yah but actually I didn't do that.

I said Joe Rogan is too popular to boycotted.

no need to lie about what I said, you can literally just read it.
I think you're missing the point of these artists taking a moral stand

They clearly know who Spotify is going to side with

again is it a coherent and consistently applied moral?

Neil Young produced an Anti GMO movie filled with scientific misinformation.
Should Neil Young be on Spotify?

Eric Clapton seems pretty racist.
R Kelly is child molester.
You can subscribe to the steve bannon show on spotify.

should we start combing through the catalogue and demand boycotts to force purges of problematic artist.
been wondering this

The amount of misinformation cnn, Fox, msnbc have spread last year alone is ridiculous

Yet people are crucifying the fight commentator of ufc who calls himself an idiot and says “ please don’t listen to me for medical advice”

Joe Rogan on his last podcast with a white supremacist and Anti-CRT guy, said that Fox News and Specifically Tucker Carlson, do NOT spread mis-information

The racist guest actually pushed back on Rogan, then fell in line…when Rogan responded and said, saying that would damage Fox’s credibilty

The most popular news source (outside of rogan) is held as a bastion of truth to him and his audience.

Yet…you don’t see it. Have some self reflection for a second. Tucker Carlson….the guy who said Iraqis are illiterate monkeys and savages and espouses the great replacement theory. Joe Rogan sees as the only trut teller, who is being “silenced”….despite the fact that Carlson and Rogan are the most popular source of news.

And misinformation. Makes you wonder huh….

But you won’t respond. I know
Joe Rogan on his last podcast with a white supremacist and Anti-CRT guy, said that Fox News and Specifically Tucker Carlson, do NOT spread mis-information

The racist guest actually pushed back on Rogan, then fell in line…when Rogan responded and said, saying that would damage Fox’s credibilty

The most popular news source (outside of rogan) is held as a bastion of truth to him and his audience.

Yet…you don’t see it. Have some self reflection for a second. Tucker Carlson….the guy who said Iraqis are illiterate monkeys and savages and espouses the great replacement theory. Joe Rogan sees as the only trut teller, who is being “silenced”….despite the fact that Carlson and Rogan are the most popular source of news.

And misinformation. Makes you wonder huh….

But you won’t respond. I know
Again I just feel like that’s Joe having conversations. To me Tucker - as charlagmane the god said - is a troll. That’s why he takes these ridiculous stances like the m&m debacle because he gets both his supporters and haters tuning in and it works quite perfectly
As for tuckers audience believing him I can’t speak on, as I’ve never watched him, nor do I support the trump supporter audience he has
If it’s joes opinion that tucker doesn’t spread misinformation idk 🤷🏻‍♂️, I don’t believe things the guy says

All im saying is a podcast isn’t a source of information. News channels are. Only information I’ve gotten from the jre is about jfks asassination and what goes on in Area 51
Again I just feel like that’s Joe having conversations. To me Tucker - as charlagmane the god said - is a troll. That’s why he takes these ridiculous stances like the m&m debacle because he gets both his supporters and haters tuning in and it works quite perfectly
As for tuckers audience believing him I can’t speak on, as I’ve never watched him, nor do I support the trump supporter audience he has
If it’s joes opinion that tucker doesn’t spread misinformation idk 🤷🏻‍♂️, I don’t believe things the guy says

All im saying is a podcast isn’t a source of information. News channels are. Only information I’ve gotten from the jre is about jfks asassination and what goes on in Area 51
This is one of the weakest excuses for Joe Rogan ******** you have made
Clearly dude agrees with what the piece of **** says. And if so, cool. Just be honest about it so we can properly shame you.

I mean yes of course you'd like to be able to shame me,
you don't have actually have an argument.

I have a normal person's engagement with Joe Rogan in that I'll watch a clips of him interview Tony Hawk or like Mike Tyson.

but no i do not agree with Joe Rogan's politics.
no way to know, but I doubt this
an underrated part of his appeal is his gullibility and his incoherent politics.

Joe Rogan agrees with like 75% of whatever his guest says no matter who it is. :lol:

even if it was Dr Umar he'd harmonizing "Donations...Donations"
with him just to keep the convo going. :lol:

Gullibility to white boys and angry dudes…who are upset that they get pushback for being 2000 era bigots :lol:

That is sadly a majority of society at this point. Even with changing demographics…it’s forced people to dig their heels in. And you know it.

Rogan never supported Bernie. He gave a light endorsement. And even that, is problematic because Bernie has a cult that is right in line with that. He’s a Ron Paul libertarian. A noted racist, who Rogan has supported with actual ballots.

Not only that, Rogan always positions himself as a rational, fellow leftist….that is put off by the left. When he’s that.

Honestly, this is white boy issues, that really don’t apply to us. But it’s good to know who’s doing and saying what…and what their ideologies are.

You know damn well libertarians are just soft hard right wingers, with plausible deniability because they like 1990s era counter culture, or are indifferent. Ie- smoking weed, gay marriage, and no war.

You see the plot, and I know you understand who Rogan is, and what he represents. Let’s not play stupid. He will not have someone on who challenges him.

It will go like his favorite cable show host. Something like this:

Gullibility to white boys and angry dudes…who are upset that they get pushback for being 2000 era bigots :lol:

That is sadly a majority of society at this point. Even with changing demographics…it’s forced people to dig their heels in. And you know it.

Rogan never supported Bernie. He gave a light endorsement. And even that, is problematic because Bernie has a cult that is right in line with that. He’s a Ron Paul libertarian. A noted racist, who Rogan has supported with actual ballots.

Not only that, Rogan always positions himself as a rational, fellow leftist….that is put off by the left. When he’s that.

Honestly, this is white boy issues, that really don’t apply to us. But it’s good to know who’s doing and saying what…and what their ideologies are.

You know damn well libertarians are just soft hard right wingers, with plausible deniability because they like 1990s era counter culture, or are indifferent. Ie- smoking weed, gay marriage, and no war.

You see the plot, and I know you understand who Rogan is, and what he represents. Let’s not play stupid. He will not have someone on who challenges him.

It will go like his favorite cable show host. Something like this:

personally I don't care about Joe Rogan's politics,

i certainly am not going to tune into him interview whatever kooks or crazy right wingers or canadian psychology professors.

50+ year old white guy from boston has problematic racial views
is not something that I personally feel like I need to head to the picket lines over.

if you think this rogan stuff is a big deal and you wanna boycott go ahead.
but I think you underestimate the amount of people of all races who don't care.

and want to watch fun interviews with Robert Downey Jr. and Snoop Dogg.
Again I just feel like that’s Joe having conversations. To me Tucker - as charlagmane the god said - is a troll. That’s why he takes these ridiculous stances like the m&m debacle because he gets both his supporters and haters tuning in and it works quite perfectly
As for tuckers audience believing him I can’t speak on, as I’ve never watched him, nor do I support the trump supporter audience he has
If it’s joes opinion that tucker doesn’t spread misinformation idk 🤷🏻‍♂️, I don’t believe things the guy says

All im saying is a podcast isn’t a source of information. News channels are. Only information I’ve gotten from the jre is about jfks asassination and what goes on in Area 51

“Just having convos”…..

What Rogan does is discredit & downplay stupid and centrist legacy media….while propping up far right activist and mainstreaming them.

He talks constantly about the “MSM”…but that only applies to CNN, MSNBC or any other media org that is not Fox News.

But we have decades and decades of Fox News being harmful right wing propaganda….that actually has lead to mass shootings, death, misinformation and the whole 9….

Yet, that is legitimate to Rogan. Rogan will bish and moan about cancel culture and censorship…and he will never on his show discuss the book banning by GOP law makers this minute, or the history of the USA whitewashing history and actually banning, targeting, discrediting and killing black voices.

Them dudes just found out about COINTELPRO in 2020, and debase it to cover for the FBI proactively and rightly shifting focus and resources to right wing extremist. The same domestic terrorist that killed more people in this land than any terrorist in 9/11.

That synagogue shooting was just some calendar months ago. New Zealand a couple years ago. El Paso. All cite the same ****.

But youll blind to it, and soak up the propaganda because y’all don’t want real history or to really look within. And it’s telling.

Let him lead you tho. “Just an idiot”.

It’s very obvious what is going on here. You can enjoy Tucker all you want. He’s ok when talking about other ****, and really having conversations about theoretical stuff. But the dude is a right wing hack, that promotes bs.

The sooner you come to terms with that, maybe the sooner you’ll see it for what it is.
let me put it to you like this wavycrocket wavycrocket

I think any fair minded person would conclude that
Future's music is filled with tons of misogyny

it someone was talking you ear off about how we need to boycott Spotify
because of their promotion of misogynistic artists like Future ect ect.

Would you find that argument convincing?
Do you think boycotting an artist like Future would work?
do you think theres any chance Spotify would remove him?

or would keep banging DS2 regardless? :lol:
personally I don't care about Joe Rogan's politics,

i certainly am not going to tune into him interview whatever kooks or crazy right wingers or canadian psychology professors.

50+ year old white guy from boston has problematic racial views
is not something that I personally feel like I need to head to the picket lines over.

if you think this rogan stuff is a big deal and you wanna boycott go ahead.
but I think you underestimate the amount of people of all races who don't care.

and want to watch fun interviews with Robert Downey Jr. and Snoop Dogg.

Again, I never said I don’t understand that. We had this convo months ago.

You’re the one painting him as some aloof, libertarian, working class, saint of a white man, being oppressed by big tech and sponsors (when he’s in bed with them). Political labels are dumb in the US. Especially For Black people. Outside our convo, this for them folk, and how they will grapple with whats to come.

Cancel culture isn’t real. I didn’t care when Rush Limbaugh had his spot. I don’t care that Rogan is following in that legacy.

All I’m saying is, recognize who you tune in to. Don’t try to clean it up and make excuses for it :lol:. Just accept it. He’s Dave Rubin/Jimmy Dore now. Enjoy that company
“Just having convos”…..

What Rogan does is discredit & downplay stupid and centrist legacy media….while propping up far right activist and mainstreaming them.

He talks constantly about the “MSM”…but that only applies to CNN, MSNBC or any other media org that is not Fox News.

But we have decades and decades of Fox News being harmful right wing propaganda….that actually has lead to mass shootings, death, misinformation and the whole 9….

Yet, that is legitimate to Rogan. Rogan will bish and moan about cancel culture and censorship…and he will never on his show discuss the book banning by GOP law makers this minute, or the history of the USA whitewashing history and actually banning, targeting, discrediting and killing black voices.

Them dudes just found out about COINTELPRO in 2020, and debase it to cover for the FBI proactively and rightly shifting focus and resources to right wing extremist. The same domestic terrorist that killed more people in this land than any terrorist in 9/11.

That synagogue shooting was just some calendar months ago. New Zealand a couple years ago. El Paso. All cite the same ****.

But youll blind to it, and soak up the propaganda because y’all don’t want real history or to really look within. And it’s telling.

Let him lead you tho. “Just an idiot”.

It’s very obvious what is going on here. You can enjoy Tucker all you want. He’s ok when talking about other ****, and really having conversations about theoretical stuff. But the dude is a right wing hack, that promotes bs.

The sooner you come to terms with that, maybe the sooner you’ll see it for what it is.

Dude I don’t watch tucker. Never have even watched an episode. I don’t even have Fox in my house since all I have are streaming services

Only time I tune into jre is if he has Oliver stone on or Dave chapelle or one of his lesser known comedian friends to talk about life stories like Joey Diaz
I don’t care for the dudes politics or opinions whatsoever
I only listened to like 5 mins of the jordan Peterson podcast. Political or social podcasts bore the crap out of me
This is one of the weakest excuses for Joe Rogan bull**** you have made
love you too rusty
let me put it to you like this wavycrocket wavycrocket

I think any fair minded person would conclude that
Future's music is filled with tons of misogyny

it someone was talking you ear off about how we need to boycott Spotify
because of their promotion of misogynistic artists like Future ect ect.

Would you find that argument convincing?
Do you think boycotting an artist like Future would work?
do you think theres any chance Spotify would remove him?

or would keep banging DS2 regardless? :lol:

I don’t care about no boycott. They always going come out on too. If people want to tune out to Future, that’s on them.

I fully recognize his content, reach and intention. You won’t find me making any excuses.

He is a top 10 rapper of all time.

Once again, I am not saying “cancel joe Rogan”….just recognize obviously who’s he is.

It’s simple
All I’m saying is, recognize who you tune in to. Don’t try to clean it up and make excuses for it :lol:. Just accept it. He’s Dave Rubin/Jimmy Dore now. Enjoy that company

im not cleaning up anything, like I said I don't care.

You’re the one painting him as some aloof, libertarian, working class, saint of a white man, being oppressed by big tech and sponsors (when he’s in bed with them). Political labels are dumb in the US. Especially For Black people. Outside our convo, this for them folk, and how they will grapple with whats to come.

me? I didn't do that.

all I've about joe is

"Boycotting Joe Rogan won't work."
"and Joe Rogan is good at podcasting. "

"contrarian" takes I know, but a long way from Joe Rogan is a saint of a white man. :lol:
I don’t care about no boycott. They always going come out on too. If people want to tune out to Future, that’s on them.

I fully recognize his content, reach and intention. You won’t find me making any excuses.

He is a top 10 rapper of all time.

Once again, I am not saying “cancel joe Rogan”….just recognize obviously who’s he is.

It’s simple
ah i see, okay fair enough.
Dude I don’t watch tucker. Never have even watched an episode. I don’t even have Fox in my house since all I have are streaming services

Only time I tune into jre is if he has Oliver stone on or Dave chapelle or one of his lesser known comedian friends to talk about life stories like Joey Diaz
I don’t care for the dudes politics or opinions whatsoever
I only listened to like 5 mins of the jordan Peterson podcast. Political or social podcasts bore the crap out of me

love you too rusty

What if I tell you, that Rogan brings politics into those discussions tho?

You do know he “red pills”, a-political guests? This is part of the valid criticism of him, that he is a “gateway to alt right” and the harmful **** that comes from that.

A white dude who recently just testified to plotting to kill a congressmen, testified that he was radicalized by Joe Rogan & Tucker Carlson. They work hand in hand.

A quick look at Rogans Twitter/IG feed will show you just how aligned they are.

I know, this comes off as annoying or agitating to you…but if you had any real reflection, you’d recognize the simple truth to it.

For the millionth time. I’m not saying you’re a bad person. I’m not saying cancel joe Rogan. I’m simply saying…recognize what he’s doing. If you don’t care, cool…but don’t make excuses on things you have no clue or care about .
Was curious since I don't really pay too much attention who his recent guests were for the past few months., and oof. The "I only listen to certain people" folks are putting in a lot of energy for someone they probably would only listen to once every 4 months if we're to believe them.

I honestly thought it would be more balanced and less obvious.
I'm surprised people still think there's a chance trump gets indicted for anything he's done. Rigged an election, encouraged an attack on the capitol, put immigrant kids in cages along with dozens of other stuff and no consequences for any of it.
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