Joe Rogan Podcast

She taking down Big Donalds?

Big Donald wont end up running imo. He’s making too much guap off idiots right now and doesn’t want to mess it up.

The scenario is see happening is he acts like he will until the last minute then tells everyone to vote desantis.

Desantis vs Biden would be a wrap. Michelle could win though.
I'd vote for Michelle as well. I also believe that she would win against whomever. However, I am sure it's 0% chance she runs. People too ungrateful and don't appreciate ****. So why bother with that headache. Preserve your peace.
I used to listen to the podcast because I thought he gave the guests freedom to speak and be themselves. They were why I listened. I don’t think Joe has ever made me laugh and outside of fighting (which I don’t care about) I don’t think he knows what he’s talking about. His show is unbearable to listen to now.
Joe is so weird

Dude has this strange affinity for Barack Obama. But mans didn't vote for him either time though from what I can tell

But dude is generally weird about really liking successful black people.
Do y’all think everything he does is a publicity stunt? I feel like everything now is just him trying to stay edgy and viral.
That POS is probably strategically supporting her so he doesn't get labeled as the typical thoughtless white MAGA male. It is his political disingenuous "I have black friends" alibi.
I don’t know much about Rogan so my comment might be uninformed. This is based off the few times i’ve listened. He just has normal convos with a broad variety of people - which many people find engaging.

It seems like he doesn’t get the gravity of having such a huge platform and how much it shapes thought. We have a problem in this country of elevating people to huge platforms that are not versed in science, public policy, etc. I don’t blame him he gets paid but our country is run off some very superficial level thinking.
I think a general consensus about him is you can’t keep playing dumb to all these topics and stances. He’s been in the game (podcasting) for so long with so many guests that he can’t keep calling himself a big stupid oaf like he has to have retained some information.
It seems like he doesn’t get the gravity of having such a huge platform and how much it shapes thought.
I mean, there's something very American about wanting to enjoy the perks of having a large platform with none of the responsibilities.

Vetting your guests is what separates proper journalism from what Rogan does, and the excuse that he is ignorant about what his guests say on his channel can only go so far, especially when he knows folks are ready to appeal to his authority (or the authority of his guests) to argue about issues.

Who's in the echo chamber again?
:lol: I wouldn't even waste time on some rando just popping up to post anti-vax stuff or a coward hiding behind an alt.
Joe has talked about voting for Obama twice. I was an early JRE listener, he definitely was a slightly different person back then. I didn't really care about politics/social issues until I started listening to him. I credit him for awaring me to how gay marriage should absolutely be legal, criminalization of cannabis hurts black people more than any other demographic, that people don't start from the same place and some need more help than others.

To his credit he still believes in these issues but he's one of those people who have been completely turned off by the super woke generation. If you listen to his pretty recent podcast with Ben Shapiro, he argues with him about gay marriage as well as the behavior of cops, both issues that make him seem liberal, but he's just been very vocal about dismissing the ultra wokeness these past few years. To the point it seems like he's over compensating towards the right to express how much he dislikes the super left.

Like most people in this country, we can hold different beliefs about different issues and that's where Rogan seems to lie. Most of us on NT don't watch Fox News so we'll only see the clips where Rogan seems more right wing than not.
Fox will never play clips of the liberal side of Rogan as they need his soundbites so we've got this sort of weird distorted version of who Rogan is.

I still listen to him because he still gets a ton of interesting guests on and I agree with him on a lot of things, and I just skip the ones where I know I just won't agree with a single thing that's said in the episode (e.g. regarding his stance on the vaccine).
Love to see it. The echo chamber on here that tRuStS tHe ScIeNcE will conveniently ignore this doctor though since he doesnt support their narrative.

Suddenly when the narrative doesn't fit now they conveniently need more #'s or have questions :lol: . Trust Science until it doesn't back my opinion, then i will become the judge on what science is credible or not.

It's been hilarious to watch
Joe has talked about voting for Obama twice. I was an early JRE listener, he definitely was a slightly different person back then. I didn't really care about politics/social issues until I started listening to him. I credit him for awaring me to how gay marriage should absolutely be legal, criminalization of cannabis hurts black people more than any other demographic, that people don't start from the same place and some need more help than others.

To his credit he still believes in these issues but he's one of those people who have been completely turned off by the super woke generation. If you listen to his pretty recent podcast with Ben Shapiro, he argues with him about gay marriage as well as the behavior of cops, both issues that make him seem liberal, but he's just been very vocal about dismissing the ultra wokeness these past few years. To the point it seems like he's over compensating towards the right to express how much he dislikes the super left.

Like most people in this country, we can hold different beliefs about different issues and that's where Rogan seems to lie. Most of us on NT don't watch Fox News so we'll only see the clips where Rogan seems more right wing than not.
Fox will never play clips of the liberal side of Rogan as they need his soundbites so we've got this sort of weird distorted version of who Rogan is.

I still listen to him because he still gets a ton of interesting guests on and I agree with him on a lot of things, and I just skip the ones where I know I just won't agree with a single thing that's said in the episode (e.g. regarding his stance on the vaccine).
I listen to avidly Rogan for a while. When someone post a clip of his nonsense I go to Spotify and listen to it in context. If he claimed he voted for Obama twice I really don't believe him because he supported libertarians both times Obama ran. He was a hardcore libertarian in 2008. Said he would write in Ron Paul in 2012. He voted for the libertarian candidate in the pass two elections.

He was a big Ron Paul supporter. To me it was after he let up on the libertarian nonsense did he start talking so highly of Obama. Before that it was a lot of "great role model for black people" type stuff.

Joe Rogan is not some centrist liberal pissed off by "wokeness". He was a libertarian for the longest and after a while admitted he was full of **** on a lot of stuff. Before this stupid moral panic white people are having about "wokeness", he was complaining about PC culture. I remember dude having Sam Harris on and equating BLM to the Alt-right. It is ******* shameful really that a cop coming on his show and breaking down the **** he did to back people was made him concede that point. This transgender nonsense.

Second, there are other sources to learn about the world than Joe Rogan. It is cool that he helped you come around on some things but he peddles a ton of nonsense and people are getting attached to. He also has exposed his audiences to conspiracy theorist and white supremacists. Let them peddle vile nonsense with little pushback. If someone listens to Ezra Klein instead they would learn much more, in a more productive environment. On a lost of subjects especially politics and political economy.

Joe has some liberal social views, he also has many more ****** up ones. And some reactionary ones. When it comes to politics it not some both sides thing. His guess and views are slanted to the right, often in the worse ways. Dude has been pushing Covid conspiracy nonsense for a while now. His few lucid moments don't balance the scales on the amount of ******* he puts out in the world now.
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Suddenly when the narrative doesn't fit now they conveniently need more #'s or have questions :lol: . Trust Science until it doesn't back my opinion, then i will become the judge on what science is credible or not.

It's been hilarious to watch
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bruh the lack of self awareness is amazing
Please get off my **** bro, damn

everyday your replying to multiple post, leaving emojis, referencing me in things. I've told you several times that i don't have anything to discuss with you, i'm not interested in having no discussion stop being a ******* weirdo son.
Please get off my **** bro, damn

everyday your replying to multiple post, leaving emojis, referencing me in things. I've told you several times that i don't have anything to discuss with you, i'm not interested in having no discussion stop being a ****ing weirdo son.
I don't care what you do. Or what delusions you have in your head regarding me.

I will respond to whatever silly post I see whenever I please.
so your gonna continue to try & force dialog with someone who doesn't want to have any discourse with you....

Weird ***
Bro, block me

I don't give a **** about dialoguing with you. I am just pointing and laughing at the nonsense you post.

So again, just block me
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