Joe Rogan Podcast

Scumbags are scumbags regardless of party. If the party thinks it’s ok to lock up children and aren’t affected by a couple of the kids dying then they are absolutely scum.

There are scumbags across all parties and political affiliations, but people gotta drop the "it goes both ways" schtick. This false equivalency just prevents honest discussion to take place.

The GOP cruelty engages in a level of cruelty, racism, lies, selfishness, corruption and anti-interlectual behavior that the Dems do not engage in and the GOP of 50 years ago would be horrified at.

Being cruel to undocumented immigrants, denying climate science, attacking black people voting rights, being hostile to the poor, and trying to strip people of health insurance is being done by one side. And it really doesn't have to be this way.

You can't equate so called liberal smugness to those things. That is what people like Rogan refuse to realize.

There are levels to this ****.

Furthermore he and these new age free speech advocates and not really defending free speech. They are defending the privilege to be disrespectful for certain folk.
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how these threads ALWAYS get political....>D

big part of why I been down with rogan for a long time, he don't really get too political

but Uncle Joey is my guy I can relate to Joey and where he coming from, too real for most folks
how these threads ALWAYS get political....>D

big part of why I been down with rogan for a long time, he don't really get too political

but Uncle Joey is my guy I can relate to Joey and where he coming from, too real for most folks
Rogan is pretty political famb. He is just not that 100% of the time

Politics is just not GOP v Dem. Many of Rogan's guess are political commentators, Rogan's social commentary is inheritantly political.

There are scumbags across all parties and political affiliations, but people gotta drop the "it goes both ways" schtick. This false equivalency just prevents honest discussion to take place.

The GOP cruelty engages in a level of cruelty, racism, lies, selfishness, corruption and anti-interlectual behavior that the Dems do not engage in and the GOP of 50 years ago would be horrified at.

Being cruel to undocumented immigrants, denying climate science, attacking black people voting rights, being hostile to the poor, and trying to strip people of health insurance is being done by one side.

You can't equate so called liberal smugness to those things. That is what people like Rogan refuse to realize.

There are levels to this ****.

Furthermore he and these new age free speech advocates and not really defending free speech. They are defending the privilege to be disrespectful for certain folk.

Thought you was a troll, but you type like Meth.
how these threads ALWAYS get political....>D

big part of why I been down with rogan for a long time, he don't really get too political

but Uncle Joey is my guy I can relate to Joey and where he coming from, too real for most folks
.........I feel you don't actually listen to Rogan or his guests if you think his podcasts aren't political
Joe Roegan one of them play both sides of the fence type. He panders to both. And because of that and some of his views, I can't rock with dude.
. If the party thinks it’s ok to lock up children and aren’t affected by a couple of the kids dying then they are absolutely scum

sure, but if you're playing that game a conservative will turn that table on you and lament how how progressives treat da rights of da unborn...

bottom line is this county has 2 legitimate mainstream political parties who can and WILL be compared and contrasted to, like it or not with some people in here apparently.

both sides have commenable and putird folks, your job as a citizen is to take from everyone who benefits you and keep it moving.
thats how da majority of da country works...da polarized fringes of America are da vast minority

I don't have a problem when you don't identify with a party. I have a problem when people use pandering to both as a means to getting off certain views because they they know they won't be killed for it if they just fully identified one way.
Besides some of the conspiracy theory stuff and talking about ufc fights, I like Bobby Lee’s podcast more. The guy is insane in an entertaining way.

About to listen to today's episode in a little bit...Chris D'Elia

The episodes with Steve are the best
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