Joe Rogan Podcast

I love that he has the balls to feature all kinds of people on his show. Smart and the idiots. If somebody takes alex jones seriously then that's their fault.
I was laughing through the whole podcast. That dude must be an act.
Giving idiots a platform is how all this q anon BS caught traction and trump became the racist president. Cut idiots off
Was bored the other day, so I gave that Kanye interview a listen. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t find the dude to be interesting at all anymore.

What exactly was he there to talk about? Lots of rambling and soooooo much name dropping, sounded like I was listening to a Game album. Eventually if you throw enough crap at the wall something will stick lol, it takes a special talent to speak for that long about mostly nothing at all.
Giving idiots a platform is how all this q anon BS caught traction and trump became the racist president. Cut idiots off

duke, David

trump, Donald

imagine if folks didn’t just give them a platform to find other terrible people in the world
Could care less about him having ppl on the right or weirdos on his podcast. I listen to the ones with ppl I like or that are interesting to me and keep it movin. I know if I had a podcast definitely no ones gonna tell me who I should and shouldn't have on. I talk to whomever I want to and if ppl don't like it, they'll tune out. That's just my outlook.
I love how Rogan’s right wing base is on the verge of revolting against the show because of Spotify.
I don't think he'll ever have Dave Rubin or Candace Owens on his show ever again, so he does seem to have his limits.

You just got to skip the bad and enjoy the good interviews when it comes to him.
Very underrated comment..You literally don't have to click on this eps..LOL Im too busy in life to write a paragraph about the why such and such shouldn't be on another persons platform etc.. I skip countless eps because of the guest or the content Im just not interested in..
he did have her on. two years ago.

i tend to only watch the episodes that have academics and intellectuals. not a jab at Candace or alex jones but the Graham Hancocks, Lex Friedmans; professors, scientists etc. i skip the UFC ones and the comedians that come over just for the chit chat
He had her on once, and I really think that's gonna be it. You know it's bad when Rogan is giving you "You're full of BS" looks during a podcast.

Anyways, Wille D is going on his podcast soon. Supposed to be at the end of October. Between him and Kulinski, maybe that'll give the show a little more balance for some people.
Listening to the Alex Jones interview.
Legit I feel like if you have an opinion on something you can just google the opposing side of it pull an article and argue it....thats alex jones.

It all seems to boil down to "Global Take over of humanity"....which like legit is a stupid conspiracy.
Electric cars help the environment - NOPE pulls articles about energy consumption
Global Warming - HOAX pulls articles about CO2 levels from thousands of years ago
Self driving cars - STOP its to control humanity

like honestly....dudes job is to refute any and everything.
Listening to the Alex Jones interview.
Legit I feel like if you have an opinion on something you can just google the opposing side of it pull an article and argue it....thats alex jones.

It all seems to boil down to "Global Take over of humanity"....which like legit is a stupid conspiracy.
Electric cars help the environment - NOPE pulls articles about energy consumption
Global Warming - HOAX pulls articles about CO2 levels from thousands of years ago
Self driving cars - STOP its to control humanity

like honestly....dudes job is to refute any and everything.
You’re right about finding “evidence”. Couple that with people not knowing how legitimate scientific research is conducted, how to correctly interpret numbers, and how to come to logical conclusions based on multiple agreeing scientifically backed proofs...... well.... you get America

I can “prove” Bigfoot is real based on the internet
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the biggest problem I have with JRE or any podcasts that do #s, there's no fact check section. when a person talks about something that's not true, that gets passed around like it's facts & we already know what happens when a lie is said enough times.

Here’s what I’m saying. He talks about Facebook but it applies

I don't agree w/ a an fcc regulating social media. If we're putting a blockades on conspiracy theories then why not start at Christianity & Islam? Those have been like the most weaponized baseless tools known to modern man. I saw a video of an Isis a toddler maybe 3 or 4 being instructed to shoot a guy in the head while cuffed to a cage. Trans Atlantic Slaves brought to the America's were "justifiably" controlled by the good book.

I think the call for regulations on these platforms is just bs. They're gonna end up elsewhere anyway. These are moderators job's, not the fcc.
I don't agree w/ a an fcc regulating social media. If we're putting a blockades on conspiracy theories then why not start at Christianity & Islam? Those have been like the most weaponized baseless tools known to modern man. I saw a video of an Isis a toddler maybe 3 or 4 being instructed to shoot a guy in the head while cuffed to a cage. Trans Atlantic Slaves brought to the America's were "justifiably" controlled by the good book.

I think the call for regulations on these platforms is just bs. They're gonna end up elsewhere anyway. These are moderators job's, not the fcc.


But Joe Rogan’s gimmick isn’t that appealing, especially when he brings low information individuals such as Alex Jones and Kanye West on his show.

Alex Jones is literally out here shouting that Sandy Hook was a hoax and some folks are like “well I don’t have a problem with Joe Rogan having a harmful person on his massive platform, I like him because he gave Wiz Khalifa too much time to bloviate about nothing at all.”

And still others are like, “I don’t mind that Joe Rogan once said a movie theater full of black people reminded him of planet of the Apes, I like the Bill Burr episode”.

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the biggest problem I have with JRE or any podcasts that do #s, there's no fact check section. when a person talks about something that's not true, that gets passed around like it's facts & we already know what happens when a lie is said enough times.

But Joe Rogan’s gimmick isn’t that appealing, especially when he brings low information individuals such as Alex Jones and Kanye West on his show.

Alex Jones is literally out here shouting that Sandy Hook was a hoax and some folks are like “well I don’t have a problem with Joe Rogan having a harmful person on his massive platform, I like him because he gave Wiz Khalifa too much time to bloviate about nothing at all.”

And still others are like, “I don’t mind that Joe Rogan once said a movie theater full of black people reminded him of planet of the Apes, I like the Bill Burr episode”.

Yes and yes. Again, there’s a difference between opinion on proven fact and spreading disinformation. That **** needs to be checked. It’s not censorship to shut down complete lies.
I swear ****** tried to argue me down on this very point in this very thread a few years back. :lol:
Our own stupid president runs on complete unchecked lies. Literally ever tweet and post is made up BS. Those same lies are what has caused Covid to spread and remain in the country for generations to come. But I guess let him because they also let the truth be said? Gotta be fair?

freedom of speech applied back when a townhall meeting was the biggest platform someone could reach. That **** is outdated and needs to be completely rethought out
I don't agree w/ a an fcc regulating social media. If we're putting a blockades on conspiracy theories then why not start at Christianity & Islam? Those have been like the most weaponized baseless tools known to modern man. I saw a video of an Isis a toddler maybe 3 or 4 being instructed to shoot a guy in the head while cuffed to a cage. Trans Atlantic Slaves brought to the America's were "justifiably" controlled by the good book.

I think the call for regulations on these platforms is just bs. They're gonna end up elsewhere anyway. These are moderators job's, not the fcc.
Again, that was just a quick overview that followed the same train of thought I have. But a couple things

1. like it or not (I don’t) religion is off limits. Don’t ask why, it just is

2. misinformation lead to a lot of avoidable things, why are you fore it now then?

3. Trusting someone to do their job doesn’t work. Just doesn’t. If you need proof look at mask wearing. No mandate = not gonna do it for a large chunk

4. If misinformation is stopped on major platforms (radio, internet, TV) that’s a large enough dent in my book.

again NOT a ban on opinion, the stopping of complete disinformation.
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