Joe Rogan Podcast

Yes. They’re peddling bs too. My last ex was into that pseudo science Bs. Celery juice. Organic food. Shamans. Etc.

None of this is regulated. Lol. Charlatans. Snake Oil Salesman.
A lot of Joe Rogan types are simply the inverse of the woo woo crunchy organic vegan types.

the type of people who make claims of feeling more connected to the earth because they eat all organic food grown in their personal garden ect ect.

If that person goes around touting how connected the earth they feel because they only eat squash grown in Himalayan's whatever

and they recommend that to you
and they really truly believe it...

would you classify them as a snake oil salesmen?
I don't even really classify the Liver King as one totally.
because he seemed to really believe in his protocol.

snake oil to me, is someone who knows what he's selling is BS, but pushes it anyways.
If they owned a supplement company, were pushing their platform to push those supplements, present a low participant study they help fund (that's how he marketed Alpha Brain) like it is on the same level FDA approved drugs do through, and claim that a certain substance is not enough, people should buy their special high quality version of the substance


Then yes.

I would call them that
Yes. They’re peddling bs too. My last ex was into that pseudo science Bs. Celery juice. Organic food. Shamans. Etc.

None of this is regulated. Lol. Charlatans. Snake Oil Salesman.

I think this is just a semantic argument.

to me I have a problem with vegans, organic types when they start trying to scare monger about GMO's for example.

but I don't have a problem with them saying by super beat juice formula with 48 different types of melon is good for you.
People are naive. Ignorant.

It’s like hey I’m impoverished, making ends meet, have 0 financial literacy. Some financial obligation came up. Get a pay day loan. High interest loan. Predatory practices. Yadda, yadda. Should I have the attitude that the person seeking the loan should know better? 🤷🏽‍♂️

This country is odd in that regards. It seems like everything is against the normal Joe Schmo. And most of the laws favor large corporations versus the consumer.

They could outlaw the bs. Naw. Let shiesters continue selling their snake oil. It’s the American Way.

At this point Yea quite honestly anyhting else is asking yourself to be victimized. We have gotta stop doing this thing where we prep for the world how we want it instead of how it actually is. We have absolutely Zero incentive to think that America is trying to do better for the average man, in fact i would argue it's gotten progressively worse.

The Sheisters as you put it run this place & have all the power & never have the greater good of the people on their mind. So it is then up to the consumer to internalize that reality & equip themselves as much as possible to not be taken advantage of
If they owned a supplement company, were pushing their platform to push those supplements, present a low participant study they help fund like it is on the same level FDA approved drugs do through, and claim that a certain substance is not enough, people should buy their special high quality version


Then yes.

I would call them that

I think this would apply to like %100 of supplement companies.

but fair enough.
I think this is just a semantic argument.

to me I have a problem with vegans, organic types when they start trying to scare monger about GMO's for example.

but I don't have a problem with them saying by super beat juice formula with 48 different types of melon is good for you.
What do you think you will find I'd you searched for "Joe Rogan GMOs"
Wait you mean I can’t look like this just by taking what’s pictured?

My claim is not joe rogan "all of joe rogan's health advice is great!"

he's an anti-vaxer.

my point was, using TRT and selling supplements is not definitionally problematic/selling "snake oil"
Anybody listen to the Joe Rogan Experience? It's some interesting stuff, gets me thinking and he's open to all sorts of crazy nutty ideas which is pretty cool
Check it out if you haven't, its kept me away from boredom many many times

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History, and host of "StarTalk Radio." His newest book, "Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization," is available now. -
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Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History, and host of "StarTalk Radio." His newest book, "Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization," is available now. -

The thing about liver king was he was asked multiple times if he was on any type of enhancement and he straight faced said he’s never taken anything in his life and never will lol

He was blatantly lying to peoples faces to sell his lifestyle/brand/product.

That’s a problem.

It’s one thing to be evasive I understand that, but it’s a completely different thing to just be a stone cold liar. Especially when you’re selling stuff.
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