Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Funny you asked that considering I had a interview yesterday and asked both interviewers the typical what was their trajectory to the current position they have as well as what would their current selves say to themselves the first day in the company.

Two good questions to consider. I'm going to ask about company culture as well. Just dk if there is anything with more substance that I should consider including.
Ghosting by recruiters.

They reach out to you and say you sound like a good candidate, asking for my availability to chat. I tell them days and times, they say they are busy, please provide additional availability, so I send more. they say cool, ill reach out to you on day and time. agreed upon time rolls around and no call happens. I reach out to reschedule, and they say sorry got caught up. they say ill be available day and time. I say cool, and reach out. No answer. I follow up again. I say I can be reached between times on the day, just give me a call, they say alright will do, but no call happens. I'm like **** it at that point.

Happened twice in the last six months.

Thanks for that. I recruit myself working in HR, and I read a lot of critiques people have to say about recruiters online, primarily Twitter/Reddit, and have learned to make sure I'm avoiding things I would hate being on the opposite side when job seeking. Your situation is worse than usual, from what I've typically seen. People set times aside for phone interviews just as they would for a one-on-one interview.

I can tell you I can get A LOT of applicants for a position, and it can be overwhelming, but I always felt I owed it to the applicant to let them know where they stand in the job search, whether we have moved on with another candidate or whether we want them. Over the years, I've seen recruiters who find it okay to just not follow up, as though applicants will "just get it" that they weren't selected and I ******* hate that.
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Silly question, but when taking a phone call interview/screener, when the company rep asks "Do you have any questions for me?" what should you be asking? Is it a test or are they just genuinely asking if you have any questions regarding the company/role? I always find himself just asking "How quickly are you looking to move with the position" and always hang up thinking I should have asked more.

My suggestion would be to ask them what they are looking for in an ideal candidate.

When you ask them this, they'll probably mention a qualification you forgot to mention about your experience, or a qualification you possess that you didn't think applied to this position that can help your stock in obtaining the job or simply landing the interview. Just a few more minutes of letting them know your worth.

My other suggestion would be to ask them how quickly they plan on filling the role. I touched on it in my last post, but there are a lot of incompetent recruiters who won't follow up with you to let you know where you stand and have you wondering whether you're still in the running for the position. With asking that you have a timetable for knowing just in case the recruiter pulls the tactic of just not contacting you ever again.
i would say do it shows youre proactive i hit up a CFO for a company i knew there was a open position for and i landed the job same day of interview
Hit them up directly through LinkedIN. I got an interview this way. Try to find their recruiters and tell them directly that you meet and exceed all the qualification listed on the job posting, and here is my resume.
If you're in Seattle or willing to relocate. I'm looking for someone to join my team. We're looking for a Project Coordinator in the security field.

It's a mid level job, but if you're an entry level person PM anyway.
the main ppl i was making money with got cases now so i had to stop doing what i did.

i dont wanna go back to the workforce but idle time is worse than time not used to make money..

anyone got any tips on what i can do with $100K saved up? **** retirment n all that ****, im planning to die before 60, so let me know what i can do with $100K cash saved up please
I would do surveys, but IDK.

Enjoying my actual unemployment a little, do need some money in my pockets though.
progressive got work from home paying from 16-20 an hour but you need your property and casualty license. im gonna attempt it as the test isnt that expensive. found some flash cards online and a youtube tutorial
Journeys was hiring I think, just haven't gotten around to any apps. Getting to and from work would be hard as ****.
the main ppl i was making money with got cases now so i had to stop doing what i did.

i dont wanna go back to the workforce but idle time is worse than time not used to make money..

anyone got any tips on what i can do with $100K saved up? **** retirment n all that ****, im planning to die before 60, so let me know what i can do with $100K cash saved up please
Talk to a wealth advisor, maybe they can get your money to make money.
the main ppl i was making money with got cases now so i had to stop doing what i did.

i dont wanna go back to the workforce but idle time is worse than time not used to make money..

anyone got any tips on what i can do with $100K saved up? **** retirment n all that ****, im planning to die before 60, so let me know what i can do with $100K cash saved up please
Index/mutual funds
the main ppl i was making money with got cases now so i had to stop doing what i did.

i dont wanna go back to the workforce but idle time is worse than time not used to make money..

anyone got any tips on what i can do with $100K saved up? **** retirment n all that ****, im planning to die before 60, so let me know what i can do with $100K cash saved up please
You better move if there is any chance they snitch.
I work in entry lvl IT. The money is decent and the benefits are great but I rlly wanna get out of a job where u stare at a computer screen all day. Has anyone else made a career change like that? I also have a useless degree in history so there’s that.... smh
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I work in entry lvl IT. The money is decent and the benefits are great but I rlly wanna get on of a job where u stare at a computer screen all day. Has anyone else made a career change like that? I also have a useless degree in history so there’s that.... smh
As a fellow history graduate, how did you get into IT? I'm looking to making the switch to IT.
100% sure I'm quitting my job Monday.

I work customer service for a legal company and they have very deceptive ways of making people sign up for subscriptions. Every day customers call confused, wondering why they've been charged, and as i explain to them how they got got, i feel like a clown and a fool because i know about it and i feel their pain, yet i remain there day after day, as if i condone it.

No more.

I've got another opportunity approaching that could put me in a position to do what I've wanted to do my entire life and potentially change my life. I might reveal more later, but I'll say this, people are already telling me that they've seen me on TV. I fly out to cali to do some professional filming in 2 weeks.

This job is teaching me valuable lessons while simultaneously eating at my soul.

To make ends meet I'll just have to get my grind with Uber until something pops off
This thread kinda dead so i guess all yall got jobs now huh? Well I dont & this **** sucks :lol:

Any of yall work for yourselves? Thinking about doing that somehow
I do need to up my upwork account to bring in solid clients. Also, still making moves- slowly- on my store.

Current job culture is trash- only been here a month, so I can’t see myself staying for long. They would have to let me go first tho.

To those not working, keep your head up. Yes a check is a check but the grass ain’t always greener.
Census hiring all over NorCal
had a interview last week for my best job opportunity yet and blew it because i couldnt get a hold of my nerves :smh: didnt help that there was 2 people interviewing me too i hate interviews :lol:
I've been at my current gig for 3 years
Pros: Great team that I've known for years, good hours, flexibility, no micro-managing, stable industry
Cons: At 27yo, I should be making more $ -- my current salary is only 25% higher than when I started in 2016

I admit that I got complacent about 1.5 years in
I'm now applying for jobs
Let's get it
Should I take the FedEx express job at 19.75 am hr or wait and see if I can get a Gis technician or some data analyst job with my degree
Should I take the FedEx express job at 19.75 am hr or wait and see if I can get a Gis technician or some data analyst job with my degree
Take the FedEX job if its guaranteed. You move up decently fast. You get pretty good benefits. Holiday pay can be a nice bonus. Also, you can take multiple routes, you can futher your career and become a semi-truck driver getting 90,000+ per diem doing interstate deliveries or you can get to corporate and get a nice desk job make good bank. You just have to sacrifice the first 12 -18 months in the warehouse, but even at that entry level job, youre getting decent pay (Depending on where you live, and what your living situation is ***)
19.75 ain’t that bad to start.

That’s more than I made in my first truck driving job 4 years ago driving a tractor trailer...
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