Jeff Van Gundy: "Kobe plays with a bunch of softies" (video)

I been saying that Gasol and Bynum are (()). Kobe can't do everything for that team. They need someone in that locker room to step it up emotionally andphysically.
I agree with JVG. I told my girl during the offseason that we were going to miss Turiafs energy and toughness and that letting him could possibly hurt us.
Originally Posted by bangtcg

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

BTW, after hearing Bill Simmons fruity @!+ voice i hate him even more....

Originally Posted by purpleRElGN

bill simmons voice is the way i imagine the voices of all lakers/kobe haters on here
yup. simmons voice is so hilariously weak.
i swear i won't be able to take his columns seriously anymore... i'll just start laughing when i imagine that voice in my head
Everything that was said MINUS Radamanivic is correct. Vlade was a bum.

and as a Laker fan i've been asking if someone can show me Bynum running the floor and aggressivley getting into position like Shaq would back in the day.Dude complains about not getting the ball but just stands in the lane with his hands out.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Everything that was said MINUS Radamanivic is correct. Vlade was a bum.

and as a Laker fan i've been asking if someone can show me Bynum running the floor and aggressivley getting into position like Shaq would back in the day. Dude complains about not getting the ball but just stands in the lane with his hands out.

youre so right.
Shaq used to run down and get really deep position and force the guards to pass it to him.
Bynum just isnt strong enough. Hayes/Scola easily take his legs out and force him outside the key
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

JVG: "Kobe Bryant, I want to be your next coach." Basically.
I'll take him over Phil Jackson . Imo Jackson is very overrated as a coach. Any brand name coach with a healthy Bryant and Jordan could havewon at least 3-4 chips
wait, what the heck is wrong with Bill Simmons voice? I did NOT expect his voice to be like that. LOL, i no longer will let Bill Simmons get to me when I readhis anti-laker reports. He's just mad cuz he sounds like a fruit basket
The golden and only rule of Lakers Kobe fans post Shaq era:

When the Lakers win: It's all Kobe
When the Lakers lose: It's everyone's fault but Kobe's

@ people still thinking that lebron is doing more with less
dude has the best team in the league BY FAR


dude has shooters, tough defensive guys, veteran players, post up players, basically everything

Outside of Ilgauskas, who if he played for the Lakers would just be another soft Euro following a Lakers L like Gasol, he has nothing but rejects from suchbasketball juggernauts as the Seattle Supersonics, Milwaukee Bucks and Oklahoma City Thunder. All these journeymen were made better by LeBron, something thatKobe couldn't have done. Kobe fans just can't cope with this fact.
JVG sounds like me. Spot on.

Xtapolapacetl: Not all man, I blame Kobe just as much as the next person but you can't say Kobe isn't giving effort night in and out. The problem isdecisions and 1 big decision is not getting into teammates.

Also if you want others to respond to you because sometimes you are objective, stop doing acting like Lebron is flawless cuz you hate when Kobe fans do itabout Kobe.

You wrong about Z for sure he's been balling before Lebron get it right. He just has feet problems like Rick Smits had he's always been solid on theboards cuz he uses his size well, jumper straight, foul shots, and guards the paint.

Don't act like Bron has nothing then you say Kobe has everything when it's all spelled out each game you watch.
The golden and only rule of Lakers Kobe fans post Shaq era:

When the Lakers win: It's all Kobe
When the Lakers lose: It's everyone's fault but Kobe's
yehh i blame every-f'n-body when we lose...kobes no one special...he also takes stupid jumpshots when they can drive it to the hole...kindalike how the team is...when he drives and becomes aggressive so does the team...being that kobe is the leader his guys follow on what he does
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

The golden and only rule of Lakers Kobe fans post Shaq era:

When the Lakers win: It's all Kobe
When the Lakers lose: It's everyone's fault but Kobe's

@ people still thinking that lebron is doing more with less
dude has the best team in the league BY FAR


dude has shooters, tough defensive guys, veteran players, post up players, basically everything

Outside of Ilgauskas, who if he played for the Lakers would just be another soft Euro following a Lakers L like Gasol, he has nothing but rejects from such basketball juggernauts as the Seattle Supersonics, Milwaukee Bucks and Oklahoma City Thunder. All these journeymen were made better by LeBron, something that Kobe couldn't have done. Kobe fans just can't cope with this fact.

Wally - former all-star
Ben Wallace - 4-time DPOY and former multiple all-star
Z - former multiple all-star
Mo Will - All-Star

Gasol - 2-time All-star

My point: Cavs have a lot more talent than people think

I think A BIG thing people forget is the offense. CLE runs a "give-it-to-Lebron" offense where LBJ touches the ball every possession and eithershoots himself or kicks to shooter (which the Lakers have none of)

In L.A., Kobe can go a few possessions without even touching the ball.

the triange can make good or decent players look awful because it doesn't exploit mismatches. So many times L.O. has a mismatch, but they don't giveit to him in the post, instead they run the damn offense. Same with Bynum, Gasol and others.

The triange is so hard for players to learn, and this becomes a weakness in the team. I think if LBJ and Kobe switched teams, Kobe would do the same thingLebron is doing, but not because of the talent level around him, but because of the offensive system that the coach runs.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

The golden and only rule of Lakers Kobe fans post Shaq era:

When the Lakers win: It's all Kobe
When the Lakers lose: It's everyone's fault but Kobe's
well not all... There are alot of times Kobe would get blamed for losses (Portland game) when Kobe would jack up shots, commit wild turnovers... then Laker haters will get on Laker fans saying "All laker fans are the same.. blaming Kobe"
So I don't know what it is.. we can't even criticize our own teamwithout Laker/Kobe haters getting all mad
One group of haters willcall out Laker fans for blaming Kobe, another group lf haters will call out Kobe fans for blaming the supporting cast
Originally Posted by jbone2308

JVG sounds like me. Spot on.

Xtapolapacetl: Not all man, I blame Kobe just as much as the next person but you can't say Kobe isn't giving effort night in and out. The problem is decisions and 1 big decision is not getting into teammates.

Also if you want others to respond to you because sometimes you are objective, stop doing acting like Lebron is flawless cuz you hate when Kobe fans do it about Kobe.

You wrong about Z for sure he's been balling before Lebron get it right. He just has feet problems like Rick Smits had he's always been solid on the boards cuz he uses his size well, jumper straight, foul shots, and guards the paint.

Don't act like Bron has nothing then you say Kobe has everything when it's all spelled out each game you watch.

The problem is that Kobe fanboys are coming with arguments that can't be backed up rationally. For example, all I see is Gasol averaging 18 and 10 on 55%shooting throughout the playoffs, all they see is "soft", "charmin", etc. All I see in the losses that have come against the Rockets isKobe taking jumper after missed jumper while all they see is Kobe being the only one who cares, the other Lakers players not giving enough effort. So if theykeep saying things like this over and over again, and get backed up by JVG so they can start a thread about it, it might become true.

Yeah, Z sure was "ballin before LeBron", with his 17-win season the year before LeBron came into the league. And that was a younger, better versionof Ilgauskas, when he was in his prime.
Wally - former all-star

You're kidding, right?

Ben Wallace - 4-time DPOY and former multiple all-star

You... Surely, you must be kidding.

Z - former multiple all-star

Okay, I've come to the conclusion that you must be kidding so I won't reply to these. Imagine all the stuff you could write if the Cavs somehow signedSteve Francis.

Mo Will - All-Star

I bet all the Kobe fanboys were jumping for joy when the 14.8 ppg in the playoffs averaging Mo Williams was given that last all-star spot due to an injury. Hemay have B.J. Armstronged and Dana Barrosed his way to the all-star game this time, but we'll see what happens in the future. He'll need anothermiracle to play in an all-star game again, much like he needed one this time.

Gasol - 2-time All-star

Gasol - franchise player who led a bum team to a 49-win season and its first and only playoff appearance ever. If the Lakers win a championship, Gasol would beseen as a true #2 man who helped win a championship. If the Cavs win the championship, it will be LeBron and a bunch of role players like the 93-94 Rockets.

My point: Cavs have a lot more talent than people think

Like Charles Barkley says, EVERY team in the NBA has talent. Every player in the NBA has talent, otherwise they wouldn't be in the NBA. It's just thatthat talent looks a lot better when they're winning (due to LeBron). The OKC Thunder have a very talented roster. If the Thunder won 45 games this year,which they were capable of looking at their roster, people would be saying a lot more positively about them even though they were the same team they are now.

I think A BIG thing people forget is the offense. CLE runs a "give-it-to-Lebron" offense where LBJ touches the ball every possession and either shoots himself or kicks to shooter (which the Lakers have none of)

In L.A., Kobe can go a few possessions without even touching the ball.

LeBron's usage percentage is 33.8 while Kobe's is 32.2, a small difference. It's not about the amount of time they're touching the ball,it's what they do with it while they're touching it. And LeBron's decisions with the ball in his hands > Kobe's.

the triange can make good or decent players look awful because it doesn't exploit mismatches. So many times L.O. has a mismatch, but they don't give it to him in the post, instead they run the damn offense. Same with Bynum, Gasol and others.

The triange is so hard for players to learn, and this becomes a weakness in the team. I think if LBJ and Kobe switched teams, Kobe would do the same thing Lebron is doing, but not because of the talent level around him, but because of the offensive system that the coach runs.

What is it with Kobe fanboys using the triangle system as an excuse for everything they please? Didn't Phil win 9 rings with the triangle? The year theyhad Rudy T. as their coach they didn't have the triangle and I haven't seen any difference in Kobe's game. Nor did I see one when they played onthe U.S. team in the olympics.
Yet another Kobe vs LeBron thread. I agree with Van Gundy tho.

And to the dude in the beginning of this thread
you for saying David Stern won't let the Rockets win.
Originally Posted by enrique23

how is jvg even thinking that the rockets might beat us?
stern is not allowing the rockets or denver to beat us
the cavs/lakers final has already been decided
would you really want the lakers to advance to the finals because of this?
Someone tell that guy who the defensive coach for the Lakers is and what philosophy he has constituted.
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