Jay Z says 'My presence is charity', compares self to Obama in response to Harry Belafonte's critici

Strong irony in your post. You are the one talking down on MLK in the post that I quoted and then going on to state how Jay-Z can inspire so many.

These are your words:
Ok in which he did.. I even posted a quote from the man...So im not getting your point. I made at statement based on HIS opinion of himself...and based on factual events that happen. Stating a fact about a person in which the person themselves acknowledge isn't talking down on them its being objective, non bias and honest.

Am I discrediting what he accomplished NO... Did I say the bad outweigh the good? Again NO. Same can be said about Malcolm. I respect and admire what he did, doesn't mean that his approach and ideology on some issues was in the best interest of AA.

The reasoning behind me mentioning it was yall were pinpointing specific negative aspects of Jay Z and discrediting the positive things he has done and focusing mostly on the negative. To which I stated why aren't you doing that to all ppl?

You don't take the fact that Malcolm had a criminal past that includes SELLING DRUGS... larceny, home invasion, illegal gambling, and criminal mischief and just focus on that and disregard the good things he did, and the things he accomplished...Why cant you do the same to for Jay Z?

In essence both had a checkered past, and used words/ a message to inspire the youth of their perspective generation...(be it jay z does it more with money then what Malcolm did, and Malcolm accomplished more with his message in a social sense then Jay Z words has ever done).
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King's eventual disillusionment became because of the lack

of success the blacks were making in America. This

discomfort is reflected in his "A time to break the

silence" speech. He realize that while his efforts to bridge the racial gap in America,
were of importance, it was at the expense of African Americans progression.

No one even mentioned that he has done more... when did I say that. People comprehension skills are at an all time low today.

What I said is that Jay Z is more relatable to TODAYS AA then MLK is. And that for all the great things MLK did, there was a cost to it that hurt his community as well ala Jay Z.

If you take each of their respective backgrounds and compare it to the average AA of TODAY...far more ppl backgrounds would reflect one of Jay Z's then that of MLK's...this isn't an opinion but fact.

72.8% of AA American homes are single parent homes in which the single parent is the mother.
81.3% of AA do not have a post secondary college
48% of AA have been arrested and convicted of a crime
54% of AA have a high school diploma or equivalent

Those numbers coincide with Jay and a vast majority of AA ie relate to his background...

Am I saying Jay Z is some civil right activist or has done anything on the levels of a MLK a Rose Parks so on and so forth NO. What I said was as far as TODAY, in our current society, in the current conditions of AA's. Jay Z background and past is more relatable and can inspire the youth moreso then an MLK because his struggles upbringing etc... is closely similar to the VAST MAJORITY of AA of TODAY.
The whole conversation is about why Jay-Z does not belong in the same conversation with someone of like MLK J's stature.
Not about who people can relate to more. And I know that you are using that to support your argument that Jay-Z has inspired more people.
But that is your opinion. Lets look at cold hard facts.

MLK- caused a paradigm shift in the way people treat other human beings, inspiring not only blacks, but whites to look at themselves and change their questionable morals. He organized some of the biggest non violent protests in American history,( the I Have A Dream speech was the largest gathering of protesters in Washington, D.C.'s history.). That entire protest was a demand to put an end to racial segregation in public schools, give meaningful civil rights legislation, including a law prohibiting racial discrimination in employment, give protection of civil rights workers from police brutality, give a $2 minimum wage for all workers, and for self-government for Washington, D.C., then governed by congressional committee.

He helped change the way the country as a whole, and even the world operated. Every last one of those things bettered every single black person. And bettered some white people, in the sense that they updated their outdated morals.

Jay-Z hasnt done anything EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE to ANY of those things. The only thing that you can really say that lots of black people have started doing because Jay-Z said it is, stopped wearing throwback jerseys, and stopped buying Cristal.
And that is the whole point. Jay-z has all this "relatability" in your opinion, but what does he use it for?
Other than tell us how rich he is (he is NOT a billionaire btw, even with Beyonce's money so you guys can stop saying that now),
and talk about street life(which none of us need a reminder of how the hood operates, we have a constant reminder by living there).
hen will Jay-Z use that relatability to actually help someone other than himself?
It's such a tired argument at this point that it barely deserves a response. 2pac or Jay-Z, or Lil Wayne, or whatever rapper you want to add did not do more than MLK.
The hilarious thing about this thread is, Jay-z is actually involved in many charitable and humanitarian endeavors. But I love his response to his haters.
So...I've decide I'm goin to keep letting Jayz n Obama be an influence I'm my life. Don't really care what y'all opinions are, proof is in the pudding. We got a black president, we have a black business leader that still goes to the hood. Long story short, y'all have y'all influences, ill have mine.

Jealousy is a weak emotion.

Once again ill say (just to dispel the myth that jay doesn't have any positive impact on any black youths).

Every morning when I studied for my Lsat I listened to Grammy Family freestyle (literally, for like three months) n everytime I feel stressed about School I throw on American Gangsta( because I passed with good enough grades to get in, in large part to motivational words, n the hope of success).

Y'all have what drives you, I'll have what drives me, time will tell who has a better ride.
His money is not the issue here. If it was then many of you are hypocrites because you hate Oprah and she has done way more than Jay-Z monetarily.
The issue is him saying his "presence IS charity," and how he should be mentioned with the likes of MLK, and Ghandi. Which morphed into how much he does for black people.
And I like some others feel like regardless of how much money he gives away, his music offers no hope for black people.
Reporting on the streets and bragging about your money and name dropping does NOTHING to inspire hope.
It only gives urban blacks the illusion that if they sell drugs like Jay-Z did, maybe they can make enough money, like he did, to do something else, like he did, and be a baller too, like he is.
All the while, never giving any real insight on how to be successful.

And in fact it cripples the hood with the fairytale of hood success.
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i used to bump Project Pat when i studied in college.

project pat >>>>

To be only a little condescending...did project pat help you get into lawschool? (Yes that's a dbag comment, super pretentious but the haters got me feeling froggy about the things I accomplished. Lawschool doesn't make me better, but that **** is tough n a **** load don't make it to year two.)
So...I've decide I'm goin to keep letting Jayz n Obama be an influence I'm my life. Don't really care what y'all opinions are, proof is in the pudding. We got a black president, we have a black business leader that still goes to the hood. Long story short, y'all have y'all influences, ill have mine.

Jealousy is a weak emotion.

Once again ill say (just to dispel the myth that jay doesn't have any positive impact on any black youths).

Every morning when I studied for my Lsat I listened to Grammy Family freestyle (literally, for like three months) n everytime I feel stressed about School I throw on American Gangsta( because I passed with good enough grades to get in, in large part to motivational words, n the hope of success).

Y'all have what drives you, I'll have what drives me, time will tell who has a better ride.
For example I listen to Grammy Family/Corporate Takeover before I have job interviews, big meetings, presentations Etc. A lot of his music is inspirational IDC what anyone says
i used to bump Project Pat when i studied in college.

project pat >>>>

To be only a little condescending...did project pat help you get into lawschool? (Yes that's a dbag comment, super pretentious but the haters got me feeling froggy about the things I accomplished. Lawschool doesn't make me better, but that **** is tough n a **** load don't make it to year two.)

i retired after undergrad. but if you feel like jay-z is getting you through law school (literally, that what the above statement sounds like, but i'm sure that's not what you mean) then more power to you.

i listen to as much hip hop as the next person, i just can draw that much of an influence from someone i've never met. i often quote "9-5 is how they say how you survive...." but its only a dope line to me. no rapper go me through college, my hard work did
i used to bump Project Pat when i studied in college.

project pat >>>>

To be only a little condescending...did project pat help you get into lawschool? (Yes that's a dbag comment, super pretentious but the haters got me feeling froggy about the things I accomplished. Lawschool doesn't make me better, but that **** is tough n a **** load don't make it to year two.)

Who cares. Next a dude's going to come in and say did Diggy Simmons help you get a Ph.D like me.
i used to bump Project Pat when i studied in college.

project pat >>>>

To be only a little condescending...did project pat help you get into lawschool? (Yes that's a dbag comment, super pretentious but the haters got me feeling froggy about the things I accomplished. Lawschool doesn't make me better, but that **** is tough n a **** load don't make it to year two.)

Who cares. Next a dude's going to come in and say did Diggy Simmons help you get a Ph.D like me.

And if Diggy Simmons does that for an entire generation of Black men then his presence can be charity too.
To be only a little condescending...did project pat help you get into lawschool? (Yes that's a dbag comment, super pretentious but the haters got me feeling froggy about the things I accomplished. Lawschool doesn't make me better, but that **** is tough n a **** load don't make it to year two.)
Did Jay-Z help YOU get into Law School?
Or was it YOUR OWN DRIVE AND DEDICATION to better yourself, that got you through?
Did he take your tests for you? Did he pay the professor?
On a percentage scale, how much he HE do, and how much did YOU do?

I am only asking an equally pretentious question because, I really dont want to believe that you are going to give all the credit to Jay-Z for YOU getting into law school. And I understand that music touches people and helps with studying, but Im sure Jay-Z isnt the only person you listen to.
But at the time you were feeling his music and choose to listen to him. But couldnt you have just as easily listened to another one of your favorite artists to help YOU study?

In any case, Jay-Z does do his fair amount of inspiring people, just off the fact that he is successful alone. But there are also many, many other successful black people, that do just about as much as he does.
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The whole conversation is about why Jay-Z does not belong in the same conversation with someone of like MLK J's stature.
Not about who people can relate to more. And I know that you are using that to support your argument that Jay-Z has inspired more people.
But that is your opinion. Lets look at cold hard facts.

MLK- caused a paradigm shift in the way people treat other human beings, inspiring not only blacks, but whites to look at themselves and change their questionable morals. He organized some of the biggest non violent protests in American history,( the I Have A Dream speech was the largest gathering of protesters in Washington, D.C.'s history.). That entire protest was a demand to put an end to racial segregation in public schools, give meaningful civil rights legislation, including a law prohibiting racial discrimination in employment, give protection of civil rights workers from police brutality, give a $2 minimum wage for all workers, and for self-government for Washington, D.C., then governed by congressional committee.

He helped change the way the country as a whole, and even the world operated. Every last one of those things bettered every single black person. And bettered some white people, in the sense that they updated their outdated morals.

Jay-Z hasnt done anything EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE to ANY of those things. The only thing that you can really say that lots of black people have started doing because Jay-Z said it is, stopped wearing throwback jerseys, and stopped buying Cristal.
And that is the whole point. Jay-z has all this "relatability" in your opinion, but what does he use it for?
Other than tell us how rich he is (he is NOT a billionaire btw, even with Beyonce's money so you guys can stop saying that now),
and talk about street life(which none of us need a reminder of how the hood operates, we have a constant reminder by living there).
hen will Jay-Z use that relatability to actually help someone other than himself?
And how many of todays youth have knowledge of this...The proof is in the pudding. You have ppl in here saying they listen to all sorts of rappers etc...entertainers...and it gave them inspiration to achieve great things...and yet in still you and others are saying no it didn't.... You were inspired by Martin and other civil right activist.

If you really think before a game Wiggins is bumping the urgency of now speech vs... the latest Yeezy... as a means of inspiration to give his best and achieve greatness in bball your fooling yourself.

The point initially/theme of this thread was Jay Z comment in which he referred just who he is and what he has done is inspiration and provide hope just as Obama presence and what he has done and accomplished provides inspiration and hope to which the answer is yes.

Now maybe it doesn't for you and that's fine, but to say he doesn't or shouldn't because of his music/background is foolish because many of the same ppl you personally feel inspired you have checkered past and a blemish or two on their backgrounds.

You may disagree with the means in which he provides hope/inspiration etc... and that's fine, but to discredit it and say he doesn't do it all just because he doesn't for you is just flat out wrong.

Im not even going to mention the fact that even ppl who have done nothing and are seen as negative provide hope/inspiration to ppl...considering many of yall expressed those sentiments deeply on father day.. suggesting that the ills/wrongs etc... allege by your fathers inspired yall to go off and do great things and be great fathers.

I can see how his use of words (especially considering he is a revered emcee) rubbed ppl the wrong way and it can be misquoted and miscued and taken out of context. I could even see if some of yall disagree based on the lyrics of majority of his records...(btw the whole American gangster album was inspired and based on the movie and a mans lifestyle...so what else was he suppose to rap about?) But to take away what good he has done both with his message and his money, all because of something he did in the past is hypocritical, seeing as you guys aren't doing for the other individuals many have mentioned.  
And if Diggy Simmons does that for an entire generation of Black men then his presence can be charity too.

The generational gap is clear with the Jay-Z being more influential and having done more than MLK. If it weren't for MLK, Jay would be a busboy at Warren Buffet's table.
It's always funny to me how people expect Jay-Z and other celebs to do more for their community than the preacher they go see every Sunday.

The generational gap is clear with the Jay-Z being more influential and having done more than MLK. If it weren't for MLK, Jay would be a busboy at Warren Buffet's table.
I still cant wrap myself around his comments "My Presences is Charity"

Like who actually thinks that if Jay's visit is "generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless"?
It was the symbol that a Blackman from the hood can make something of himself. I'm telling you yes jay is helping me get through school. So many days I want to quit because I see where these other kids come from n I dont see n e one that looks like me, from where I'm from 'make it' when I turn on a jayz track I say to myself 'man if e can do it, if he can make it out, why can't you? Go to the library Dj, go read.' Say what you want about me, but Jay is motivation for me n others like me, if he weren't doin his thing I wouldn't have the confidence to do mine. I don't see me, I don't see black successful dudes all to often in my life n if I do they're telling me to 'assimilate. ' Jay n Obama are saying I don't have to, be proud, grind, **** haters. So...Yes Jay is helpin me get through this on some therapy. Just lost my best friend, broke down wanted to quit n go home, but listening to Oceans n remembering how n why I'm here pushes me to be 'greater'. I can't speak on a whole generation, but for me Jay being here is a charity, one that I know I need from time to time.
His money is not the issue here. If it was then many of you are hypocrites because you hate Oprah and she has done way more than Jay-Z monetarily.
The issue is him saying his "presence IS charity," and how he should be mentioned with the likes of MLK, and Ghandi. Which morphed into how much he does for black people.
And I like some others feel like regardless of how much money he gives away, his music offers no hope for black people.
Reporting on the streets and bragging about your money and name dropping does NOTHING to inspire hope.
It only gives urban blacks the illusion that if they sell drugs like Jay-Z did, maybe they can make enough money, like he did, to do something else, like he did, and be a baller too, like he is.
All the while, never giving any real insight on how to be successful.

And in fact it cripples the hood with the fairytale of hood success.
That's not true at all. Ppl who really sell drugs/live that street life aint doing it because of know damn rappers lyrics. this shows you are very distant from the urban community. Ppl do these things as a means of only viable option to sustain and survive.

It is incredible naïve and foolish to think a kid who cant get a job, moms been laid off for months, dads out the picture, and on the brinks of being evicted, is teeter-totting on selling drugs based on listening to trap music.

Now if your talking about posers/frauds...etc folks trying to reach some sort of coolness/acceptance then that's different to which I say they are gonna be a wannabe thugs etc anyway. There was fakes/posers cats fronting as if they bout the street life waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before a Jay Z, hell way before a rap game. 

Now unless by hood you meant middle to middle upperclass AA who out here fake, living a façade, posing and trying to be cool/down and be accepted then sure maybe. But even then if it aint Jay Z it would be someone or something else. AA and others who are in true despair and have little to no resources/jobs in a desolated and deserted environment aint out selling drugs because some stupid rap lyrics I can promise you that.
To all those who say you got everywhere by yourself...ill be the first to admit I'm not that strong. Ballot or the bullet, I have a dream, ***** Experience, Grammy Family, my moms words n sayings, my aunts n uncles and cousins, Obama. Some of my teachers, Polaris republic, my stepdad, my brother, my church, n a host of other people got me to where I am, be it ideas, actual help, motivational words or a symbol.

I guess I'm a weak person because I didn't do everything in a bubble, only inspired by my ownself.
It's always funny to me how people expect Jay-Z and other celebs to do more for their community than the preacher they go see every Sunday.
That same preacher is probably leading a march through the neighborhood against gun violence. Don't know about your hood, but I see this all the time.
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