JAY Z Causes Controversy By Wearing Anti-White 5% Medallion

Who originally broke this "story?". If I had to make an educated guess I'd attribute it to the cesspool of bloggers out there vying for traffic putting anything they can up.

That said, im surprised on one has posted this video yet.

Start at 39:28

So, Jay-Z is a Muslim now?

NGE are not Muslim and never claimed to be.
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NGE are not Muslim and never claimed to be.


Initially, the Nation of Gods and Earths, as it is known today, was viewed as little more than an off-shoot of the Nation of Islam (NOI). While the Nation of Gods and Earths has been characterized as an organization, an institution, a religion, or even a gang, representatives of the Nation teach that Islam is a natural or mathematical way of living. The New York City areas of Harlem ("Mecca") and Brooklyn ("Medina") are named after notable Islamic cities by members of the organization.[3][4] Other areas include Detroit (D-Mecca), New Jersey (New Jerusalem), Chicago (C-Medina), Queens (the Desert), Connecticut (New Heaven), St. Louis (Saudi), Seattle (Morocco), and Dallas (the Sudan).

Sounds like Islam to me.
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"A rapper or athlete wears a chain. nobody panics.

Jay-Z wears the chain, and everybody LOSES THEIR MINDS!"


Jay is a follower. Dude just bites styles and tries to run with it. Him rockin the 5%'er chain is just another example
This thread should be renamed to "90s new York rap appreciation" I can't even believe this is a story.
doesnt melo have the same chain?

EDIT: yea i knew it :lol:
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It pretty much is Islam, mixed with some other things.. basically a bunch of street masons
Many Muslims denounce the teachings of the Nation of Islam and consider them to be false teachings of the religion. The Five Percent began as an offshoot of NOI. But, in grand scheme of Islam, Nation of Islam is not considered to be part of the Islamic sects or officiated under Islam. 
Many Muslims denounce the teachings of the Nation of Islam and consider them to be false teachings of the religion. The Five Percent began as an offshoot of NOI. But, in grand scheme of Islam, Nation of Islam is not considered to be part of the Islamic sects or officiated under Islam. 

My ***** Clarence 13x

Reason why my instagram name is troy13x :pimp:
It's crazy how all of these religious guides have many of the same characters and events just all different accounts yet they hold SO MUCH power over people
Back to the title...idk where all this stupidity about Nas came from when it's clearly about Jay Z wearing that chain and what the media is saying about it....
Back to the title...idk where all this stupidity about Nas came from when it's clearly about Jay Z wearing that chain and what the media is saying about it....

Don't mention Nas and stupidity in the same sentence B, swrongwitchu
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