Jay Electronica. ULTIMATE COME UP: Engaged to Billionaire Heiress

Thank you, that's exactly  the point I was trying to make, they're in it for the money, to fulfill prophecies in his lyrics for shock value, the whole Illuminati wave...to me that's weak ****. And why I don't mess with his music. I don't do gimmick rap.
If you don't me asking, who do you listen to? 
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I did wiki it, I get that theyre super rich, but I'm not understanding the mystique behind it. Like I've seen people post this name before and everyone starts getting all enamored about it, for example in this thread. No clue what the big deal is.

Their family helped revolutionized the banking system.

Bieng that they controlled a lot of the worlds money at one time in history they funded wars and influenced major events in history.

The only "mystique" comes from conspiracies and poor jelly people.
Nomad...seriously bruh what the hell you talking bout? 

some posts make sense...then others just come out of left field like...
Nah nothing left field about it ...rebound sex and capitalizing on small F-list buzz. 
how is it capitalizing if it's f-list buzz? How is anyone capitalizing? She's already rich and he was already known in rap and is showing no sign to make an album.

This is only a thread cuz NTers like talking about **** like this and the general concept is something you can give props for.
If you don't me asking, who do you listen to? 
She's already rich and he was already known in rap and is showing no sign to make an album.

Petty perceptions ...she doesn't care about Electronica it's a race to see who can use who the fastest, they're both so caught up in the heat of things they believe no one can see their plans.

She's was married to a family that financed Nazi efforts, do you really believe there weren't things said that made her uncomfortable? Now that she's trying to get payback at her husband what better way to shame his whole family's name then to **** a BLACK RAPPER? Not only **** him but use him to promote her secret encoded message.

Jay IS a rapper it's just he's not buzzing or in demand like that ...he STILL tours, and he still records. What better way to downplay his struggling rap career than brushing it off like you're getting payback through slamming a rich white woman?

They're using each other, it's a beneficial partnership...like you said she's already rich, what other motive does she have? Don't say love...it's clearly not that.
Wow. "The Nomad, we are'nt worthy!"

Can you break down my relationship for me as well? Since you've never met me. Thanks.
Nah, I read...ALL THE TIME...I knew about Ben's family BEFORE he was introduced to THIS world by Jay's controversy. I've read articles, profiles etc ...I am media literate, it's not hard to see that's what's happening here.

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If you don't me asking, who do you listen to? 

She's already rich and he was already known in rap and is showing no sign to make an album.


Petty perceptions ...she doesn't care about Electronica it's a race to see who can use who the fastest, they're both so caught up in the heat of things they believe no one can see their plans.

She's was married to a family that financed Nazi efforts, do you really believe there weren't things said that made her uncomfortable? Now that she's trying to get payback at her husband what better way to shame his whole family's name then to **** a BLACK RAPPER? Not only **** him but use him to promote her secret encoded message.

Jay IS a rapper it's just he's not buzzing or in demand like that ...he STILL tours, and he still records. What better way to downplay his struggling rap career than brushing it off like you're getting payback through slamming a rich white woman?

They're using each other, it's a beneficial partnership...like you said she's already rich, what other motive does she have? Don't say love...it's clearly not that.
If that's your speculative insight then it still really doesn't change much. The cliche get with a black guy to get back at the family and ex? That's not capitalizing. There aint no buzz here and Jay is still profiting off of this relationship.

Jay has always been slow with the music and releasing it. His album is Papoose status. Smashing a rich white broad is not an excuse for anything. It's has nothing to do with his output in rap.
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Some of ya'll are wilding in here with reckless theories based on speculation and things you read on the innanets about two people you never even met.....smh
First of all this chick inherited 17 million, her first husband inherited 300 million, how much of that she sees remains to be seen. I'm sure she will be getting more checks as others die off and i'm sure she makes plenty on her own but it's not like this dude has access to billions or something now, not even hundreds of millions. Plus they are merely dating, i'm sure she tricks but I doubt if shes ready to set this dude up for life at this point.

Secondly, there are hundreds of people with the rothschild name and i doubt they all sit in at the bilderberg meetings. I'm sure she may have some behind the scenes knowledge on various things but yall making it seem like she is the illuminati queen. She certainly won't be getting anymore info than she already has.

It is interesting to note all the illuminati conspiracy stuff in hip-hop these and then see a rothschild sleeping with a rapper. Why is there not some conspiracy theory about this, seems textbook.
I'm gonna make sure this thread gets dug up too, quote for quote when it comes out in the wash ...nothing to speculate, it's transparent. Otherwise why would they put out a press release? Geesh yall gullible, didn't know it was this easy for the industry to get over on yall. 
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Cat's ain't peeping the reality tv angle hip hop has taken. They not realizing that they make money off us even discussing them in this thread. Quickest way to stay relevant nowadays is to live a soap opera in the public eye. That's part of the image campaign people buying into. Think of how many people are inquiring into the story. As long as they are generating traffic on the web, radio whatever, they are making advertising dollars and much more. The entertainment industry is not really an entertainment industry. It's just there to occupy you're attention inbetween commercials

So much , if not all of what is popular culture now is manufactured.
Cat's ain't peeping the reality tv angle hip hop has taken. They not realizing that they make money off us even discussing them in this thread. Quickest way to stay relevant nowadays is to live a soap opera in the public eye. That's part of the image campaign people buying into. Think of how many people are inquiring into the story. As long as they are generating traffic on the web, radio whatever, they are making advertising dollars and much more. The entertainment industry is not really an entertainment industry. It's just there to occupy you're attention inbetween commercials

So much , if not all of what is popular culture now is manufactured.

Man what are you talking about :lol:

U really think the masses know who Jay Electronica is?

U really think the masses who frequent internet gossip sites know who The Rothschilds were?

This is the worst soap opera ever if you really think the goal is to garner attention from the masses.

This aint Kanye and Kim, This aint Jay & Beyonce....This is an below underground rapper and a Jewish heiress.

Is it so hard to believe that a black man working in the industry ran into a white woman working in the industry who just happened to have a rich last name?
Perspective....Warren Buffet's granddaughter has been smanging a rapper too....nobody seems to curr tho :nerd:
this dude is just doing undercover work..

can you imagine how mind-blowing the album will be after he gets all the "secrets"
^ My exact thoughts when I saw this.

Sure hope so...I'm from NOLA and would hate to say Jay fade off like that

Hope he wont let us down.
A black man infiltrating the Rothschild family though? :pimp:

Mad props but dude better watch his back

:lol: pretty sure the family or the family of her exes is blackballing him from getting his album out....wouldn't be surprised tbh. But good for him and her.
Jay has work with The Bullits if anyone wants to check that out
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I thought dude was rapping to expose these opposing powers. Guess dude was just making "music." Anyways, can't blame the playa.
Man what are you talking about :lol:

U really think the masses know who Jay Electronica is?

U really think the masses who frequent internet gossip sites know who The Rothschilds were?

This is the worst soap opera ever if you really think the goal is to garner attention from the masses.

This aint Kanye and Kim, This aint Jay & Beyonce....This is an below underground rapper and a Jewish heiress.

Is it so hard to believe that a black man working in the industry ran into a white woman working in the industry who just happened to have a rich last name?

yes and yes. and if not, the internet takes .22 seconds to google. just because it's not your demographic, doesn't mean it's not having an impact and generating cash flow.
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UK news outlets have been killing Jay since this whole thing started 

[h1]The wild Rothschild heiress, her rap star lover and the photo that's alarmed her friends[/h1]
  • Kate Rothschild is a mum and heiress to a world famous banking dynasty
  • Her life has undergone a total transformation since 2005
  • Used to be a housewife; Now she is a rock chick, hanging out with rappers
  • Her behaviour is 'shocking' her friends 
  • Kate’s marriage blew up in 2012 as husband uncovered her year-long affair

PUBLISHED:  20:10 EST, 26 February 2014 | UPDATED:  02:30 EST, 27 February 2014

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/a...hoto-thats-alarmed-friends.html#ixzz2vDbL1Iff  
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Pulling hard on a cigarette as she sauntered down the road, the unkempt brunette in the hoodie barely drew a glance from photographers outside Ronnie Scott’s nightclub in Soho last week.

The flashbulbs duly exploded into action for Kate Moss, Noel Gallagher, Stephen Fry and many more. But what of the girl in the tracksuit and grubby trainers? She would have looked more at home begging for change.

It was only when her companion was refused entry to the club, sparking an unseemly argument with door staff, that the penny dropped. This was no beggar; it was Kate Rothschild, mother-of-three and heiress to one of the world’s most illustrious — and notorious — banking dynasties, with her rapper boyfriend, the extravagantly monikered Jay Electronica.

‘To be quite frank I was shocked when I saw the pictures,’ a long-standing family friend of the Rothschilds told me this week. ‘One tries not to jump to conclusions, but when she goes out looking like that it is terribly worrying.

Kate, then 21, was a vision of understated beauty with flowers in her hair as she wed Ben Goldsmith, bringing together two of Britain’s most fabulously wealthy dynasties. He was worth £300 million; his bride a comparatively paltry £18 million. 

Now, her marriage destroyed, she spends her life trying to control a wannabe rapper. As Jay’s manager, Kate, 31, has had to fit in with him — swapping designer dresses and jolly lunches for tracksuits and snatched cigarettes outside recording studios. 

Meanwhile, Jay, who has a daughter by a previous relationship and a penchant for marijuana and Jack Daniels, has introduced her to life a world away from her comfortable upbringing.

When they go out partying, which is often, Jay likes to make an impression. His reputation is as a man who doesn’t care who he offends — a trait that many blame for his failure thus far to turn talent into record sales.

A smitten Kate, however, feels he can do no wrong. Witness the events of last week, when Jay, 37, (real name Timothy Elpadaro Thedford) demonstrated that while you can take the rapper out of the deprived housing projects of New Orleans, a questionable legacy remains.

‘He got into a massive argument with the bouncers because they wouldn’t let him into the club,’ says a witness to the fracas, which ended with the couple being admitted. Then, when they left, Jay was clearly the worse for wear because he started trying to open car doors, saying he was going to drive them home. Kate had to drag him away. 

‘Then he got into another argument — I think it was something to do with the ridiculous shorts and knee-high socks he was wearing — and Kate just leaned against a car, looking fed up.

‘Eventually, they headed off home, but not with any dignity.’


Dignity, sadly, has been in short supply since Kate’s marriage spectacularly imploded in 2012 after Ben uncovered her year-long affair with Jay after reading texts between the two. He was so angry that he is alleged to have slapped her and kicked a child’s toy at her.

Cue the police being summoned and a hugely unedifying public spat on Twitter, which culminated in divorce. Since then, Kate’s life has changed almost beyond recognition. Always interested in the performing arts, she had been dabbling in the music industry and had set up her own business, Roundtable Records, for whom Jay was a star client, before the marriage broke down.

She has now swapped life within the London society bubble for a more chaotic existence with Jay. A number of society invitations have been discreetly withdrawn, not least because many of her and Ben’s mutual friends were unimpressed by the public manner of their split. 

‘Kate leads a dual life,’ adds the family friend. ‘She is a fantastic mother, utterly dedicated to her three children, but when not on mummy duty she and Jay have a very different lifestyle. 

‘When I met him I found him perfectly charming. In a curious way, he’s not at all dissimilar to Russell Brand because he is very passionate and articulate in an unconventional manner.

‘He’s a peacock, but a very masculine peacock. Whereas Ben is socially confident and comfortable dealing with huge financial deals, he wouldn’t be able to change a tyre. Jay could strip down the entire engine and put it back together. I think Kate finds that exciting. There is a passion in this relationship which was sadly lacking with Ben, for all that they were best friends.’

Like Brand — currently in a relationship with Kate’s erstwhile sister-in-law, Jemima Khan — Jay is not your typical ‘bit of rough’.

His home, secured with the assistance of his ever-attentive manager, Kate, is a fifth-floor apartment in Belgravia. The few who have been invited in speak of a minimalist space with record decks, ashtrays (he and Kate are unreconstructed smokers) and bookshelves lined with weighty tomes including Sartre’s Being And Nothingness and The Communist Manifesto. 

Jay nips around London on a motor scooter and spends the evenings at gigs with his girlfriend. 
Kate, who lives with her three children in a £20 million mansion in nearby Kensington, likes nothing more than to drop round to Jay’s at the end of the day and cook dinner.

‘It’s not like they’re jetting around the world and he’s hanging on her coat tails,’ adds the friend. ‘They’re living quite a basic existence and he’s very old-fashioned — when they go out, he pays his way.

‘It’s his combination of incredible talent and unassuming manner which appeals to Kate. She’s a thoroughly nice girl who just wants to be normal. She loves urban music, and she’d far rather go to Nando’s than sit in a VIP suite sipping Bollinger and chatting to chinless wonders.

‘They’re both square pegs in round holes. Perhaps that’s what has kept them together through everything.’

Certainly, they have weathered more storms than anyone expected. Last year, rumours abounded of an impending split when Jay was said to be spending time chatting up Cara Delevingne and her fellow models. But harmony returned. Today, Kate is happily divorced, combining motherhood with her new life. Family time is, in the words of a well-heeled contemporary, ‘a life of Batman costumes, cupcakes and play-dates’. 

Those who have observed her at close quarters say she is following her heart. Kate is understood to believe that were it not for her illustrious surname, she would have followed a different path. She shares Jay’s social conscience and believes his brand of spiritual rap can make a difference to the world.

In America, many influential figures still have high hopes for him. Beyonce’s husband Jay Z, the billionaire overlord of rap, has signed him up. Yet for all his undoubted talent, he has yet to produce the goods. 

His debut album has been so long awaited it has become an industry joke. Occasionally, he gets drunk and takes to Twitter railing against his critics. 

His reputation as a womaniser is enhanced by the fact he has a daughter with Erykah Badu, the Grammy award-winning singer. Sadly, he has never seen much of the little girl, who lives in America.
Kate’s faith in Jay seems unshakeable, but her music business is still to take off. According to her company accounts, Roundtable Records had stocks of £1,885 and cash of £761, but owes Kate £365,606.

Looking on the bright side, her relationship with her ex-husband has improved markedly as they share custody and strive to do their best for the children.

While Ben, 33, remains hurt by her behaviour, he, too, has moved on and lives near to the family home with his new partner, Jemima Jones, 26, a lingerie model now working as a film producer. It is a conventional life, but he is happy. 

Whether the same can be said of Kate is questionable.
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