Jason Whitlock tells black athletes how not to get robbed....

Originally Posted by tSamShoX

@ this UNCLE TOM.....

^^so what he's saying about clubs is wrong?
I never said he was wrong about the club scene, I just got thru co-signing about those who ''throw what they have in everybody'sface" (even tho not every black athlete is on that tip at all)...I said you took his points out of context, which you did.

but again, as I said, an athlete can follow all those points to a tee and still be a target easy.

If somebody is set on getting you, they will one way or another


you cant just LOOK at a man and tell exactly what he has in his pockets...but if they know and identify you as somebody who has money, they are gonna try to get at you, you a target. So the whole "dont carry _____ on you" is irrelevant, flashing what you got in everybody's face is somethin else tho...
Is he lying? Some of you all are irrational like athletes dont do this kind of stupid stuff.
Well he's a guy who people don't like because of his hypocritical writing style and the way he goes out of his way mangling, manufacturing, andsometimes flat out lying so he can bash black people. Many people question his motivation for doing so as well since he mentions in an interview that he getstons of fan mail from white people, and anybody with an ounce of common sense could tell you that if you want to inspire somebody to do something, insultingthem with inflammatory racist language in bashfests disguised as sports articles is not the best way to do so. He just presents himself so detached from blackpeople, as if he's the only one who "gets it" and is on a pedestal above us and needs to teach us to do right because we are embarassing him.Making his new gimmick more ironic is the fact when he was on ESPN he was the exact opposite, used to always claim everything was racist.

In the end we're talking about him, and that's all he really wants.
dude is on point with a lot of his stuff ... people just dont want to admit it ya dig
you have a point...

moderation is key in all things...unfortunately people of ALL races, of ALL backgrounds, and of ALL sorts make themselves targets for robbery, and theft. Ican't say that all wealthy people wouldn't get robbed if they lived in more modest accommodations and were less obvious as to their wealth....But thetruth is, when you show that you have money, people take notice...the wrong people too. The world we live in is sometimes a very, very sad one.

but don't get me wrong, in no way is wealth, or owning fancy cars, clothes, or big houses is a bad thing. wealth is usually a sign of success (unlessyou're a lottery winner lol). it's what people DO with their wealth...
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