Jason Whitlock tells black athletes how not to get robbed....

Mar 13, 2004

I'd like to address the growing sentiment among black professional athletes that they are targets of criminals.
People with lots of material possessions - regardless of their color and occupation - are targets of criminals.

If an athlete feels particularly vulnerable, there are precautions he can take that are far more effective than carrying a semi-automatic weapon and travelling with a large posse:
  • Put your money in the bank. Do not walk around with large sums of cash. Never stuff thousands of dollar bills in a trash bag and head to a strip club.
  • Do not invest in large platinum or gold chains that draw attention to you. Diamond-studded watches are not a good idea, either. And neither are gold fronts. If you are headed to a nightclub in a neighborhood with $80,000 homes and you're wearing $100,000 in jewelry, turn around, go home and make it a Blockbuster night.
  • When you are out in public, tell your friends to keep your name out of their mouths. More fights could be prevented if this phrase was outlawed at all clubs: "Do you know who that is?"
  • If you insist on "tricking out" every car you own, don't ride through poor, working-class neighborhoods flossing your new 22s.
    In conclusion, don't paint a bull's-eye on your back. It's disrespectful to flash your wealth and privilege in front of people who have neither. Try to blend into the crowd rather than make yourself the focus of attention.

Sick of this guy 4 real. He really should have been shot on his mom's face, cuz he is an authentic waste of the skin it takes to hold his organs in place.That is all.
I agree with homie above,
But he is right in all of the points.....

But I still think he's a piece of trash
also though...if this speaking on people like Eddy Curry, ST and Toine

people got word of where they were at, came and found them...

Eddy and ST got robben in their own homes, I mean really how much can you do.

If somebody is set on getting you, they will one way or another

I'd like to address the growing sentiment among the sporting community thatare targets to Bull Crap.

Everybody knowsthis common knowledge.

If an individualfeels overwhelmed by this bogus, there are precautions one can take that are far more effective than listening to bogus:

· "Put your moneywhere your mouth is." Do not walk around thinking this man knows what hes talking about. Never stuff information he has said to know into otherpeople's heads. It will cause to disaster.

· Do not invest in any textthat is written by this man. Remember, everybody has a right to do what they feel they have to do to have fun. This means that a professional athlete can goout and party where ever he/she feels like.

· When you are out inpublic, tell your friends to never listen to bogus from a writer like this. More arguments on NT could be prevented if this man didn't writeanything.

· If you insist onlistening to this garbage, prepare to battle your own opinion with fierce motivation, because there are going to be that kind of people who actually believethis man about everything.

In conclusion, never listen to what Jason Whitlock says. It's disrespectfulto to the world to actually see the stuff he writes up. Try to blend into the crowd and focus your attention to bashing Smush Parker rather than listening toWhitlock.
Didnt Whitlock say that Sean Taylor was murdered because he was currently involved with the wrong people, and totally ignoredthe fact that he was changing his ways and things like that. Basically blaming Sean Taylor for his death?

I absolutely hate this writer. Period.
Well, because it's short it's not nearly as bad as his other articles but I still dislike this dude and don't care for anything he says.

edit: Oh, that's just a piece of it.
I agree with Whitlock here. When my girlfriend was assaulted we spent weeks going over the many ways she could protect herself and limit her profile for beingattacked. The first thing to go was "visible jewelry".

The kind of cash and jewelry that professional athletes have in their homes is crazy. What they carry on their person is even worse. $50K on your wrist? 50 onaround your neck? These are bad ideas.

I'd rather that more professional athletes were permitted to conceal and carry firearms, but there is even worse public opinion on that subject.
Anyone is a target anywhere.

It does make sense not to floss it ridiculously in front of less wealthy people though. How many of you all take down your screens or faceplates when you park?

I sure do. Hell, I turn off my screen as so as I go into the hood, before I even park.
Previous disappointments with Whitlock aside, what exactly is the "furor" with this particular blurb? I ask because I dont know.

I think despite alot of what Whitlock says, quite a bit of it often time makes sense. But people dont want to sometimes hear it as we know, and EVERYTHING henow writes people disregard.
i mean he's right in that aspect, but the way he goes about making his points are so wrong.
If somebody is set on getting you, they will one way or another

you cant just LOOK at a man and tell exactly what he has in his pockets...but if they know and identify you as somebody who has money, they are gonna try toget at you, you a target. So the whole "dont carry _____ on you" is irrelevant, flashing what you got in everybody's face is somethin else tho...
Originally Posted by Infyrno23

I agree with homie above,
But he is right in all of the points.....

But I still think he's a piece of trash
This makes no sense. He's telling the truth about athletes, but he's a piece of trash? I can only imagine if Whitlock was white.


you cant just LOOK at a man and tell exactly what he has in his pockets...but if they know and identify you as somebody who has money, they are gonna try to get at you, you a target. So the whole "dont carry _____ on you" is irrelevant, flashing what you got in everybody's face is somethin else tho...

This is true to an extent. Most people who flash money, really dont have it.
^he's not a piece of trash based on this article, but prior idiotic self-hating comments...
I dont think Jason Whitlock is self hating, he's just upset at the fact he's seen how some black people portray themselves and makes the whole lookbad. I mean, I dont know if some of you remember the comments that JR Smith made.

Nuggets guard J.R. Smith is nicknamed "Youngrich." It's even written on his shoes.
So why the nickname?

"Because I'm young and I'm rich," the New Jersey native said. "My homeboys gave it to me."

Actually, Smith, 22, is not rich by NBA standards. He makes $2.13 million, less than half the league's average salary. But he is trying to cash after the season as a restricted free agent. He turned down a Nuggets contract offer last month because it wasn't lucrative enough.

But Smith can continue to think about money. On a segment called "This or That," recently shown on the video board at a Nuggets home game, he was asked if he preferred "love" or "money."

Smith's answer was "money."

"Because love can hurt you," he said. "Money never hurts you."

Let's be real, this is not the way to carry yourself when your making millions. Nobody ever "asks" to be hurt, but when you make money and arehumble about it, people dont think anything of it, unlike this dude who is young and immature if he gets jumped and gets his chain took, you gonna tell me yoursurprised? This is the type of person Whitlock is talking about.
Whitlock is very self hating. This dude refers to African American females as baby mommas.
Didnt Whitlock say that Sean Taylor was murdered because he was currently involved with the wrong people, and totally ignored the fact that he was changing his ways and things like that. Basically blaming Sean Taylor for his death?

yup, not to mention he went ahead and jumped quick on the black-on-black murder thing and blamed hiphop and went on the same tip he always on....when inactuality, a latino pulled the trigger. Not sayin that changes anything, cuz a hood latino dude is no different than us, all in the same boat.... but I wouldjust like to hear these dudes come out and say that they were wrong and apoligize when they jump to these conclusions, cuz a lot of the time it crosses theline from constructive criticism to disrespect, and Whitlock seems to be in that territory often.
But he's right... if ST's sister wasn't spreading his name and his business around, and bragging, I think at the very least this particular robbery could possibly have been averted. Because stories say his sister and her bf were always flaunting the stuff he bought for them and talking about his wealth. I'm not blaming that one on ST because he himself kept a low profile, I'm blaming that on his sister throwing house parties of random people without his knowledge, always showing off, etc
thats not what he's talking about tho. He's talking strictly about the club seene, he's speaking directly on that stereotype ofathletes. Your taking his thoughts and applying them out of his original context, although your right, I'd put money that wasnt even on his mind while hemade that article....
The problem is not necessarily flaunting what you have but your celebrity status. If celebs walked around in a hoody, dirty jeans, and drove a pinto peoplewould still know who they are.
@ this UNCLE TOM.....
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