January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Refs need to be mic'd up in AEW and they have to control the wrestlers in tag matches better.

Looks like they just stand around and let the wrestlers do whatever they want no matter who the legal man/woman is.

Every tag match might as well be a tornado tag match.

AEW has to stop ending their show with an emptying of the locker room. :lol:

NXT was :pimp:

Swerve is really good.

Kushida vs Walter was better than I expected.
JR slipped up and called him Jack :lol:

Yea I noticed :lol:

Dynamite was pretty good outside of the women's match, and I just don't really care for Darby Allin and Jimmy Havoc, but Darby coming down on his skateboard and mopping up Jericho was :rofl: :rofl:. They did a much better job with promos and stuff. They actually gave you a chance to get a feel for Private Party, Havoc, and Best Friends if you didn't know them previously. Also didn't realize Sammy Guevara was the dude from Reality of Wrestling. Jericho called him something like "teenage sensation" but he's 26 :rofl:

Mox/Spears brought enough intensity to their match to make it interesting despite them both being whatever wrestlers. Finish was kinda weak though, Mox should've crushed him with that double arm DDT but it looked like he laid him in a baby crib
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GM NTWT jobbers
Still reeling over this dodgers loss. Gonna watch AEW at my desk right now. Check out this Jericho segment.
That has got to be the most awkward grouping of wrestlers of the past 15+ years..And what the hell is that logo supposed to be?..That's gotta be one of Jericho's stupid rock n roll ideas..smh..
In that picture very awkward looking but in the ring it works.
Jericho the mastermind, Jake the muscle, Sammy the young stud and LAX the psychos
If you can't see how much better Dynamite is than IDK what your taste or habit is :lol:

I'd like to think it's schtick as usual with this thread but some of you are actually serious lol.

They really killed a solid developmental thing they had going because God forbid anyone pops up as a National Alternative. :lol:

To talk as if there is a clear cut better product between AEW and NXT can't be taken as a serious comment.
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