jamarcus russell

Originally Posted by dreClark

No one gets drafted #1 solely on their arm. If that was the case then Ryan Mallet and Jevan Snead would have been #1 picks.
not saying jamarcus wasn't a good prospect coming out but davis drafted him solely on his arm. boller, flacco, stafford all went higher because of their big arms. mallet fell because of the drug rumors (and gms hate white guys who talk like black guys), snead was exposed as a fraud without mike wallace
As a Raider fan, Jamarcus Russell is a hypocrite piece of trash.

Al Davis LOVED his potential. Would have given him ANYTHING he wanted. Problem was he wanted everything, BUT a good football career.

After his second season and spoiling the Buccaneers playoff hopes in the season finale I was STOKED about Russell. He looked sharp, poised and ready to lead the Raiders back to the playoffs. he looked as if he was finally "getting it."

Then came the 09 season. Russell posted record lows for completion percentages, looked lost and made everyone around him WORSE. Was finally benched halfway through the season.

AFTER GETTING BENCHED the year before he then came the 10 season and he shows up to camp 300 pounds and gets cut.

He regressed SUBSTANTIALLY, Would rather party then, ahem, WORK OUT, and never showed any kind of eye of the tiger needed to be a pro quarterback.

And surprise, surprise. As soon as he was let go, he went all around to whoever would listen saying how it wasn't his fault, he wasn't on drugs, wasn't over weight, wasn't partying, wasn't sleeping in meetings.......... when EVERYONE around him said he was.

Jamarcus Russell doesn't deserve to buy an NFL ticket let alone play quarterback ever again..

And for the record.... I WANTED Calvin Johnson.
I think it was Mort or Jaws who said he had the best pro day/individual workout from a qb they had ever seen.
And surprise, surprise. As soon as he was let go, he went all around to whoever would listen saying how it wasn't his fault, he wasn't on drugs, wasn't over weight, wasn't partying, wasn't sleeping in meetings.......... when EVERYONE around him said he was.

This basically sums up his brief time in Oakland.

When the Oakland Raiders drafted JaMarcus Russell with the first overall pick in the 2007 NFL Draft, they envisioned this huge young man to be taking snaps for them for at least the next decade.

He may have taken his last snap with them in 2009.

The Raiders just acquired veteran starter Jason Campbell from the Washington ******** in a trade, and Campbell has a very good chance at being named the starter for the 2010 season. He is coming off his best season as a pro, despite playing behind a horrible offensive line. The Raiders also have a below average offensive line, so Campbell should adjust nicely.

Russell will make over $9 million if the Raiders decide to keep him, and this is not a fiscally sound move. Oakland is expected to ask Russell to take a pay cut, and many think that he will decline the request. If he does, Oakland will be almost forced to release him.

He hasn't helped himself any in the weeks leading up to the draft. Russell showed up late to scheduled workout sessions, and weighed near 300 lbs upon arrival. Not a good sign from a guy expected to lead the offense. He also has caught the ire of many teammates, who see him as lazy, selfish, and immature.

Campbell now enters his his sixth different offensive system in the last eight years he has played football, an unheard of journey. He has shown an innate ability to learn quickly, so Oakland can almost rely on him to understand their scheme when training camp starts. He also works hard, something the team needs from their quarterbacks.

With journeyman Bruce Gradkowski having endeared himself to Raiders Nation in 2009 with his grit, Russell may have suddenly found himself a third string player on the depth chart. Most NFL teams these days carry just two quarterbacks through an entire season.

While Russell may have the strongest arm in the league, he has not shown the same strength in his will and determination. He has shown little interest in learning the system or his teammates. Considering he was guaranteed $31.5 million in a six year contract that could be worth $68 million, this is not what anyone associated with the Raiders expected.

There is a story floating around Alameda, California that may be most telling on his work ethic. After a loss, a Raiders coach handed Russell a DVD that was full of plays to break down and learn from. When Russell showed up at the Raiders headquarters the next day, the coach asked Russell what he thought of the DVD. The answers were the "right answers", in that Russell said he learned a lot. Yet there was a problem.

The DVD was blank. It was a trap set up to expose the work ethic of their boated quarterback, and it worked. At least it did if this story is true.
I wonder who gave him the blank tape.
For some reason I don't have any faith in him. I feel like he doesn't enjoy playing the game. He's there cuz he wants that paycheck.
Originally Posted by FlashEightZero

Originally Posted by dreClark

No one gets drafted #1 solely on their arm. If that was the case then Ryan Mallet and Jevan Snead would have been #1 picks.
not saying jamarcus wasn't a good prospect coming out but davis drafted him solely on his arm. boller, flacco, stafford all went higher because of their big arms. mallet fell because of the drug rumors (and gms hate white guys who talk like black guys), snead was exposed as a fraud without mike wallace

So you're saying that he produced on college and did things other than just have a big arm thus leading to him becoming a #1 pick?
not saying jamarcus wasn't a good prospect coming out but davis drafted him solely on his arm.

False. He was the CLEAR #1 prospect at QB. The Raiders needed a QB badly. Anybody with an opinion had Jamarcus being the first QB taken. I mean who was the 2nd QB taken? Brady Quinn? He's had a terrible career and he cares about football.
Originally Posted by IYE2

I think it was Mort or Jaws who said he had the best pro day/individual workout from a qb they had ever seen.

I also remember this statement. 
I really want to say it was Jaws who said this....he stays gassing quarterbacks up.
Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

A friend of mine who works for raiders said. He was always the last one to practice and the first one to leave.

Heard the exact same story from some friends too. He had a shot, but once the money came, he didn't care.
Originally Posted by traviswade

dude got drafted first round , first pick out of lsu to oakland raiders in 07 and fouls up their whole season .. but i still think he isnt tht bad of a player . personally i feel like some team should sign him on to a contract . i have faith in him , wat do you guys think ?

I think he was a pretty good QB that was in a dyfunctional football team and  front office. That was during the time when coaches was fighting each other and etc. A young rookie QB cant succeed like that. He had no one in the organziation to push and stay on him. Majority of rookie Qb had that. Part of his failure was cause of him as well, but raiders front office should get the most blame. They use him as the scapegoat. His stats was similar to mark sanchez stats. Sanchez got a pass because he was on a better team, and Jets front office was competant  to find the right defensive players and running back to lead them to 2 straight NFC Championship games.
I believe he js let the money get to his head , dude had an arm tho if a team js gets his mind right he can do damage . Raiders js expected him to come to the league and be the best qb ever but tht wast the case ... I really want a team to give him another go
Originally Posted by traviswade

I believe he js let the money get to his head , dude had an arm tho if a team js gets his mind right he can do damage . Raiders js expected him to come to the league and be the best qb ever but tht wast the case ... I really want a team to give him another go
he let that drank get to his head
I think he was a pretty good QB that was in a dyfunctional football team and  front office. That was during the time when coaches was fighting each other and etc. A young rookie QB cant succeed like that. He had no one in the organziation to push and stay on him. Majority of rookie Qb had that. Part of his failure was cause of him as well, but raiders front office should get the most blame. They use him as the scapegoat. His stats was similar to mark sanchez stats. Sanchez got a pass because he was on a better team, and Jets front office was competant  to find the right defensive players and running back to lead them to 2 straight NFC Championship games.

1.) The Raiders did everything in their power to get  Russell mental and recovery help. They even brushed things under the table to try and help Russell. He CHOSE to do NOTHING.
2.) No one expected Russell to come in and be great immediately. Christ, he didn't get a snap until there were only 4 weeks left in his first year. They wanted him to WORK. Al Davis gave as much leeway as he could  with "his" players. As we say, his "scholarship" players. For Al to cut one of his guys, he really had to be screwing up. 

3.) Raiders front office NEVER used him as a scapegoat. If anything like I said before, they tried everything they could to get him to be a PRO. To be RESPONSIBLE. They hired him life coaches, personal trainers, personal assistants who stayed with him all the time. HIS OWN LIFE COACH QUIT ON HIM. This was AFTER he was released by the Raiders. His own life coach thought he was lazy and not willing to work. 

4.) If he was THAT talented, how come he hasn't had as much as a workout for ANY NFL team? Everyone is over Jamarcus Russell.

P.S. I think it was Tom Cable that gave him the blank DVD.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by FlashEightZero

Originally Posted by dreClark

No one gets drafted #1 solely on their arm. If that was the case then Ryan Mallet and Jevan Snead would have been #1 picks.
not saying jamarcus wasn't a good prospect coming out but davis drafted him solely on his arm. boller, flacco, stafford all went higher because of their big arms. mallet fell because of the drug rumors (and gms hate white guys who talk like black guys), snead was exposed as a fraud without mike wallace

So you're saying that he produced on college and did things other than just have a big arm thus leading to him becoming a #1 pick?

i'm saying the subjective motivation underlying al's selection of jamarcus was his big arm. if quinn could throw 80 yards through the air and russell could only do 60, all other things being the same, davis takes quinn. arm strength was the but-for causative factor animating the pick. was heyward-bey picked ONLY because he was fast? no. but it was the topper al was looking for, we all know he valued certain abilities over all else
As a 49ers fan and I know how much it sucks to have a # 1 overall QB bust. I will never be a fan of Smith even after his "career year" last year. I will say this for Smith though at least he tried and gave his full effort he just has limited skills as a passer. Russell never even tried he just showed up late, left early and then blew up in the off season.  
he's probably the biggest nfl bust there has ever been .. . but at the same time i think everyone can see he has talent he js needs to get his mind right .
Dude is a A typical college star from the hood

born with talents that few have , yet will not go in , and put the time in to become the BEST.

Word to bums like Vick , Cam newton ETC
Originally Posted by polorico

Dude is a A typical college star from the hood

born with talents that few have , yet will not go in , and put the time in to become the BEST.

Word to bums like Vick , Cam newton ETC

Lol, wut?
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