Jalen Rose calls out Skip Bayless about High School Career

Im thinkin OE
Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

The whole Bosh spice thing is crossing the line. You can say he plays soft but when somebody calls him that its personal you basically calling him a female.   

Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

Steven A is loud but most of time he's on point and is probably the most unbiased person on ESPN. All of them had some good point espeacially Chris Carter. The Whole probelm is that people like Skip thinks they can talk crazy about athelets and nothing should come back at them. I agree with most of the stuff Jalen was saying but come on now Kwame Brown is a bum flat out. If you are the number one pick and your game hasnt gotten better in 11 years something is wrong. Ima Laker fan and call Steve Blake a bum but I would never say something like he's a quitter or something personal like that. Thats where Skip and ALOT of people on the internet go to far with the criticism.

The whole Bosh spice thing is crossing the line. You can say he plays soft but when somebody calls him that its personal you basically calling him a female.   

That was Jalen Rose whole point, its not right to call people out their names, and assume stories. For Example: Durant-Westrbook
Jalen seemed waaay out of his element

didnt come off well you need someone more familiar with the media to make the points he was trying to. or maybe a smarter athlete
Originally Posted by Antidope

Heres a link for all those who missed it. This is all that ESPN put up IDK why they didn't upload the rest

http://espn.go.com/espnradio/play?id=7800877 The podcast that has everything. 

AEA18 wrote:
IMO the worst player in the NBA would beat someone who is just a rec player.

Thanks for the link.

I couldn't make it through the video once Screaming A Smith got in

Dude always wants to dominate the conversation.

I caught his radio show once or twice and I'm surprised dude gets callers...

He's a straight #*$!*+! with the callers.
 Its a hard argument for him especially since was 2 vs 1 and they kept interrupting him but Jalen did a great job. He was short and concise and his points made alot sense. The whole point of the debate was because Skip got butthurt because Jalen called him "Water Pistol Pete" when Skip routinely name calls
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

 Its a hard argument for him especially since was 2 vs 1 and they kept interrupting him but Jalen did a great job. He was short and concise and his points made alot sense. The whole point of the debate was because Skip got butthurt because Jalen called him "Water Pistol Pete" when Skip routinely name calls
this, and its type annoying and unprofessional .
Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by Maximus Meridius

The whole Bosh spice thing is crossing the line. You can say he plays soft but when somebody calls him that its personal you basically calling him a female.   



You wrong man.
LOL @ the name Bosh Spice crossing the line, you must think Prince James is crossing the line as well (for a guy who labels himself THE KING).
When Bosh has actually shown up he gave him credit.
Rose handled himself like a true professional.
I was wishing that someone would just hit the mute button on Stephen A.
Why is everyone comparing kwame brown to the regular rec player? His JOB is a professional basketball player in the NBA, SO YOU COMPARE HIM TO OTHER NBA PLAYERS....


If you want to get more refined, compare him to other Centers in the NBA....AND HE STILL SUCKS.

And the reason why he''s still in the league is because he's 7 feet tall. Tell me what being 7 foot has to do with skill? NOTHING!!!!
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Not watching 1st Take, but don't yall think that this is what ESPN wants? RATINGS!!!

Look at the amount of people tuned in to see an egg on the face of the resident troll. Skip probably doesn't give 2 !#$++ about being "exposed." Dude is probably loving every minute of this.

That's what ANY network wants for its TV shows....
Skip can dish it but he can't take it

For some reason he thinks that it's only okay to degrade someone if they are making millions of dollars. He couldn't take a little jab.
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Why is everyone comparing kwame brown to the regular rec player? His JOB is a professional basketball player in the NBA, SO YOU COMPARE HIM TO OTHER NBA PLAYERS....


If you want to get more refined, compare him to other Centers in the NBA....AND HE STILL SUCKS.

And the reason why he''s still in the league is because he's 7 feet tall. Tell me what being 7 foot has to do with skill? NOTHING!!!!
By this theory...everyone who is 7 feet tall, in good health, and can play basketball should be in the NBA correct?
This name the front page of Yahoo!

The caption was

ESPN host caught lying

Jalen Rose calls out Skip Bayless on air for his trumped up high school history (VIDEO)

It's been well-established that ESPN's Skip Bayless is a workout fiend. He spends endless hours on the treadmill, and looks to be in fantastic shape for his age. It's also been well-established that Bayless is a fame-hungry sellout that will say anything on air (and formerly, before he realized it wasn't making him famous enough, in print) just to draw a reaction, and more eyes, and more ratings. Recently, Bayless criticized Oklahoma City point guard Russell Westbrook without the slightest bit of basketball smarts, or hint of nuance, much less research. OKC All-Star Kevin Durant rightfully took his obsessive brand of ignorance to task, and Bayless responded by pumping up his own credits as a high school point guard who finally learned that PGs should think "pass" 12 times before they fire away, on Twitter.

Bayless' ESPN co-host Jalen Rose, after a bit of research of his own, took on Skip after Bayless claimed that he started as a shot-happy point guard for a high school team that made the state finals in Oklahoma. Bayless didn't start for his high school squad, it turns out, and didn't even play for the varsity until his senior season, when he averaged 1.4 points per game. Here's the video of Rose calling a clearly uncomfortable Bayless out

Jalen didn't exactly do the digging himself. No, that was left to the fine folks at The Last Ogle, who found out that Bayless played only 15 of his teams 22 games during his senior year, and that no player on his squad scored fewer points than Bayless. Doesn't exactly sound like a shot-happy point guard that learned his lesson the hard way, as Bayless claimed. Even in trying to make himself look like a cautionary tale, he still lied to his half a million Twitter followers just to make a silly point to feed the daily gasbag that is his needless talk show.

Of course, Bayless also tweeted (you can find his handle at the links provided, we're not going to add to his follower count by directly linking to him) that he started at point guard for a team that made the state finals, and while he may get off here on a technicality (he didn't explicitly tweet that he started during the state finals, but we're right to assume this cynical liar wouldn't think twice about it if he were given more than 140 characters), Sports By Brooks discovered that Bayless probably didn't even play in that final game.

Much less start, as a shot-happy Pete Maravich-type that needed, like Russell Westbrook, to learn his lesson, in his team's finals showing. We can't be completely sure, because the minutes aren't listed in the box score Sports by Brooks found, but players who generally contribute a line of all zeroes typically don't play any during close, finals games.

Thanks to Jalen for going live with this, and thanks to The Last Ogle and Sports by Brooks for their discoveries; but have we really discovered anything? Skip Bayless will do and say anything to make a point that he probably doesn't really believe. This guy, like most polarizing talking heads on cable TV, probably doesn't care about the sides he's taking, much less the sides he's passionately debating for. He just wants to make it to the end of the hour, with plenty of show in place. He just wants to drag the talking points to another day, and find new ways to gain viewers or, most pathetically, Twitter followers.

We're feeding the troll, we know. But if this isn't the final reason you need to stop paying attention to someone who brags about not watching games, and blatantly lies to the people he's paid to inform, then we can't help you. If you want to contribute more to this buffoon's sad success, you deserve the misleading information he's going to toss your way.
The writer hit it right on the nail
The hate in here for Skip and Stephen A. is HEAVY.

I thought everyone made good points, and it was a great discussion.

I hope it continues tomorrow...
We're feeding the troll, we know. But if this isn't the final reason you need to stop paying attention to someone who brags about not watching games, and blatantly lies to the people he's paid to inform, then we can't help you. If you want to contribute more to this buffoon's sad success, you deserve the misleading information he's going to toss your way.

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