Jaden Smith People Can See You

You were the first to scream "history"
Moron...what does that have to do with what I said?

The point was that there IS NOTHING CULTURALLY FEMININE ABOUT the clothing that nincompoop posted verses Marc Jacobs wearing a ******* women's skirt.
Tell your white supremacist dad his defective genes are why you have your incurable sickness. He should have killed himself instead of passing on his inferior genes
Fashion designers don't really get held to the same standard as others, regardless of their skin color. My dad is a white supremacist and hardly ever comments on anything if I'm browsing fashion sites and images like that pop up. He'll be the first in line to call anyone an f-word if he sees something about homosexuality on tv and immediately switch the channel though, he doesn't care what skin color they are, just that they are gay or portraying a gay image.
A clear example is one of the white news anchors on the news here came out of the closet a few years ago. My dad watches the news on a different channel since then.
Bigotry towards homosexuality and/or cross-dressing isn't excluded to black or other minority entertainers.
White supremacists generally also have a strong hatred towards homosexuality and they don't care if said person is white. Their hate towards their sexuality or the way they perceive it transcends their racist ideals most of the time.
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Moron...what does that have to do with what I said?

The point was that there IS NOTHING CULTURALLY FEMININE ABOUT the clothing that nincompoop posted verses Marc Jacobs wearing a ******* women's skirt.

Hell you calling a nincompoop son?

You can't even hold your own in this conversation. See your way out.

You can't bring up history and then just brush them aside.

I've been talking about social semantics and cultural context this entire time.

And my point still ******* stands, in AMERICA, blacks are unfairly held to a greater level of scrutiny than whites. It has nothing to do with history, it's a contemporary problem.

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Hell you calling a nincompoop son?

You can't even hold your own in this conversation. See your way out.
i can hold my own anywhere.

I'm just not particularly interested in engaging in an extended dialogue with someone who waves the rainbow flag in every thread along with the rest of these sissies on here.
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i can hold my own anywhere.

I'm just not particularly interested in engaging in an extended dialogue with someone who waves the rainbow flag in every thread along with the rest of these sissies on here.

Rainbow flag? See you're so insecure with your self that the moment you can't explain yourself without looking like a bigot you make insinuations of others.

You're such a spineless coward that not only can you come in here making stupid statements then tuck your tail between your ******* legs the moment someone calls BS.
Tell your white supremacist dad his defective genes are why you have your incurable sickness. He should have killed himself instead of passing on his inferior genes

Well damn. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Rustlemania up in here sweet jesus lmao
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Will let all of this go way too far.

Their whole family gives off a strange *** vibe.

They either in a cult or the real Will got abducted by aliens years ago and this is an imposter.
Will let all of this go way too far.

Their whole family gives off a strange *** vibe.

They either in a cult or the real Will got abducted by aliens years ago and this is an imposter.
Weren't Will and Jada Scientology members? Idk if they still are.
Jaden isn't hurting anybody. I don't see why he's now the standard bearer for the perceived emasculation of the " black man " in America. That's an unfair criticism to place on him.
I blame williams mother

Had she not got scared of the fight he got into.... she would not have sent him to bel air to get cultured and soft, which he passed on to his kids.
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we still pretending will smith ain't a flame thrower? Oh ok. If his son wants to effeminate or gay or whatever then let him cook. What did you expect? Look at his parents and the life he was raised in. There's nothing shocking or funny about this. It should be expected tbh.

People are products of their upbringing and environment.
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Jaden isn't hurting anybody. I don't see why he's now the standard bearer for the perceived emasculation of the " black man " in America. That's an unfair criticism to place on him.

By no means is this dude the "standard bearer" for anything :lol:

This kid is a clown plain and simple. A Hollywood kid. Take him off the pedestal.
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