Yes, he did. His verse was infinit
ely better. But Cole also shined. There's a difference. Take the song Bad vs Evil, Em and Royce both killed it. It's even. Then take Never Let Me Down, both did awesome but Hov killed Ye. It ain't a slight, just facts.

Ye first verse > Both Jay verses
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From that Itunes review I like the subject matter he appears to be tackling on this upcoming album. It's a breath of fresh air to hear rappers like Cole and Kendrick touch on diverse subject matter.
Subject matter isn't an issue for Cole.

Production can be.

Cole is hit or miss with production. But when he hits....he HITS!
I was reading the review and saw that it referenced him having a daughter.

Love the way he keeps his personal life out of the spotlight.
I wonder if this album is directed towards her. Seems like "4 your eyes only" is a message and the time frame that the album is released.
I thought that was official until I went to the actual YouTube link and see it's fan made.

I was about to say damn he not holding no punches on Uzi/Yachty
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I was reading the review and saw that it referenced him having a daughter.

Love the way he keeps his personal life out of the spotlight.

Agreed I love that as well. I do think the album title is referenced to his daughter.

I am very intrigued to listen to this album as someone who is slightly older than Cole and watched my daughter come into the world 6 months ago. Subject matter he tackles should be very interesting.
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