Anybody catch Cole on Tavis the other day... dudes interviews during this project have all been on point.

Dropping so much knowledge and sharing thoughts that Im sure of lot of us have had or will have
Anybody catch Cole on Tavis the other day... dudes interviews during this project have all been on point.

Dropping so much knowledge and sharing thoughts that Im sure of lot of us have had or will have

Amazing interview. I'm glad there's a rapper who has debunked the stereotype of college students, as well as the main issue of our pedagogy system. I feel like i've been trying to tell my friends that and they'd just tell me "Well why don't you get a 4.0?" 
Video just made the song better.

I thought the song was cool but hearing it while watching the video not only matches it but I appreciate the song more now.
Enjoyed the video... always liked the song because I knew the intent. People was taking the song too literal.... video should def get their mind right
One of my favorite songs off the album, video is dope. I would've liked a video for No Role Models though
Video just made the song better.
I thought the song was cool but hearing it while watching the video not only matches it but I appreciate the song more now.


It really put the song in perspective IMO
Video is
Kanye &Drake or Kendrick & j cole or Jay Z & Beyounce???? If they did album together? 

What exactly are you asking? What album would i want to hear most or what album would be better? If you're asking the former, I'd want to hear a Cole/Kendrick album. If you're asking the later, can't really answer that without anything to base my opinion on
Just ordered mine yesterday... went looking this weekend and couldnt find it in any stores.

Luckily a local independent owned shop around my way always orders in anything you request. Went a week ago and he told me come back in a week.

I went quite awhile without buying any vinyl, but damn now it's all I wanna do lol. My collection is starting to get up there.
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