"I've been through so much" people Unnapreciation

My grandfather told me this word for word, "To make it in the white mans world you must carry yourself like one."

What the....
what does this even mean lol
I don't really mind, I like to hear everyone's perspective on life. You can learn so much from listening to people, things not to do, things to do as you get older etc. Some people just need to vent, no problem in that. 
Our communication with each other has turned into our economy in some ways...You can't expect people to see eye to eye with you if you look down on them.
Our communication with each other has turned into our economy in some ways...You can't expect people to see eye to eye with you if you look down on them.
Word. Experience has taught me that life is a lot easier when you just focus on people's positive aspects instead of nitpicking at the dumb stuff.
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For some reason I always find myself around people who have to tell me about how easy my life is and how I never had to struggle and generally are tryna to purposefully make me feel like **** about myself compared to their struggle. Mind you I'm not richer or even upper middle class. I just love in a house and use correct grammar and don't carry myself in any sort of hood manner, and people take those three things and decide who I am for me all the time.Literally I've had so many people who just don't like me from the moment they first saw me, and if you ask them why a lot of their reasons are things that have nothing to do with me.

Don't even waste your time on those people fam.

Same position. Was raised kind of lower middle class, but I've always spoke perfect english because that's the way my father decided to bring me up.

My grandfather told me this word for word, "To make it in the white mans world you must carry yourself like one."

i completely understand why people might not take a liking to either of ya..when ya say things like da aforementioned you marginalize folks who don't feel like

they gotta compromise who they are to feel "acceptable" to white people...there's alot of room for resentment there.
i agree

few years ago i was dead broke and shot credit

tryna find my way in the world as a college drop out

today i sit with a home, car, pretty stress free an i eat good.

it only annoys me if ppl bring it up too much, i keep to myself though, personal life wise.
your annoying now
i agree that nobody likes a pity party but some of you sound spoiled and dismissive. in life, it's not always what you go through but how you go through it. when someone is downtrodden enough to bring up how much they've been through, you should see what their story is. just listening to them can be of some mental support.
We've all met these people.. Always bring up their past and what they've been through to try and get some pity or something. Nobody cares fam. Everybody goes through struggles.. That's life. Nobody needs to know how strong a person you are. If you're as strong as you say, we would be able to see it without you having to let everyone know.

different struggles are relevant to different people.

its important not to dismiss what others have dealt with no matter their background. the demons and battles of someone with a lot might be different of someone with less, but its stupid to completely dismiss what their going through.
I just hate when they say they've been through "trials and tribulations". STHU. That cliche is so annoying. People don't even know what tribulations are :smh:.
i dont mind when people talk about what they went through... cuz if anyone ends up in that type of situation they might be able to give out a helping hand or some good advise.. if they cant or dont choose to do anything then eff them and tell them to shut the hell up..
From what I can tell, most of NT is lower middle class to middle class. Most of y'all can relate to being poor at some time in your life, but have any of you lived in poverty for years?

I lived in poverty my entire childhood until I went to college. That's less than 24k a year for a family of 4 and less than 14k for a family of two. Half of my childhood, it was just me and my mom. 18 years of living in poverty in inner city Los Angeles.

Y'all say everybody been through struggles. But have y'all ever struggled your entire life?

I rarely tell people about any of this. My closest friends don't even know this.
:smh: :smh: at that "to make it in a white mans world quote" wrong on so many levels. Ya grandpa needs to get off the plantation.
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