I've been shutting off all electricity in my house before going to sleep...

I do this too, because some items still use electricity when technically not in use. For example, I always unplug any chargers or other small devices that we don't really think about. I unplug most lamps and fans when not in use. It saves a lot of money. 

Doesnt save a ton of nothing. Thats crap I know for sure. You know it takes more energy to start up a electric device then just leaving it plugged in.Same goes for cars. i hate when my girl turn her car off when im in the car and she goes in store for a few mintues or we pick somebody up. it takes more gas to restart the car rather then leaving it on.

leaving items plugged in will have a min effect on your bill as long as its turn off. laptops, xboxes etc takes maybe $30 a year to run.

Might of fact lets do facts and math! A fridge such as a energy star fridge takes Annual Cost to Operate* $38
Estimated Lifetime Cost to Operate** $462. $462 lifetime! $38 a year

So $38 /365= about 0.11 cents a day to run a fridge. Now a fridge probably uses most energy. Do yaw really thinking unplugging items overnight will save anytype of money?

Best ways to save is turn down water heater and replace your lights with them newer whitelight bulbs..

I worry about yaw younger generation geez.. turning of electricity overnight saves pennies and does not save alot of money
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I don't get it.. He unplugs everything that needs electricity..

Like (tv , cable, computer, clock, .)

I was told that as long as something was plugged in it uses energy whether its on or off. My dad and his wife UNPLUG EVERYTHING when it's not in use or when they aren't home. My dad swears since they do that they see a big difference in the energy bill. It seems too time consuming to me. Having to always reset clocks and crap. But hey to each his/her own.

Im tryna eat out. So what we going to dinner fo?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I feel the same way about all these wireless gadgets and wifi 

not coming at you, but people worry about some weird stuff.
i personally don't even care. is it going to kill me? i doubt it.
i'm pretty healthy, exercise regularly, get 7 - 8 hours of sleep.
so all that stuff the news reveals everyday about how "New reports show ______ could cause _____!" don't really phase me.
this seems like one of those things. *shrugs* idk just seems petty to me.
I don't know what your previous name was, but these posts be having me dying at work.
I knew you well in a past life my friend
I used to have the hardest time falling asleep until I took the TV and computer out of my room. So I can agree with OP but I also turn off everything in apt before knocking out for electricity bill purposes
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