Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

I’m confused as to why IDF troops are even escorting aid trucks. Is this just standard protocol that an occupier who is at war with a nation accompanies the aid going in. There doesn’t seem to be any shortage of humanitarian third parties that could have been accompanied by their own non-blood-thirsty security personnel to help with distribution.

Even if it wasn’t institutionally directed there is quite clearly no shortage of IDF troops that would find any reason to open fire on Palestinians. Given the IDF track record and all the genocidal rhetoric they’re fed, there is just way too high of a chance of something like this occurring to think there isn’t a better way of going about distributing aid. It’s almost like it was by design. Like using bait.
I’m confused as to why IDF troops are even escorting aid trucks. Is this just standard protocol that an occupier who is at war with a nation accompanies the aid going in. There doesn’t seem to be any shortage of humanitarian third parties that could have been accompanied by their own non-blood-thirsty security personnel to help with distribution.

Even if it wasn’t institutionally directed there is quite clearly no shortage of IDF troops that would find any reason to open fire on Palestinians. Given the IDF track record and all the genocidal rhetoric they’re fed, there is just way too high of a chance of something like this occurring to think there isn’t a better way of going about distributing aid. It’s almost like it was by design. Like using bait.

It was just another ploy to kill Palestinian men in their ongoing genocide.

The food truck was used as bait to pull the men in and kill as many, and then make up a story on an ensuing 'stampede', 'looting' and 'chaos'.


Jon Stewart has a total of 605 tweets from his account, meaning for a media personality he rarely tweets. And is Jewish himself. Seems like even he’s starting to have enough and having a hard time not breaking his relative silence.
It’ll never stop being strange to me that people from western countries can essentially go commit genocide serving in the IDF and then in a year return to their respective countries and be casually strolling amongst us in our cities with zero consequence or repercussions despite having the blood of civilians on their murderous hands.
Why does there need to be air drops of presumably relatively meager amounts of aid to a population that is already dying of starvation? I understand that with Israeli civilians blocking aid by land you can’t go that route. But is there a reason that ships can’t go in?

This feels like a performative response to all the backlash this administration is correctly getting for aiding and giving cover to genocide. So they could get their puff pieces in the media outlets that are aiding them to say see look we care about civilians, we sent some pop tarts and water bottles to them. Please vote for us and stop bringing this up.

This very likely will be a slap on the face that gets starving people to fight because if it’s my dying wife and kid or yours that eats well then…

Russians are the most evil people on earth. Look at this non sense. All hail Victoria Nuland, Blinken, Biden and Clinton. They love Arabs

Don't try to be sarcastic, Mr I-only-paid-attention-to-world-events-4-months-ago.

Russia is offering governments in Africa a "regime survival package" in exchange for access to strategically important natural resources, a major new report has found.

Internal Russian government documents, seen by the BBC, also detail how it is working to change mining laws in West Africa, with the ambition of dislodging Western companies from an area of strategic importance.

This is part of the process of the Russian government taking over the businesses of the Wagner mercenary group, broken up after a failed coup in June 2023.

The multibillion dollar operations are now mostly being run as the Russian "Expeditionary Corps", managed by the man accused of being behind the attempt to murder Sergei Skripal using the Novichok nerve agent on the streets of the UK - a charge Russia has denied.

In every country in which it operates, Wagner was reported to have secured valuable natural resources using these to not only cover costs, but also extract significant revenue. Russia has extracted $2.5bn (£2bn) worth of gold from Africa in the past two years, which is likely to have helped fund its war in Ukraine, according to the Blood Gold Report.

This month, Russian fighters - formerly Wagner mercenaries - took control of Mali's Intahaka gold mine, close to the border with Burkina Faso. The artisanal mine, the largest in northern Mali, had been disputed for many years by various armed groups active in the region.

But there is something else, with potential geopolitical significance.

"We are now observing the Russians attempting to strategically displace Western control of access to critical minerals and resources," says Dr Watling.

In Mali, the mining code was recently re-written to give the junta greater control over natural resources. That process has already seen an Australian lithium mine suspend trading on its shares, citing uncertainty over the implementation of the code.

The first 30 seconds of this basically builds on that thought I had. This was not one of the known humanitarian aid agencies. This was the military bringing in flour to use as bait to achieve 2 parts of their genocide. To massacre civilians, and then to also say, “see when you bring in aid these sub-human barbarians attack the aid trucks, so there should no longer be any more attempts at bringing aid in.”

This is our “strategic ally” in the Middle East. That apparently is bound to the US in its “shared Western values” relative to other countries in the Middle East.
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The first 30 seconds of this basically builds on that thought I had. This was not one of the known humanitarian aid agencies. This was the military bringing in flour to use as bait to achieve 2 parts of their genocide. To massacre civilians, and then to also say, “see when you bring in aid these sub-human barbarians attack the aid trucks, so there should no longer be any more attempts at bringing aid in.”

This is our “strategic ally” in the Middle East. That apparently is bound to the US in its “shared Western values” relative to other countries in the Middle East.

Makes sense. These guys are sick and actually bad and good at doing it.
Why does there need to be air drops of presumably relatively meager amounts of aid to a population that is already dying of starvation? I understand that with Israeli civilians blocking aid by land you can’t go that route. But is there a reason that ships can’t go in?

You're not pulling up to that coastline unchecked.

Just read about a Indonesian aid ship that had to take it's cargo to Egypt for it then to be transported into Gaza.

Seems airdrop is the only work around for now.
Im voting for Biden now. He dropped 38,000 meals to feed 1 million people in the north. He’s a saint.
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