Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

Worth the read. It’s his opinion but makes sense

shorter version:

Even the Druze. blame Israel

Once this is confirmed, cnn will no longer report on it (yesterday it was front page material when people thought they were Israeli kids killed)
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Attack on Lebanon imminent. Flights cancelled. Israeli media said tonight’s the night

Crazy that they needed the final straw: attack on 5th class citizen “Israeli” Arabs (not Israeli citizens) by failed iron dome missile killing kids to finally convince their own people that war is right thing to do. They trying to use it as “another October 7” for motivation bc the army itself is exhausted and we’re near coup level with their politicians. They didn’t need this to go to war- nobody believes them anyways- that’s why I think the reason for war being “our Israeli (not really, Druze Syrian) kids died” is just for their own sick society.

Oh and their stupid Washington puppets- Blinken already said “we believe Hezbollah did it” source: IDF

Funny bc Mcgregor months ago said late July was the time bc of the clear skies for next 2 months. Otherwise they had to wait til next year.

Let’s see if Israel uses a nuke if cornered.

WW3 about to start. Biden asleep at the wheel

Hopefully it’s all a bluff and no war starts
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Pray for Lebanon

The attack in Golan Heights is sad and unfortunate. The loss of life is never acceptable. And at the same time, Israel needs to stop pretending that they’re immune to these kinds of responses when they’re expanding settlements in occupied land.

with Blinken saying hezbollah was behind this strike (despite them denying it) man it’s starting to feel like the last ten months in gaza and rafah are just the beginning of a larger and expanding conflict that will draw lebanon and iran into :smh:
The attack in Golan Heights is sad and unfortunate. The loss of life is never acceptable. And at the same time, Israel needs to stop pretending that they’re immune to these kinds of responses when they’re expanding settlements in occupied land.

with Blinken saying hezbollah was behind this strike (despite them denying it) man it’s starting to feel like the last ten months in gaza and rafah are just the beginning of a larger and expanding conflict that will draw lebanon and iran into :smh:
I only have 1 rule

Believe the OPPOSITE of what Blinken says.


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Just dropped $20,000 for Harris campaign
Huge blast of residential apartment building in Beirut

Israel: we targeted a Hezbollah commander

lol ok

So if Hezbollah wants to target the Netanyahu war cabinet, while they convene at home for the evening in Tel Aviv. That would be ok?

These guys are ******* sick

God willing. Justice will be served.
Apartment was in Dahiye.

The city that the “Dahiye doctrine” was based on

What’s the Dahiye doctrine?

Punish civilians with mass bombings to pressure them into turning against hezbollah

The building has collapsed and nearby hospital damaged

Many many civilians probably dead
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