vol. NT Pick the president vol. I aint registered to vote brah

May 26, 2003
I`m not big on politics but I1m not a fan of Mitt Romney at all, I found this site to be interesting, a lot of people who "think" they are one thing end up being another, and to dudes that arent into politics at all might find the results interesting.

here are mines when I took it during lunch at work.
I don't even know who this lady is. But from the looks of things, she's alright with me

[h2]Candidates you side with...[/h2]
[h5]Barack Obama  [sup]Democrat[/sup][/h5]
on economic, domestic policy, and immigration issues 

[h5]Jill Stein  [sup]Green[/sup][/h5]
on domestic policy, foreign policy, and  healthcare  issues 

[h5]Gary Johnson  [sup]Libertarian[/sup][/h5]
on foreign policy, domestic policy, immigration, and healthcare issues 

[h5]Mitt Romney  [sup]Republican[/sup][/h5]
on science issues 

[h5]California Voters[/h5]
on foreign policy, domestic policy, economic, immigration, science, and healthcare issues.

[h5]American Voters[/h5]
on foreign policy, domestic policy, science, and immigration issues.

Show all candidates

[h2]Who you side with by party...[/h2]




[h2]Who you side with by issue...[/h2]
Somewhatimportant to me
[h5]The Environment[/h5]
I side the most with Jill Stein on  environmental  issues.

Somewhatimportant to me
[h5]Domestic Policy[/h5]
I side the most with Jill Stein on  domestic policy  issues.

Somewhatimportant to me
I side the most with Gary Johnson on  healthcare  issues.

Somewhatimportant to me
I side the most with Mitt Romney and Jill Stein on  social  issues.

Somewhatimportant to me
I side the most with Mitt Romney on  science  issues.

Somewhatimportant to me
[h5]Foreign Policy[/h5]
I side the most with Gary Johnson on  foreign policy  issues.

Somewhatimportant to me
[h5]The Economy[/h5]
I side the most with Barack Obama on  economic  issues.

Somewhatimportant to me
I side the most with Barack Obama onimmigration  issues.

Very interesting site, OP. If only it would change anything in the long run. I'm not voting...
Too bad im not voting.
don't complain then.

Find a candidate you do like, see if he/she is on your ballot and vote for them. 


Work to change the system into something you would participate in.

Don't sit on your *** and proclaim like you don't care. You care enough to not vote, so move things in the direction that would make you more happy to vote. 
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don't complain then.

Find a candidate you do like, see if he/she is on your ballot and vote for them. 


Work to change the system into something you would participate in.

Don't sit on your *** and proclaim like you don't care. You care enough to not vote, so move things in the direction that would make you more happy to vote. 

When did he complain?
Very interesting indeed for me too, not the fact I side with Obama ( I did 4 years ago, still do today), but the fact Romney was soo close behind, yikes :nerd:

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don't complain then.

Find a candidate you do like, see if he/she is on your ballot and vote for them. 


Work to change the system into something you would participate in.

Don't sit on your *** and proclaim like you don't care. You care enough to not vote, so move things in the direction that would make you more happy to vote. 
When did he complain?
Ha Ha I side with Jill Stein.. the candidate that keeps getting arrested for the name of Democracy! :smokin

Ha Ha I side with Jill Stein.. the candidate that keeps getting arrested for the name of Democracy!
Ive heard this meme get repeated over and over again but Jill Stein wasn't granted entry because shes not recognized by the people doing the debates. Its not accurate. She might be on the ballot, but she isn't allowed in there because...shes not allowed in. Its pretty simple. 

The debates aren't set up by the government. They're set up by a bipartisan effort between the Ds and the Rs. They subsequently set up how they want the debate to be run between themselves. Its no different from the NFL having the superbowl, getting the TV rights and then claiming that no members of the CFL can enter the playing field. 

While I think there should be a debate that includes other candidates, that won't happen until they feel enough threat from 3rd party candidates.

Watch this:

There is a problem with the entire system, but don't fall for the notion that Jill was denied because she was a third party candidate. She was denied because she simply wasn't recognized by the private entity that runs the debates.

Theres a difference. 
This thread saddens me. 
Why because not everyone is as flamingly liberal as you are?

Because not everyone takes the time to find candidates that they think are worthy for voting for.

Have you realized how many people are discovering candidates they best align themselves with?

Now its too late and everyone is acting surprised. 
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