Is what LeBron does after contact considered "flopping?"

I've noticed it too, he does it a lot. I miss the 90's era of basketball when men weren't afraid to act like men...
oh dear god Lebron and his stupid mouth check everytime is terrible. i can't believe sam cassell got a flagrant foul for that
More of acting, than flopping. I've seen worse though. Iverson is worse than anybody on offense. Anytime somebody puts a body on him, he jumps back andthrows his hands up.

Why do you see this $#$@# on the floor so much? Tryin to send the refs subliminal messages of course.
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

I swear I've seen dude tweak an ankle and get up and check his mouth for blood.

I was just thinking that when Billups got hurt (hamstring), had that been LeBron, he'd be checking his mouth....
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

hes worse than manu imo ... but all that checking his lip and that songalia bow just goe sto show you that hes a softee
True i hate when he checks his lip like 10 times if its not bleeding get over it! kobe got this and he wasnt crying about it!

Kobe is just as bunz as Lebron...homie wore the hell out of that band-aid....ol' variant nelly. Rockin that mess on american idol like it was abadge of honor.
True i hate when he checks his lip like 10 times if its not bleeding get over it! kobe got this and he wasnt crying about it!

Kobe cries about calls more than any player on the offensive end.

Every time he goes through the lane all you hear is: UeaaaahAAhaA.

Every All Star does some acting. Get over it.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

True i hate when he checks his lip like 10 times if its not bleeding get over it! kobe got this and he wasnt crying about it!

Kobe cries about calls more than any player on the offensive end.

Every time he goes through the lane all you hear is: UeaaaahAAhaA.

Every All Star does some acting. Get over it.

yeah, whenever kobe doesn't get a call when he's driving in, he stays lookin the ref's way and complaining constantly. granted his theatricsaren't nearly as bad as bron's, he does is fair share of yelling/arguing.
So Lebron gets his own thread b/c of something every single NBA player does???

Every star acts.. and that's a way of them getting more calls.. All that "EHH." Flailing of the arms.. Falling to the ground when nobody touchesyou (Tony Parker)..ALOT of NBA players do this and will continue to do this b/c it works.. I say it's more of acting though, b/c the damage already hasbeen done, But they are just trying to make it known.. Chauncey Billups does that ALOT! I mean how many pgs flail their bodies when their doing lay ups in thepaint.. If the refs sees a little guy with awkward contortions in their body, ofcourse he's going to call it...

Floppers are people who don't get touched, but will do backflips to sell a call..

A little difference..
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

True i hate when he checks his lip like 10 times if its not bleeding get over it! kobe got this and he wasnt crying about it!

Kobe cries about calls more than any player on the offensive end.

Every time he goes through the lane all you hear is: UeaaaahAAhaA.

Every All Star does some acting. Get over it.

yeah, whenever kobe doesn't get a call when he's driving in, he stays lookin the ref's way and complaining constantly. granted his theatrics aren't nearly as bad as bron's, he does is fair share of yelling/arguing.

All that has nothing to do with queen james staying down for like 5mins and checking for blood when i get touched!
At the end of the day though, it's on the refs to make the right calls. It's not the players fault the ref will call something he didn't reallysee.
Yes. LeBron is right there with Manu, Devin, and Manu. His theatrics post contact aren't even physiologically valid. Like he gets forearm shoved to the hipthen jacks his head back like all the bones in his neck just gave out.
Originally Posted by Tsman

But Lebron talks so much about bring it on, built for this, then he fllops too.

thats the worst part about it imo
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

True i hate when he checks his lip like 10 times if its not bleeding get over it! kobe got this and he wasnt crying about it!

Kobe cries about calls more than any player on the offensive end.

Every time he goes through the lane all you hear is: UeaaaahAAhaA.

Every All Star does some acting. Get over it.

yeah, whenever kobe doesn't get a call when he's driving in, he stays lookin the ref's way and complaining constantly. granted his theatrics aren't nearly as bad as bron's, he does is fair share of yelling/arguing.

i think kobe's theatrics with the screaming and flailing his arms are worse what lebron does.
Originally Posted by you big dummy

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

True i hate when he checks his lip like 10 times if its not bleeding get over it! kobe got this and he wasnt crying about it!

Kobe cries about calls more than any player on the offensive end.

Every time he goes through the lane all you hear is: UeaaaahAAhaA.

Every All Star does some acting. Get over it.

yeah, whenever kobe doesn't get a call when he's driving in, he stays lookin the ref's way and complaining constantly. granted his theatrics aren't nearly as bad as bron's, he does is fair share of yelling/arguing.

i think kobe's theatrics with the screaming and flailing his arms are worse what lebron does.

both (and most superstars) act, yeah you're right kobe's is pretty bad too...basically, anyone's favorite superstar does do a littleacting/flopping, and if they're not then they're honestly not playing the NBA game right.
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