Is what LeBron does after contact considered "flopping?"

Mar 13, 2004
I'm talking about the theatrics involved after two specific plays in this postseason...

1. Clutching his face after the blow from Songaila like it actually did some damage...

2. Checking his lip for blood after Cassell hit him (if you are bleeding IN or around the mouth there is no way for you not to know....checking his liprepeatedly for blood was an act to get the ref to call what he did)

The reason I ask is that for all the talk of being 6'9" 260, and claiming you were "built for this," there seems to be an awful lot ofhistrionics after Lebron has taken a somewhat "hard" foul. What's the difference between what Manu, Vlade, etc do and what LeBron is doing afterthe whistle to embelish what actually happened? I'm not saying he's a crybaby, but has anyone taken notice of this?
hes worse than manu imo ... but all that checking his lip and that songalia bow just goe sto show you that hes a softee
No, it's acting

Flopping <<<<<<<< acting. He's "selling the call" but it ain't like cats aren't pummelling him. And ++!+ what youheardm Cassell punched my mans AFTER he had lost the ball. Let him check his lip... geez...
I consider it offensive flopping. It's the same thing that Whistle and Chris Paul do.
Originally Posted by dreClark


My dude DoubleJs putting that SJU education to work....

I had to go to cause I didn't spell it right the first time

LOL. You Wizards fans are the worst....

one thing that's worse that wizards fans are know, the type of people who say things like "My time here on NT is done."

good to have you back shoes
Flopping? No...Embellishment? Hell yeah...ain no way those type blows even faze a man that's 6'8", 260...but re realizes if he sells it a lilmore, he'll get the he does.
2. Checking his lip for blood after Cassell hit him (if you are bleeding IN or around the mouth there is no way for you not to know....checking his lip repeatedly for blood was an act to get the ref to call what he did)
No, I think the contact LeBron gets is a lot harder than it looks due to his size and strength.
He's not flopping. He's pandering to the referees and fans of his team in order to have things go his way. It's cheap. He's done it severaltimes during these playoffs.
[h1]Flop (basketball)[/h1]
In basketball, flop is a derogatory term that refers to a defensive player intentionally falling backward to the floor upon physical contact with an offensive player. The hope is that it will appear to the official that the defensive player was knocked off of his feet by the offensive player's contact, thus prompting the official to call a charging foul against the offensive player.

The move is also sometimes called acting, as in "acting like he was fouled". Because it is inherently designed to deceive the official, flopping is generally considered to be less than sportsman-like. Nonetheless, it is widely practiced and even perfected by many great professional players.

Yeah Lebron is a flopper...he isn't being hit that hard in most cases.
However, he's horrible at it and all it does is make him look bad....
Oh and I forgot to mention...For his bad acting, Lebron "should be purged, he should be punished"

Word to my dear sweet brother Numsey

DoubleJs, did you happen to read this article before you posed this question?

LeBron's only sanctuary was the foul line. James gets more calls than any 23-year-old in the history of basketball. His head snaps back like Cosmo Kramer and the officials seem to go for it every time. He took 10 free throws in the first half and was able to induce a flagrant foul (tagged on Sam Cassell) when he should have been assessed two minutes for diving.
I think that Iverson and Chris Paul are much worse. Iverson is like a soccer player acting. Chris Paul will straight up run into you and then throw his headback like he was being killed.
Aren't the calls already made though? What does whatever they do after the whistle is blown matter anyway?
^Usually refs will huddle to discuss whether the call should be a flagrant, and whether that is flagrant 1 or 2.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Aren't the calls already made though? What does whatever they do after the whistle is blown matter anyway?

yeah, but he wants to give the impression that he's getting "beat up" out there and "they're trying to hurt me" so the refswill give him more calls the rest of the game
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

DoubleJs, did you happen to read this article before you posed this question?

LeBron's only sanctuary was the foul line. James gets more calls than any 23-year-old in the history of basketball. His head snaps back like Cosmo Kramer and the officials seem to go for it every time. He took 10 free throws in the first half and was able to induce a flagrant foul (tagged on Sam Cassell) when he should have been assessed two minutes for diving.

no not at all....

I was just thinking today about some of the dudes who are labeled as "floppers," and how they get flack for the way they play basketball...well, whatLeBron is doing is nothing more than theatrics, but how he escapes the criticism is beyond me....
In my eyes he is worse than Manu, Vlade, etc... They are floppers and know it, everyone knows itt. But Lebron talks so much about bring it on, built for this,then he fllops too.
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