Is Virginia's own DONE???

Oct 17, 2000
Just want to see what the area feels about Michael Vick, especially those here from "bad news" and 757 who's kept up with this.

They are already planning to block streets in Richmond on Thursday. :smh:

THE DREAM TEAM of MD/DC/VA -- It's not JUST shoes; it's JUST business...
'TeePeso,' 'Ryan8478,' 'DCShoeDon,' 'JaywhYeNeX,' 'Importking,' 'DCshoechick,' 'ScottScotch,' 'rudolph1996'​
I ain't from the "Bad news" that you speak of, but I believe that he did know what was going on, which is horrible. Allowing people to harm animals is unexcusable.
You can only burn so many bridges until it's not safe on the other side... Stranded...​
I bet he's not going to be at the Aqua Lounge tonight for the NFL party. D' Hall and Keith Willis will be there but Vick prolly getting smoked out somewhere trying to escape from this madness.
"The petty economics of the rich are just as amazing as the silly extravagances of the poor." ebengregory
NBA and NFL and MLB is having a hell of a summer!

NFL = Vick
NBA = Tommie D.
MLB = Bonds
If he did not know about the dog fighting then as an animal lover which he claimed to be as a breeder wouldn't he want to get to the bottom of who in his family let this go on.Also this is not VA arresting him and taking him to court this is the FEDS the FBI they do not give a **** who vick is,also their winning percntage is like 98%.I am not a dog lover but I saw pictures and video's of what dog fighting is and is prolly one of the most distrubing things I've seen in a while.Another thing is that vick's name is on the property therefor he is in charge of it regardless of who lived their you own it, your responsible for it.The indictment is very detailed and they have him as one of the biggest suppliers of underground dogfighting.17 dead dogs found not by shooting which would make noise but hanging,slamming to ground.I could go on forever about this case but I'll stop I hope whoever involved gets sent to jail.


Vick is goin down. He was probably orchastrating the whole thing.
Back from banned camp!
sad, sad, sad

This was supposed to be a big year for Vick and now it looks as if its going down the drain.

I truly believe this thing will get settled soon and result in him not doing any real time, and at the most a 6 game suspension.

And he bought the house for his cousin. I'm sure he knew what was going on but it is very believable if he were to say he didn't. He was just taking care of la familia.

Also, one of them young boys down there better step up soon and take the rap for homie. :smh:
A cup a day keeps the bad stuff away.
Put it like this He got Bread, He'll get a good lawyer, and get offf. Now the other two of his boys good luck...
Put it like this He got Bread, He'll get a good lawyer, and get offf.
If only it was that simple, Cochran ain't around no more. He's dealing with multiple felony charges and like they keep on saying on ESPN the feds don't indite somebody unless they KNOW they got a strong case against them. Not to mention the PETA organization is very very strong.
He's cooked.

He knew...

With Marcus being known for foolishness...this ain't a shock. Vick just HAPPENS to be another dude with money...that money didn't elevate his character as a man. Apparetly he saw it fit to keep the same company that he always kept.

But, if Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton and R.Kelly can get off scott-free...well...
Something you'll all appreciate.
This was supposed to be a big year for Vick and now it looks as if its going down the drain.
veryChappelle, "For what its worth" -- "Sorry Michael, the war isn't going to plan, and we need you to @#%$ off another child...."DOFEDS :\
Stringer from The Wire -- " you takin notes on a criminal @#%$ conspiracy????" :smh:

THE DREAM TEAM of MD/DC/VA -- It's not JUST shoes; it's JUST business...
'TeePeso,' 'Ryan8478,' 'DCShoeDon,' 'JaywhYeNeX,' 'Importking,' 'DCshoechick,' 'ScottScotch,' 'rudolph1996'​
I personally am not offended by dog fighting. I could actually care less about it.

The dog fighting is NOT what did Vick in. The real @#%$ that got him caught up is the way they executed the dogs that didn't fight. Again, I could care less about the dog fighting part, but you HAVE TO BE a sick mofo to slam a dog around to kill it. That is NEVER going to be a good look to anyone.

As far as the FEDS not giving a @#%$ about Vick, that is BS. Vick is a nationally known individual. The FEDS love haedlines like this. But my one question for them is, is this really the most important @#%$ going on in this world?

The other thing about being famous and keeping questionable characters with a lot less to lose (in comparison) around you and the FEDS is that when those shady people get caught up in some @#%$ (related or unrelated) the famous name is always going to be a free ticket to a reduced sentence. Especially when there is evidence to back up the "intel." Then the FEDS will turn to Vick and try to pressure him into name dropping on other folks.

And since the Commonwealth is also going to press charges, he is going to be going through this @#%$ for a long minute. And GA might find some @#%$ to charge him with as well.
^^^ You don't think that Dog Fighting is bad?

I won't be the guy outside holding up picket signs against it...but I think it's F'd up.
Something you'll all appreciate.
To me, this case is getting blown out of proportion. I'm not a pet lover, (although I feel like the way they killed the dogs was wrong) I just dont' see what the big deal is. Aren't there bigger issues that the FEDS/local authorities/media can focus on. You got PETA marching outside of Falcons training camp right now, and for what?? I don't see MADD marching in front of Lindsay Lohan's house. Its a double standard, simply put. Folks are trying to value the lives of pets as people
But my one question for them is, is this really the most important @#%$ going on in this world?

Cough up a lung..Where Im From!!
O.G. Member #5​
I was going to comment in another Forum... but this is where I know I will always get good banter..

I am sort of in the same boat as Scott Scotch... I was born in Mississippi and have family all along the south in the NO and Louisiana, and to tell you the truth.. up until this first came out, I didnt know Dog Fighting was illegal, cause it happens down there like it's dog racing.

My Uncles, Cousins and people from all around did it when I was younger. I am not PETA by any means, and dogs are ok, I suppose, but to me Man is Man and people kill animals all the time for no reason.. so there is a line of hypocrisy there.

However, I do think the way they went about killing those dogs was CRAZY insane. I mean they could have a Kennel and just said the dead carcasses were of Dogs that were sick, so they put them down. No harm in that. But when you have eye accounts of people sayin you hung dogs, electricuted them and beat them to death will do you in from even the most unlikely of dog lovers.

I do think it's something apart of the Southern or inner city culture, but with Vick having money the way he DID, there is no excuse to be doing that dumb stuff over a couple thousandbucks. All in all he probably funded this for his cousins to make money and he simply did it as a sport.

Remember, they weren't even looking for this stuff when they first went after the house, they were looking to get his cousins on Drug Charges... and yeah... with the Feds getting into it, it's almost certain someone is doing time. Feds only get into something if they think the State or Local Authorities are goin to mess things up. Which apparently they were.

I am not condoning in the least what he did or got involved in because of Family, but it seems real odd that PETA is making money by sellin Anti Vick clothes and hats...for profit.

I will tell you the down side of this for all Black QBs goin forward. Teams aren't going to want to put that kind of money into them without all sorts of out clauses to get their money back, cause Auther Blank is between a Rock and a Hard Place on this one.

He can cancel his Fan Base for good if Vick doesn;'t come back or he doesn't get another Black QB like Vick..

Maybe Marcus will fill in? lol
T E A M L E B R O N S Z 1 1​
Cruelty equals SLAMMING A DOG UNTIL IT'S DEAD...I'm no animal rights activist...but that's pretty heartless.
Something you'll all appreciate.
^^^ You don't think that Dog Fighting is bad?

I don't think I could have said it anymore clearly- lol. It's not something I think about. I didn't feel anything when I saw it in 'Fresh.' Didn't feel anyway towards it 'The Wire' either. Haven't even been in person and have no interest in going because I really don't care about it.

With that said, I do think they could have found a better way of going about killing the dogs they deemed unfit (whether justified or not). I don't know anything baout horse's but did Barbaro need to be killed because his leg was broken? lol

As for PETA, I agree with Duece King. It seems that their agenda is to put animal life on even par with humans. I'm sorry, I believe in the chain of command in the animal kingdom. Is it my fault that cows taste good and that they can't run fast enough not to be hereded and slaughtered? lol
Cruelty equals SLAMMING A DOG UNTIL IT'S DEAD...I'm no animal rights activist...but that's pretty heartless.

call me heartless then, I don't see anything wrong with it, but that whole topic is on a whole other level.
I work in the Video Dept of an Animal Rights organization, not PETA, but along those lines.

I have seen tons of footage of Dogfighting, Cockfighting, Hog Dog Fighting and any other animal cruelty you can think of, and it's all bad. No if, and's, or but's about it.

It's bad because the animals have no say, and they will fight to the death.

And it's bad cause the way people treat those less fortunate than themselves and those who can't speak for themselves says alot about us as a society.

Mike Vick is in alot of trouble. I personally think he will serve some time, but I also think he will play again. He can throw the rock
Work to RockDeep, i dont really see what the fuss is about... im sure no one is missing these 300 that died specially with the number of stray dogs just limping through the streets these days.

Kennels were overfilled as well, im sure some might lash my comments but if our president can send troops to die at war for population control what's the harm in offing a few canines?

This is merely another attempt to take out the black man! Although the FEDS do have a 98% conviction rate, if IRV GOTTI can beat the charges, Vick should come out ok. He just hired a lawyer based out of DC. Martin i think is his last name....

Im on Vick's side 100%. If all else fails him and PacMan "i aint get charged" Jones can write a tell all book. Why nike gotta suspend Vick kicks? This whole thing is a huge hypocrisy. How many animals were killed to make a ostrich swoosh on your nikes?
im indifferent about Vick. its messed up if he was involved but its not something im going to spend my days really following. he is ******ed for not being responsible for that property though because even if it wasn't dog fighting, who knows what people could be doing. personally i try to see the value in all life and i agree with what BlackTulip said but i wasnt there and dont really know much beside what was already made light.
And it's bad cause the way people treat those less fortunate than themselves and those who can't speak for themselves says alot about us as a society.

What up BT!!

I understand the quoted coment and where it comes from, but I don't necessarily agree that you can project that onto human life 100%.
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