+## is this?!?!? Supposed new life form found in sewers

Pretty fake. It was a nice attempt though.

2 Keys to me:

I doubt those "life forms" would come from water that clear

The way the camera moved seemed like someone was pushing a wand cam down a pipe.
ajaloux (11 minutes ago)
too bad you actually see the string controlling the thing at the end

Dude thats in the sewer right?

Ok so i know what it is.

I have an aquarium at home and this is what i buy to feed my damn fish

Those are either black worms or blood worms.


They like to stay together in clumps like that.

HAHAHAHA google them up. See how everytime they detect disturbance, they all drawn in the center? Individually?

i don't think either one of the things were individual organisms like worms cause the whole thing seized up. maybe it's a newly introduced sewerdwelling species, or maybe it's a species of something that has been here longer than us.
Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

i don't think either one of the things were individual organisms like worms cause the whole thing seized up. maybe it's a newly introduced sewer dwelling species, or maybe it's a species of something that has been here longer than us.
The whole thing seized up because thats how they feel safe. They stay in a "colony" like that to stay damped and wet when water isscarced.

If you look closely you will see individual worms crawling back and forth.

I feed them to my fish every week. Trust me
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