Is "Terence" A Black Name?

Originally Posted by Apples28

I wouldn't name my child terrence because my grandmother would just pronounce it all wrong. I m latina so i alwaya think of how my family would say it in spanish.
Yes, BUT, I don't think it's strange to meet a white Terrence. I DO think it's strange to meet an Asian Terrence.
All love OP.
haha, my professor and I was just talking about this last thursday. we both agreed that the name doesnt belong to a race, but majority of people we know namedterrence is black. speaking of which, my name is terrence and i am filipino/samoan.
Actually, Terence is of latin origin. Just because all of the "Terence's" that you know are black doesn't mean that it's a black name. Maybe you just need to get out more and meet more people. That's like saying "Williams" or "Johnson" is a black last name (they bothoriginate from Europe). Anyone with any form of social skill that doesn't relate to Niketalk would know this.
Actually, Terence is of latin origin. Just because all of the "Terence's" that you know are black doesn't mean that it's a black name. Maybe you just need to get out more and meet more people. That's like saying "Williams" or "Johnson" is a black last name (they bothoriginate from Europe). Anyone with any form of social skill that doesn't relate to Niketalk would know this.
Originally Posted by Rapsteady1

the name doesnt belong to a race

my brother's name is terence tho
and my godmother's nephew name is terence too
they're black
i know a dude that goes by terry but his name is terrence and he's chinese
My 10th grade chem teacher (old white guy) name is Tyrome.

I think Terrence is mostly a black name though..
Originally Posted by nanbeezy

Had any problem with resume discrimination yet?
I don't think so... my last name is a Chinese name though, i don't really know if that's a good thing or not
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