Is Social Media Destroying Society? Former Facebook Exec Says 'Yes'

Why is this being photographed?

She's wack but at this point she kinda has to divulge everything going on in her life. She sold her soul to social media a long time ago. If she doesn't post it then all her followers are gonna be asking what happened to the baby for months on end. That's really tragic though. Gonna be tough to get over.
Why is this being photographed?

Some people hire photographers to capture the birthing experience. (My wife has been hired for stuff like this). They document everything that happens for the client. Whether its a good or bad experience, some are told to shoot everything and they edit them and give them to the client.

Why she posted this pic? I guess she wanted to show her pain is real and appeal to those who have gone through the same thing, im guessing. I dont know... Personally, i wouldnt want to broadcast one of the lowest moments of my life tho. I do think its a bit od.
To be fair, in her mind, this might be her “Emmett Till” moment. I am in no way comparing the severity of the situations, even though death was involved in both.

Maybe this is her way of showing “Not everything in Social Media is real life and real life isn’t pretty.” It was Till’s mother who had the strength for them to have an open casket memorial and have it photographed. I don’t think she’s that hungry for likes/clicks to think about capture this moment for self gratification.

I know I could be wrong, but I want to have some semblance of hope in the world and pray that I’m not in this situation. Just my 2 cents.
Isnt it irony to be sharing a post you dont agree with just to question why she posted it in the first place? Aren't you contributing to it going viral?
As someone that's been too high, that sounds real. She probably shouldn't have posted that tho, it could get her parents in trouble.
I'm getting tired of mainstream social media...that's why no matter what, I don't think I'll ever outgrow NT even though the critics say it hasn't been the same. A lot of us have been on NT for years before IG/Twitter/FB blew up. I learned about gifs and memes here way before that ish became popular on those platforms. NT is where I go to get away from those places. I haven't posted anything on FB/IG in years and just use it for messaging at this point.

Twitter is alright but even I'm getting tired of it...I use it for the occasional retweet but I'm not out there interacting with strangers/followers I don't know personally. Like I'll see these Twitter power users try to start a discussion thread with their followers about food or movies and I'm like...why >D If I wanted that type of interaction then I'd come here or Reddit.

Too many trolls on social media now don't know who is for real, seeking attention, or just gullible.
The NY post complaining about fake news & suppression of free speech is just laughable. The publication still being around is laughable as well. Literally a Daily Bugle parody.

This whole thing is a giant crock ****. Stop letting these nerd *** dudes punk u. I wish Ted Cruz would raise his voice at me. Trump & the GOP after solely going after these ppl especially Dorsey b/c they've flagged bs he spews. Dude is a disgusting piece of ****. "How dare you not tolerate my fake news?" :lol:
Facebook and Twitter are terrible. People with conspiracy thoughts now have a platform spew and share their garbage. Trump supporters are quick to cite Facebook as their source.
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