is she nuts, nt? updated pg 1

is she a few grass blades short of a football field?

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  • Who cares

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Dead *** OP, one of my friends is a(very. very attractive)chick like you described. I friendzoned her.

When I met her she had a gf, but was at work talking about how cute dudes were, then come to find out she had two kids that don't live with her.

Shes my homie, but she aint ****! All she do is look for ol simp *** dudes to trick off on her. Ain't nothing wrong with a smash and dash, but after you get what you want, dead that o.
gotta wait till saturday the earliest to upload em......inall honesty i do feel bad not postin pix in my initial post ....i know the nt drill plus i know that dissapoint feel.....but i couldnt resist posting just to get some initial feedback befopre i see her again

SATURDAY!!! picture time :D
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SATURDAY!!! picture time
Get to it OP.
that Papi video is hilarious.

officer: Dont call me Papi again
dude: alright papi, i mean officer
Wow just googled it. Mindblown.

At Home Artificial Insemination To Get Pregnant - Turkey Baster Method

View media item 125627
The Turkey Baster Method is the most common way of artificial insemination to get pregnant and have an artificial insemination at home. More often than not you do NOT actually use a turkey baster but a disposable syringe.

You need the following supplies for an artificial insemination at home with a turkey baster:

Needleless syringe or oral medicine syringe (instead of the turkey baster)
Collection cup, baggy or condom
(Optional) Saline without additives or preservatives
(Optional) Tube to attach to syringe
(Optional) Mild germicidal soap
You can ask your doctor for a needleless syringe or you can buy an oral medicine syringe at just about any drugstore or in Wal*Mart near the children's thermometers. Buy the syringe with a plunger, not a bulb end (not the mini turkey baster!). The syringes work pretty much the same way. One that is maybe 4 inches long, or longer, is probably best. The oral medicine syringes have about a half inch narrow tip on the end. You can attach a catheter (thin tube) to either kind of syringe but you don't need to and it may waste more of the semen to use one.

a) Take a clean or sterile glass or plastic cup, baggy, or collection condom and have the male ejaculate into it. You'll probably have better luck getting the semen out of a cup since you could suck the baggy or condom up to the syringe and block the opening, but you may get a larger sample with the baggy or condom. You can use a tiny bit of saline, without additives/preservatives, to help get as much sperm as possible into the syringe, but you don't need to worry too much about leaving a little behind. If you are using frozen sperm, you need to ask the sperm bank for directions on thawing.
Based off of the info that you've provided us; I think it's safe to say that she's not all there.
Wow just googled it. Mindblown.

At Home Artificial Insemination To Get Pregnant - Turkey Baster Method

View media item 125627
The Turkey Baster Method is the most common way of artificial insemination to get pregnant and have an artificial insemination at home. More often than not you do NOT actually use a turkey baster but a disposable syringe.

You need the following supplies for an artificial insemination at home with a turkey baster:

Needleless syringe or oral medicine syringe (instead of the turkey baster)
Collection cup, baggy or condom
(Optional) Saline without additives or preservatives
(Optional) Tube to attach to syringe
(Optional) Mild germicidal soap
You can ask your doctor for a needleless syringe or you can buy an oral medicine syringe at just about any drugstore or in Wal*Mart near the children's thermometers. Buy the syringe with a plunger, not a bulb end (not the mini turkey baster!). The syringes work pretty much the same way. One that is maybe 4 inches long, or longer, is probably best. The oral medicine syringes have about a half inch narrow tip on the end. You can attach a catheter (thin tube) to either kind of syringe but you don't need to and it may waste more of the semen to use one.

a) Take a clean or sterile glass or plastic cup, baggy, or collection condom and have the male ejaculate into it. You'll probably have better luck getting the semen out of a cup since you could suck the baggy or condom up to the syringe and block the opening, but you may get a larger sample with the baggy or condom. You can use a tiny bit of saline, without additives/preservatives, to help get as much sperm as possible into the syringe, but you don't need to worry too much about leaving a little behind. If you are using frozen sperm, you need to ask the sperm bank for directions on thawing.
See I know about this. I've seen it talked about in a few places, it's even used in comedies so I'd think it's common knowledge but the way OP told the story about her telling him how things went down he didn't make sound like her and her gf were planning on getting her pregnant after/during sex, especially when he finishes talking about where he says we agreed she was acting dumb by doing that. Nobody tries to use donor sperm to impregnate yourself with a turkey baster during sex for fun. That's a serious decision. So that's what's so weird about it, especially how it got glossed over like it wasn't serious. That's why I wasn't completely sure what happened there.
Wow just googled it. Mindblown.

At Home Artificial Insemination To Get Pregnant - Turkey Baster Method
See I know about this. I've seen it talked about in a few places, it's even used in comedies so I'd think it's common knowledge but the way OP told the story about her telling him how things went down he didn't make sound like her and her gf were planning on getting her pregnant after/during sex, especially when he finishes talking about where he says we agreed she was acting dumb by doing that. Nobody tries to use donor sperm to impregnate yourself with a turkey baster during sex for fun. That's a serious decision. So that's what's so weird about it, especially how it got glossed over like it wasn't serious. That's why I wasn't completely sure what happened there.
ohhhhhh, ok makes sense......yeah i think seeing as how that ordeal was sort of brushed off to me  by her, may have affected my own telling of the story.  so, this girl im talking to (lets call her michelle) said her ex GF slipped the baster and it happened real quick. what i think it is, is she knew what her gf was doing but didnt want me to think negatively of her -  didnt want the story to sound stranger than it is, type of thing.  ive spoken with her several times since my last nt post via phone.  however,  ive been so busy with my family and a daughter with a sick stomach this whole weekend, so ....u know how that goes (maybe not, but u can imagine).  we'll be up soon enough me her, if anything just to conversate, i have no problems with that.  

im not rushing into anything, ive done that once before with a complete stranger and was unsure about that HIV until i got that dna test 2 weeks after exposure just to make sure. i had no reason to think that this girl (not michelle this other lady, a while ago) was sick with the bug other than i hadnt known her long.  

that feeling of unknown stds is the worst.  glad ive always come back clean SMH

me and my daughter's mother still have our time, so i try to limit my exposure to other women to basically none so....yeah.....

yeah. im definitely not rushing into anything, not with so much on the the line BELEEEEEEEEEEEEE DAT.  

im glad i made this thread some knowledge and lulz were spread.cant hate on that.

im also not giving up the fight for nt pics either. 

if i get that intimate time with michelle  please believe im going in like ya boy in the movie the naked gun.....full body suit condom LMAO
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Wait so you messed with a chick that had HIV or did I comprehend that incorrectly?
Wow just googled it. Mindblown.

At Home Artificial Insemination To Get Pregnant - Turkey Baster Method

See I know about this. I've seen it talked about in a few places, it's even used in comedies so I'd think it's common knowledge but the way OP told the story about her telling him how things went down he didn't make sound like her and her gf were planning on getting her pregnant after/during sex, especially when he finishes talking about where he says we agreed she was acting dumb by doing that. Nobody tries to use donor sperm to impregnate yourself with a turkey baster during sex for fun. That's a serious decision. So that's what's so weird about it, especially how it got glossed over like it wasn't serious. That's why I wasn't completely sure what happened there.

ohhhhhh, ok makes sense......yeah i think seeing as how that ordeal was sort of brushed off to me  by her, may have affected my own telling of the story.  so, this girl im talking to (lets call her michelle) said her ex GF slipped the baster and it happened real quick. what i think it is, is she knew what her gf was doing but didnt want me to think negatively of her -  didnt want the story to sound stranger than it is, type of thing.  ive spoken with her several times since my last nt post via phone.  however,  ive been so busy with my family and a daughter with a sick stomach this whole weekend, so ....u know how that goes (maybe not, but u can imagine).  we'll be up soon enough me her, if anything just to conversate, i have no problems with that.  

im not rushing into anything, ive done that once before with a complete stranger and was unsure about that HIV until i got that dna test 2 weeks after exposure just to make sure. i had no reason to think that this girl (not michelle this other lady, a while ago) was sick with the bug other than i hadnt known her long.  

that feeling of unknown stds is the worst.  glad ive always come back clean SMH

me and my daughter's mother still have our time, so i try to limit my exposure to other women to basically none so....yeah.....

yeah. im definitely not rushing into anything, not with so much on the the line BELEEEEEEEEEEEEE DAT.  

im glad i made this thread some knowledge and lulz were spread.cant hate on that.

im also not giving up the fight for nt pics either. 

if i get that intimate time with michelle  please believe im going in like ya boy in the movie the naked gun.....full body suit condom LMAO

Please get tested again and make sure it has been 6 mos since exposure.
just leave it alone, it sounds like she will show up to your home and destroy your family, way too much trouble plus she sounds like a moron with awful judgement.

way too much trouble for what you described, and youre obviously holding out on the pictures because you know she isnt worth the you said she swings both ways, that just means she wants any attention that she can get, she has issues man.
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