is she nuts, nt? updated pg 1

is she a few grass blades short of a football field?

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Sep 28, 2006
nt, is this shorty crazy?  vol. pics soon enough

ok nt gather round, story time.  so i met this young and sexy litte numba the other day.  she has a little stomach pudge (more on that later, not obese at all either, trust). she got the toothgap up top (heard thats a physical sign of a freak, but i dunno, sounds kinda like a generalization to me, i mean where's the documented proof of such a genetic tendency?).

she has  a nice rotund gluteneous maximinuous, nice rounds hips like the waves that get generated at disney world resorts, all that oh and a cute young voice (she's 19).  

so long story short, but still kinda long, i get to chattin with her. she goes to nursing school wtih a transfer to conecticut sometime next year.  so yeah she's about something which i think is great she asks me almost off bat (i met her what a week and half ago?), r u married? im like nah.  shes like u got any seeds (she  didnt use that actual word) im like yeah a girl and i proceed to show her a pic (i kind of regret doing that, i might stop doing that. i do it cuz ALL the honnies be like "ohhhhhh!!!.....she looks just like u, look at that hair! blah blah blah" but maybe its not such a good idea cuz a shorty might wanna forcefeed her womb my natural mystic essense, ....get me to slipping after being tempted by some glistening sweet flesh-matter)

i was like do u have any children (cuz i noticed the slight stomach pudge on this girl) and she was like, "well

yeah she doesnt live with me, tho she lives with her dad" so im over here thinkin thats crazy the moms is almost always automatically given custody, on some backwards as bull%^&* babylonian-tip.  so red flag goes up, im like awww %^&* this chick prolly smacked her child up with a cheese-grater and the DSC stepped in and took her child from her.  im like what happened, ur mans got u in trouble and made u out to be crazy?" (u know siding with her a little) shes like 'yeah his parents didnt like me, we werent getting along, he moved"

so we exhcange numbers after some more small talk, and i talk to her like a day or two later and she sounded upset im like whats up (not like frantic or anxious-upset, just slightly low in the voice type a thing).  shes starts tellin me this story about her ex.  she says shes bi and is that cool.  im like 'yeah thats fine." thinkin in the back of mind yes, winning.  so she tells me how her periods late and she think that her ex-gf knocked her up.

im like how does that even happen she use a strap on, shes like no and i immediately think 'turkey baster' and sure enoughshe described the device as a turkley baster type a thing.  and shes basically describing it as she didnt know she was going to do it it was a mistake, all that.  so she asks,'what do u think? do u think im crazy?"  another red flag, so i said "well, i think u made a really bad and stupid decision.  u shouldntve let her do that blasey blah" shes like yeah.  so we're getting up friday night. turns out shes not pregnant.

oh and before i froget she mentioned something about having had an abortion.  this was like the first convo over the phone when she was tellin me she was worried about a possible pregnancy.  so im thinking ok, was it an abortion, u lost ur child to the father, or both happened in ur life, or netiher happened and ur a looney tune?  she claims she's tired of being taken advantage of by men, so went gay, that didnt work......

all the women ive dated have been level-headed. maybe, passionate, but nothing crazy like on meds or slashing tires, etc 

r these tell tale signs this chick isnt all the way there?

im thinking when i see her, ill ask her to clarify the children situation first, see what she says.

what else should i ask her? how do u ask sum1 if they're crazy, without asking them if they're crazy?

should i even care if she is? nt advice needed for crazy chicks or simply diagnosing crazy


hips like waves generated by a disney-run pool

want to smash

not sure if cray

....finally, i know how nt needs pics or ducks, so ill post em up just as soon as i see her again.  im not going to  

feed her to the wolves so dont expect much, but yes, this thread will contain pics at some point in time

UPDATE: ok, so against my better judgement and against the advice of some nters i smashed.  a few times. so 10 days after our week of 'hanging out' i got tested and came back negative, then several months after the fact i got tested again (which was a week ago) with the same results

. ive had these pics and the un-posted video for a while but didnt feel like posting just in case i came up positive for something.....only to go around showing off the lady that gave me a bug? no, im good.

neways, we talked during that week and she wasn't crazy.  she just was going through some things and i hope she's doing better now.  it was worth it, the yambs were AMAZING.  and she scaled me high, so....yeah. mission accomplished.  


these pics dont do her justice, i measured her at 48" hips & booty 

i got my eye on this dark brown tone woman, mass at least 55" w/ no grotesque gut or i love life.
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I just read the cliffs but if you're just smashing and not making a commitment who cares if she's crazy?
how about go take an english class then go take a computer basic class then come back write in normal person language and upload some pics.
how about go take an english class then go take a computer basic class then come back write in normal person language and upload some pics.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Op if you just want to smash why worry about all this nonsense ? As long as you don't get reckless and get her pregnant or catch feelings then you should be alright
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Sounds like the crazy type that tells you way too much of info about herself way too early. Get ready to learn about how her daddy or uncle abused her. Need pics to confirm though. I've never taken it far with chicks like that, smash a few times and then I lose contact. So I'm not sure of all the dangers
how about go take an english class then go take a computer basic class then come back write in normal person language and upload some pics.
how about u realize its nt, and it's really not that serious, sound good? go away, ur avy = doo doo (thom yorke > ye, why mention yorke?  kanye-to-the is a fan but yorke doesnt acknowledge him)
how about go take an english class then go take a computer basic class then come back write in normal person language and upload some pics.

how about u realize its nt, and it's really not that serious, sound good? go away, ur avy = doo doo (thom yorke > ye, why mention yorke?  kanye-to-the is a fan but yorke doesnt acknowledge him)

if its not that serious then why are u getting offended papi??
how about go take an english class then go take a computer basic class then come back write in normal person language and upload some pics.

how about u realize its nt, and it's really not that serious, sound good? go away, ur avy = doo doo (thom yorke > ye, why mention yorke?  kanye-to-the is a fan but yorke doesnt acknowledge him)
if its not that serious then why are u getting offended papi??
im not offended and im not ur papi
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