is it true that once you turn 21 you don't even want to drink as much?

Who told you this? They're ******ed.

Oh! I didn't know you needed to be 25 to rent a car lol. This was just a random post/vent. (I wanted to rent a car)
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I've heard this and experienced it somewhat. Some of the "thrill" behind it dies. Its no longer something that requires effort to pull off (getting alcohol when you're not 21 isn't hard to begin with), but rather you can just go do it whenever you want. It just becomes something that people make less of a deal about once they become 21.
Post 21, I no longer drink to get drunk although i do enjoy a few beers on the weekend.

It was cool before, now the altered state of consciousness and the hangovers just aren't fun anymore.
you forgot a blunt.
people who said ohhh you dont drink as much anymore because you can legally do it now... HELL NO, been waiting for this moment for awhile, im 21 and i love it. go anywhere and everywhere i want to.

Of course as SOON as you turn 21 its like that. Wait til 1-2 yrs from now. It'll get old quick.
Enjoying beers with friends or hanging out at a bar doesn't get old for me but going out every week or a few times a week did get old. I don't have time to go out all the time and I don't like to spend money like I did when I was younger. I'm in my mid-20's and still like to get wasted once in a while during happy hour 8).
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