Is it normal to creep (NOT cheat) on a lot of girls even if you have a girlfriend?

How is cheating cheating? My girl would prob get over texting a few randoms..but she would never ever ever get over poking a few save all of that..Imean come on..
man i know how you feel man... but i still believe that it is wrong to activel go out & pursure other girls just to make sure that you "still gotit"... that's part of being in a relationship, most likely if you were being completely faithful & not doing these things... then of course yourgame is going to be a bit rusty if/when you get out of said relationship... that's jsut part of the game with relationships

most likely you're going to have to bring your game back up to par after the relationship has ended.
It's cool man! I do the same!

No, seriously though. I do the same thing, but not to the level you take it to. I text girls and "flirt" a little, but no "I cant wait to tasteyou" stuff
Originally Posted by ericberry14

man i know how you feel man... but i still believe that it is wrong to activel go out & pursure other girls just to make sure that you "still got it"... that's part of being in a relationship, most likely if you were being completely faithful & not doing these things... then of course your game is going to be a bit rusty if/when you get out of said relationship... that's jsut part of the game with relationships

most likely you're going to have to bring your game back up to par after the relationship has ended.
It's most or less just a psychological thing though. I think the reason people feel like their game is "rusty" out of a relationshipis partly due to how crappy they might feel from ending their recent relationship.

To OP: If your game was really on point in the first place, you shouldn't feel compelled to "test" yourself every so often by getting numberswhile still being in a relationship.
It's not really trying when I get numbers, always just's like an instinct....example would be I'm at a friends lake houselast summer and his neighbor girl takes a liking to me..just really random..not like I went out to the club and tried to creep on always justhappens..very little effort is ever involved..
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by ericberry14

man i know how you feel man... but i still believe that it is wrong to activel go out & pursure other girls just to make sure that you "still got it"... that's part of being in a relationship, most likely if you were being completely faithful & not doing these things... then of course your game is going to be a bit rusty if/when you get out of said relationship... that's jsut part of the game with relationships

most likely you're going to have to bring your game back up to par after the relationship has ended.
It's most or less just a psychological thing though. I think the reason people feel like their game is "rusty" out of a relationship is partly due to how crappy they might feel from ending their recent relationship.

To OP: If your game was really on point in the first place, you shouldn't feel compelled to "test" yourself every so often by getting numbers while still being in a relationship.
that is truth right there... but to be completely honest relationships now a day are damn near geared towards failure for reasons generallyoutside the relationship...
Originally Posted by snow pl0w

It's not really trying when I get numbers, always just's like an instinct....example would be I'm at a friends lake house last summer and his neighbor girl takes a liking to me..just really random..not like I went out to the club and tried to creep on always just happens..very little effort is ever involved..
you're lying to make yourself feel better about it

if you're gettin numbers, there is always at least some effort involved... not to mention its always pretty easy to simply say that you have a girlfriendor even that you're not interested

Originally Posted by snow pl0w

How is cheating cheating? My girl would prob get over texting a few randoms..but she would never ever ever get over poking a few save all of that..I mean come on..

Awww the good ol' Freudian slip.
I dont have a GF, but i do have a lot of girls i hang on to after we smash. Like they tell me they have boyfriends after the fact but i cant tell they want tobe with me, but i just cant do relationships. Im not a cheater when im in them i just like my space, a lot of girls i mess with get extra clingy which i hate.

So my position is cruising the single waves until i find that big wave that will give me all i need as in space, commitment, and halfing on a baby. lol

Maybe one that will be my sportsbike girl too.
I think it is a bit normal nowadays. She probably doing the same to you, but I feel as though you should make a decision on what you want, her or the singlelife..
most broads deserve can be nice and stick to her and her alone...but it wont be appreciated..just get your kicks in before it all burns down
I think its ok in some situations. I mean its not like dudes can hold back every single urge
Originally Posted by Streetballer23

I think it is a bit normal nowadays. She probably doing the same to you, but I feel as though you should make a decision on what you want, her or the single life..

Originally Posted by dt24

And people wonder why the majority of marriages end in divorce....
I don't wonder why.

Times are different. People are as faithful as their options and we have waaaaay more options today than ever. Not a good thing as far as marriage is concernedbut we are only human and WILL act on our urges/desires.

It's sad, but true. I hate to be so jaded, but I'm just telling it like it is.

You think that if the internet, cell phones, etc existed back in the day, marriage would've even been anything like our current idea of marriage is?

I don't.

I think our idea of marriage/partnership will eventually change. Just give it a thousand years.
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