Let's first discuss the word "black".
What does it mean? The etymology is either Latin from the word "blanc" which means white, or from Old English "blæc" or bleak, which means pale. None of us are actually "black". It's a title used to call us garbage basically, but let's leave that discussion for another day.
According to Ivan Van Sertima's research Moors traveled and conquered the world many times and what now remains are the remnants of those dynasties and the reversal of power that came from the Moors being defeated and the winners vowing to destroy and hide our legacy over time.
Is French "African"? Technically, yes. But what's that? Is he black or a Moor? Probably. I don't doubt that he shares DNA with what we call black people today. Did he **** on a bird who wants sympathy after she ran up on the wrong one? Absolutely.