Is Fousey Okay?

Dude this is sooooo so so bad. Dude a MAJOR scumbag with extreme issues. If he for real has a therapist, the therapist needs to tell him to get off the internet and moved to South Dakota or something.

Poor girl. Took advantage of her situation. Used her for internet content. Her face is all over the internet now. Everyone now knows her story. He tells her “I’m an advocate for sexual assault victims!” Then smashes her in the bathroom, uploads everything, and immediately dips out. Yes, the dude who admittedly has a problem with sex addiction and prostitutes is an “advocate” for girls in these situations. Jesus Christ :smh:

"Fame is the worst drug known to man. It's stronger than heroin. When you can look in the mirror and be like there I am and still see what you've become"
not directed at you^

is it ok to look down on this dude for being a degenerate and listen to drake or future?
cause i see a lot of that on here where people pick and choose who people want to hold to moral standards

i’m not excusing any behavior cause it’s all bad but this guy doing what i’ve seen every person doing growing up

(i didn’t watch the video)

See MICHAEL Jackson vs. R. Kelly
Ok please educate me on the parallels of Future, Drake, R Kelly and Michael Jackson.
smashing vulnerable women and moving on to the next one…that’s what i was referring to
Saw that video of him smashing the very clearly drunken girl who told him she was a victim of sex trafficking...yikes :stoneface:

He lied about it afterwards too in a crazy delusional rant on a Twitter Space, where he was also screaming at his former business partner Keemstar about how an old song "Dollar in the woods" must've been about Fousey's dog, because his dog was named Dollar and he had to bury him in the woods when he died.
He was screaming about how he never had sex with her and that "it was a prank", which is contradicted by his own statements when it happened and what he privately told people close to him at the time of the incident.

The Twitter space rant was textbook manic episode behavior, especially him trying to link a random song to making fun of his dog's death.
This dude needs to get off the internet and get proper treatment.

He keeps using the 'mental health' excuse too for every controversy he gets himself into. My best friend is bipolar and I've dealt with her manic episodes several times, but she's never used it as an excuse.
During a manic episode, her thought process becomes delusional and she's not entirely in control of her actions but there's still some tiny degree of self-awareness in there.
Saw that video of him smashing the very clearly drunken girl who told him she was a victim of sex trafficking...yikes :stoneface:

He lied about it afterwards too in a crazy delusional rant on a Twitter Space, where he was also screaming at his former business partner Keemstar about how an old song "Dollar in the woods" must've been about Fousey's dog, because his dog was named Dollar and he had to bury him in the woods when he died.
He was screaming about how he never had sex with her and that "it was a prank", which is contradicted by his own statements when it happened and what he privately told people close to him at the time of the incident.

The Twitter space rant was textbook manic episode behavior, especially him trying to link a random song to making fun of his dog's death.
This dude needs to get off the internet and get proper treatment.

He keeps using the 'mental health' excuse too for every controversy he gets himself into. My best friend is bipolar and I've dealt with her manic episodes several times, but she's never used it as an excuse.
During a manic episode, her thought process becomes delusional and she's not entirely in control of her actions but there's still some tiny degree of self-awareness in there.
im sure the reason he stays on the internet making videos is because he has no other source of income too
Dude had the breaks beat off him in some exhibition fight by some random nobody :lol:
Said it in other Fousey threads before and I’ll say it again: buddy just needs to come out the closet already. He’d be much happier and at peace if he did. All I see is someone cosplaying what he thinks a straight man should be/act like.
Said it in other Fousey threads before and I’ll say it again: buddy just needs to come out the closet already. He’d be much happier and at peace if he did. All I see is someone cosplaying what he thinks a straight man should be/act like.
its against the religion he practices to be gay, might alienate some of his audience but will for sure find a bigger audience
this dude was on NT before right?
correct. normal poster then ventured into becoming a youtuber. pranks and such; whatever was popping at the time.

After getting pretty big He announced that he was leaving NT (primarily so no one can backtrack search on him for anything). He came back with a new account, rarely but still.

This is his last thread (that I know of).

My comment on the thread is very telling in relation to this thread:nerd:
his first big vid was singing/covering that friday song at the apple store I believe.

thats what blew him up.
Said it in other Fousey threads before and I’ll say it again: buddy just needs to come out the closet already. He’d be much happier and at peace if he did. All I see is someone cosplaying what he thinks a straight man should be/act like.
I dislike the terms “zesty” or “sus” due to its negative connotation but yeah from what I can tell he has very frequent mannerisms that are typically associated with a flamboyant gay man. Nothing wrong with that, to be clear.
I worked with quite a few flamboyantly gay men back when I was a nurse and Fousey shares those exact same speech patterns a lot of the time.

I agree he gives a very strong impression that he’s afraid to come out as gay or bisexual, which is just really sad. Hypothetically, his supporters generally wouldn’t care but he could be shunned by his family if they’re strongly religious.
I’ve always thought it was something missing from people that SEEK fame. Its one thing end up famous, it’s another to be out here doing whatever to become famous.

“Fame used to be the byproduct of success and hard work…now it’s the ultimate goal.” - Melyssa Ford, from some documentary I saw years ago (Zeitgeist?!?).
I used to chuckle when I would see the cringe fousey stuff....

Now I actually find this stuff sad, you are clearly watching a man with self esteem and mental health issues broadcast his life on the internet for appeasement/validation.

He's become a spectacle, people are tuning in to watch his demise.

I'm no health professional, but I think it would be in his best interest to walk away from the internet for a while and focus on his real, non-broadcasted life.
way before he got on the ellen show, he made a thread and posted his pic, asking NT to make a flyer for his birthday party. you know how that went 😂

anyone have a link to that thread or a pic of the flyer?
I tried looking for this when he first started getting a buzz but no luck. Doubt we could find it now :lol: :smh:
I remember when his 'stuff Drake says" video went viral. Can't believe he got this popular.
I was just randomly in Wal Mart one day about 10 years ago or so in the fitness section and saw him on the cover of one of those 60 Day Transformation dvds. I was happy for him, man's getting to the bag. But I agree he has mental health issues and/or tries too hard. Hell he popped on BallIsLife one time i'm watching an All Star game of some kind and he pulled up deep with a posse and everything like he was P Diddy in the 2000s and the announcer shouted him out
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