Is death the only answer?

Literally thought this thread was gonna be about what happens to you after you die lol

Anyways, yea wait them out another week or 2, then wait till they’re gone and destroy the nest. A good chance they stop drop and open up shop elsewhere 💪
Soon as I saw the socks, I just know that dog will always get punked by them birds.
feeding2 copy2.gif
You can get one of those fake owls and plant it in your yard. It should scare the birds away

My grandma spent the last 30 years of her life trying to keep the birds and squirrels away from her pear tree.

I mean she had the fake owls, aluminum pans, nets…. Ain’t none of that **** work.

Violence is the only answer.
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recently moved in to a new house
i have a little harmless pug. pug needs to use the bathroom in the backyard obviously.
problem is there's a bird family that lives in the backyard trees that try to scare, swoop, and attack my pug every time it goes back there. its 2 greyish/black birds with a longer white tail.
they aren't really doing any damage to my pug but it's mad annoying. my pug kind of looks at me like what is happening. my pug is starting to hesitate to go in the back now and i have to coax her sometimes to use the restroom. she's well trained and this has never been an issue. my bigger fear is that her pug protruding eyeballs gets poked by one of these dumbass birds and now im paying money because of a stupid bird family.

i tried to use my dog as bait yesterday and came out with pebbles and broom. they were smart. they seen me coming and flew to the top of the tree. i can hear them chirping telling each other to watch out for me.

what should i do? is death the only answer? i'm not one for violence but im ready for war.
how should i do it? air soft gun? sling shot? should i go russian and us the bird food poisoning tactic?
Thought you were about to commit that :lol:

Anyway, you get rid of the birds, what's stopping other birds from replacing them? Birds love trees. I have a big ahh tree in my backyard and have to deal with the constant chirping
My grandma spent the last 30 years of her life trying to keep the birds and squirrels away from her pear tree.

I mean she had the fake owls, aluminum pans, nets…. Ain’t no of that **** work.

Violence is the only answer.
My mom put red pepper flakes around her garden to keep out squirrels and stuff :lol:
update : i saw the whole bird family. 2 baby birds. as a father expecting my 2nd child i didn’t have the heart to follow through with the hit and bastardize the baby birds. kids make you sawft :smh:

i ended up bringing my brother’s bully over (my dogs best dog friend) to scare the birds. he hates birds. immediately started barking up the tree and making his presence known. it worked. they haven’t messed with my pug the whole weekend. i think i seen them set up shop in a neighbors tree now

pics of the bodyguard. this is an old photo too chico is like 85 lbs now
R.I.P to the squirrel I hit earlier this morning with my car. 😕
I would’ve slow down but I had a person behind me.
Ran over 2 bunnies the past month. I swear they wait until the last second and dart out in front of your on purpose
One of them I turned around to see what it was and there was another rabbit sitting next to the body :smh: had me all ****** up

Need to get one of these German short haired pointer dogs to work with the pit. They’ll point them out and the pit can do the work

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