Is Cali the way it seems in music videos and what not?

"Iggins thinking Cali just sun and B*****".

Cali aint always what it seems. I moved from Brooklyn, to Cleveland to Cali. I lived in Cali for nearly 5 years. It's hard to say I don't love Cali. But it's very easy to see why there are certain things that makes you not love and adore Cali also.

I lived in SF/Bay Area. I'll just give a quick run-down of pros/cons of my sentiments towards Cali (Northern), of course it's my opinion only.


-Public transporation
-Friendly, uplifting people.


Now the cons:

-Homeless people everywhere
-3 out of people 5 are on some type of drugs (Alcohol, pills, etc)
-Not too much variety of women (some may argue, but the big booties are slim to non-existent)
-Expensive living
-Barbers suck (literally took me 3 years to find a very good barber)
-Rainy, extremely foggy for 3-4 months out the year (this can become depressing)
-People are really easily influenced by whatever is "cool".
-Extremely thirsty and costly traffic laws
-Parking is horrible
-Lots of accidents
-Highest gas prices in country

I mean, I love Cali and I'll be moving back there eventually after I'm married because my family is there, but I can tell you right now, it's not what it's all cracked up to be. If you weren't born AND raised there, you'll end up loving it just as much as you hate it. And it's not like the music videos - unless you're living a rich, filthy lifestyle.

I knew there was a catch...
Bay Area checking in. San Jose to be exact. I see all these videos online of what the rest of the USA looks like. I'm koo where I live. You all can have your severe storm warnings and hurricanes. Snow storms and all that BS. CALI doesn't want you anyways. We sometimes take our near perfect weather for granted. But I rather be rocking a beanie when it's 60 degrees than trying to shovel my driveway of snow.
"Iggins thinking Cali just sun and B*****".

Cali aint always what it seems. I moved from Brooklyn, to Cleveland to Cali. I lived in Cali for nearly 5 years. It's hard to say I don't love Cali. But it's very easy to see why there are certain things that makes you not love and adore Cali also.

I lived in SF/Bay Area. I'll just give a quick run-down of pros/cons of my sentiments towards Cali (Northern), of course it's my opinion only.


-Public transporation
-Friendly, uplifting people.


Now the cons:

-Homeless people everywhere
-3 out of people 5 are on some type of drugs (Alcohol, pills, etc)
-Not too much variety of women (some may argue, but the big booties are slim to non-existent)
-Expensive living
-Barbers suck (literally took me 3 years to find a very good barber)
-Rainy, extremely foggy for 3-4 months out the year (this can become depressing)
-People are really easily influenced by whatever is "cool".
-Extremely thirsty and costly traffic laws
-Parking is horrible
-Lots of accidents
-Highest gas prices in country

I mean, I love Cali and I'll be moving back there eventually after I'm married because my family is there, but I can tell you right now, it's not what it's all cracked up to be. If you weren't born AND raised there, you'll end up loving it just as much as you hate it. And it's not like the music videos - unless you're living a rich, filthy lifestyle.

Honestly a lot of that i disagree with, but none moreso than the fog and rainy part. If you're living in San Francisco/Peninsula then yeah, sure. But the Bay Area as a whole isn't like that at all. And when you're talking about poeple being influenced or on drugs I think that's more a product of who you're around rather than the truth. I can think of just maybe 3-4 people I know who are on drugs out of everyone else I know in California.

Gas prices and parking are an issue in the big cities though, definitely. But that's the case in every major place. And it is expensive.
Thought dudes would be posting info about places to hit up like in the Vegas thread.

Nope just CA >NY NY>CA :smh:
Your right about the big boots chick's in general that's not really on the Westcoast. Cali(L.A) when I visited was super dope, I was surprised like many other about the 2am closure. But I was with friends walking on Fairfax and was just in awe.

Just a lot of people living life and great weather. But ya back to the thick chick's, that's going to be D.C/Baltimore the dmv in general has that on lock.

I'm from Seattle.. the rain was wack nowomen are out when it's down pouring all the damn time. I'm big on outdoor sports but got tired of the lack of women, it's a mess out there. No large amounts of culture, very homogenous and #$&@ weather until summer when you get random 80-90 degree days.
Actually I'm pretty sure SF is also homogenous with types of women also. Imo D.C and NY truly have the best selection of various types of women in the U.S
This thread has made me home sick... Can't wait to finish school n start my career in sd

New York started ALL trends in hip hop culture.
The best rappers come from NY (TUPAC WAS BORN IN HARLEM)
The best basketball stars come from NY (MJ WAS BORN IN BROOKLYN)
The best Foods come from NY
The baddest women come from NY
NY is the fashion capitol of the WORLD
The only thing that Cali got on NY is the weather, but thats cus NY is getting globally warmed from all the street **** thats going on
But deadass tho, why would i want to live somewhere where its 80 degrees all the time? I can't wear my timbs in no 80 degree weather
Cali is like a dreamland where people go when they want to escape the harsh realities of NY. ****** be migrating once they get their wallet snatched by Dominguez from Dyckman
Anyone can survive in Cali, You gotta have rhinoceros skin to survive in NY
People get thrown in subway train tracks if you step on their timbs, B
Do cali ****** even wear timbs? We were Tims y'all wear Toms
The only other thing Cali got in NY is the legal weed, but that ***** up ****** hustle cus its stopping ****** from eating
NY is the best place on earth. If you can make it in NY you can make it anywhere
As far as illegal activity goes, 80s hustlers in Queens got way more money that Cali

- As a NY native its my responsibility to say the above statements, even though I don't agree with it all

But in all honesty, Cali seems great from the outside looking in. I would move there in a heartbeat. The culture seems cool, weather seems great. Cali is one of those places that IF i were to visit there, Id want to pack my bags (separate duffle bag for my Timbs of course) take my life and get on the first thing flying to LAX and live out there
Con - no black women in SF.

Slim pickings, you might have a better chance in the eastbay. But you can find black women, there's just not an over abundance of them. Also, we don't have too many Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, or other Carribbean ethnicities because we're no where near those islands. We have more Pacific Islanders and Asians to fill their ranks.
To be honest there's not really many black women on the Westcoast in general. It's either super hood(oakland) and trying to fit in.
Honestly a lot of that i disagree with, but none moreso than the fog and rainy part. If you're living in San Francisco/Peninsula then yeah, sure. But the Bay Area as a whole isn't like that at all. And when you're talking about poeple being influenced or on drugs I think that's more a product of who you're around rather than the truth. I can think of just maybe 3-4 people I know who are on drugs out of everyone else I know in California.

Gas prices and parking are an issue in the big cities though, definitely. But that's the case in every major place. And it is expensive.
To be fair, he included alcohol in that generalization, so 3 out of 5 might  be accurate 

But yeah, if you're living in SF, and not expecting fog during the fall/winter seasons, then the adequate research was not done prior to moving there. You're living right on the Bay for Pete's sake. 

I do agree with the parking(ESP in the City) and traffic though. That's one thing I'll never love about CA. 
Everytime i see a video or music video shot in Cali, it just looks so peaceful. calm weather, warm, clear skies, and nothing but sun.

I was born their but moved when i was 2, been wanting to go back and it looks amazing.


Born and raised in SOCAL Los Angeles area (818 the San Fernando Valley to be exact).

Peaceful? Yes but only in certain locations. When you have kidd, you do what you gotta do to stay away from the hood. I live out in Woodland hills and was the best decision Ive ever made.

Calm Weather? Yes but can get annoying at times. I love the rain and we rarely get it. My wife and kids love snow and we rarely get that. For snow, we have to drive to Big Bear which is about 2-3 hour drive. A lot of people hate the cold but I love it. Its so easy to get warm, but its so difficult to get cool..

Clear skies? Yes. Look at my last statement.

Nothing but Sun? YES.

Cali is everything you see on TV and movies. Theres a lot of money to be made, great weather, great place to live and a lot of great people to get to know. Of course theres always those cities you must stay away from but what state doent

have those? What I hate now is how the times have changed and how that effects our children. The days now are not like they used to be in the 80's and 90's. Back then, kids can play on the streets without any problems. I grew up playing

hide and seek till about midnight on a Friday night. Now, all you hear is how these crazy people are doing crazy things to our children. And the crazy people arent that old to begin with. Its SAD. but reality. Thats why you gotta spend the

money to find a nice spot to raise your family.
There are a lot of intricacies about cali that you don't realize until you get there. The positives outweigh the negatives though IMO. I lived in SF fro 6 years and would love to go back, but it's tough to come up out there, it's where rich people go to hang out with other rich people. As beautiful as LA is, the women are pretty shallow, but then again so am I 
I lived in SF fro 6 years and would love to go back, but it's tough to come up out there, it's where rich people go to hang out with other rich people.

If you like to kick it in Nob Hill and Pacific Heights. True there are a lot of upper middle class and rich residents but, that only really applies to the downtown area. Everywhere else is a good mix of classes.
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