Is Bruce Jenner Trolling?

Sure we can acknowledge when people say female they relate it to woman and when people say woman they relate it to female, but that doesn't mean it's correct it means they are ignorant to the terminology they are using.
How is it incorrect and how are they ignorant to the terminology?
ONE of the definitions of Woman is :an adult [B]female[/B] human being. Go to any dictionary and I guarantee you that will be one of the definitions.

Where is the ignorance in using a term as defined?
If someone says "Bruce Jenner is not a woman," and what they meant by that is "Bruce Jenner is not a female", how are they wrong within the context with which they used the word?
Not the context in which you would like it to be used, the context they used it

Same goes with the pronoun "She"and "Her". Both pronouns refer to the previously mentioned female person or animal.
And like you said earlier in the thread woman ≠ female. So why would we call a transgender woman her or she?

I can understand that they would like to be called their preferred pronoun out of respect for their situation, but is a person really wrong, or ignorant, if they dont?
I think its a matter of being insensitive more than it is being ignorant or just flat out wrong.
If someone says Bruce is not a woman they mean he was not born with a vagina. Being born with a vagina biologically makes you a female, they mean Bruce is not a female. That's the lack of knowledge on the subject right there. No BIOLOGY definition would ever interchangeably use the words woman and female to define the same thing. If Merriams or Websters hold more weight to someone than Biology then -Ye shrug to each its own

I didn't respond to the pronouns part of your response because it's not that deep to me. If you look like a girl I'll call you she/her/ma'am, look like a guy I'll call you he/him/sir. Don't got time to check if you born a specific sex to qualify what pronouns you should be called.
Technical definitions and political correctness aside, Bruce will never be a woman. He can only APPEAR as one. Just like any and every other person who has gone through the transition. What you were, is what you are.
Lets all be completely honest and truth filled here. If a person who is born one gender/sex whatever wish to define it as... then that person chooses to change what they are. That person is sick. I don't mean to demonize them if it sounds that way but they are and need help.

So Bruce being on suicide watch it NO surprise. Problem is though, the help that will be prescribed. I don't have faith that he will get the help he truly needs.
Lets all be completely honest and truth filled here. If a person who is born one gender/sex whatever wish to define it as... then that person chooses to change what they are. That person is sick. I don't mean to demonize them if it sounds that way but they are and need help.

So Bruce being on suicide watch it NO surprise. Problem is though, the help that will be prescribed. I don't have faith that he will get the help he truly needs.
Spoken like a true Christian. Gotta admire that tolerance and love.
Do I hate Bruce because I stand for a greater truth?

Bruce can do as he pleases. I can have a belief or opinion just like EVERYONE else.

Love does NOT always equate to agreeing with.
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Lets all be completely honest and truth filled here. If a person who is born one gender/sex whatever wish to define it as... then that person chooses to change what they are. That person is sick. I don't mean to demonize them if it sounds that way but they are and need help.

So Bruce being on suicide watch it NO surprise. Problem is though, the help that will be prescribed. I don't have faith that he will get the help he truly needs.
Spoken like a true Christian. Gotta admire that tolerance and love.

His opinions aren't hurting anyone.

Let him cook.
Lets all be completely honest and truth filled here. If a person who is born one gender/sex whatever wish to define it as... then that person chooses to change what they are. That person is sick. I don't mean to demonize them if it sounds that way but they are and need help.

So Bruce being on suicide watch it NO surprise. Problem is though, the help that will be prescribed. I don't have faith that he will get the help he truly needs.
you sound sick
for the record, I'm not knocking anyone for their personal choices.  just trying to see things for what they are. 
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Nope. Both of you are wrong. The girl that you pick up should ask you if you made any mods to your car. It is up to her to inquire since she is the one concerned about it
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