Is a friends sister off limits to you?

I smashed two of my homies sisters. One is my closest friend til this day. I kinda felt I owe it t tell it to him, but I never did. (We wen to same college and I was bored one day and went to see him when I knew he wasn't home...) I smutted her out so when I see her, its awkward...for her :pimp:

The deeds occurred in 07-08, Was gonna tell him after college, but now its water under the bridge
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When we were younger I guess smashing the sis was off limits. But as mature adults who all been through some type of serious relationship, long as its consensual who cares
The way you have to see it is this way,

Is hi friendship ultimately worst losing over this? Because that what can potentially happen.

How much do you value him as a friend over a piece of ***?

Now if this is legit relationship bound , sit down and talk with him.

If this is a piece of ***, well it goes along the same lines as messing with a chick with a significant other.... Why when there are literally of millions of other women on the planet.

I like this response.

For me personally, I value the relationship of the people I call my friends so I would not entertain courting let alone sex with one of their sisters unless it was a situation where from years of being around each other (her and I) we've found that we really connected and wanted to pursue something serious. In which case I would have to weigh the pros and cons of either route.
No two consenting adults can do what they want whether your intentions are good or bad is where the betrayal lies in the eyes of the friend.
All the women in the world and you just gotta pipe a friends sister b?

Dont eem make no sense.
i took my best friends little sisters virginity. if he were ever to find out he should/would be glad it was me and not some other guy.

would never do it again though.
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the worst is when your at their house and she is flirting with you when he leaves the room and you cant do anything 
I couldnt do it. Would feel weird in friends company with dat "I bang yo sister on a regular basis dogg" hangin in the air at all times. :rofl:
It depends. If you're looking to smash and Dash then no. If you're looking for a relationship then yes. Just know that you cant check out other girls with your friend anymore :lol:
Even smash and dash is an adult decision, son should be out the way. Due to proximity Though, physical or more you gotta keep it mutual or respectful.
Nah I just wanted NTs view. If I was that kinda dude I prob woulda did it already.
You gotta treat her right....I thought about it. talked about it with her and everything...i didnt do it tho. good luck op
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