Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

I can see Downey getting tired of playing the same character over and over again but I guarantee he's gonna be thrown a boat load of money to at least be in the next Avengers

I can see Downey getting tired of playing the same character over and over again but I guarantee he's gonna be thrown a boat load of money to at least be in the next Avengers

You might be forgetting that Disney owns Marvel now and if RDJs price hits $100m, which is not far fetch at all, I can definitely see them casting someone new.
I might be out of the loop, but I remember 20-25 mil for a movie was a TON and for the A-LIST actors.

100 mil for a CGI film? Is that normal? Have I missed inflation somewhere along the line? Hell, the 50 surprised me to no end, 100 mil? :x
He had profit sharing so Avengers making more than a billion dollars had something to do with it. It is probably safe to assume that A2 will beat A1 with more heroes and Thanos as the main villain. I mean really, Avengers had Chitauris, Loki was great in it but Chitauris!!!!

Anyways, RDJs salary also increased as he did more films. There really is no way he would make less in the future. And the snowball effect is, the other actors may start doing the same thing once their faces becomes iconic for that character and then demand more money and the Avengers film will be very costly. I mean they were already reporting Scarlett Johansson making $20-$25mil for 3 films iirc.
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In all honesty RDJ is trolling. You really think they would replace the person who is "single-handedly" responsible for starting the marvel cinematic universe? Then again Terrence Howard probably needs new friends...
Money speaks louder to be honest. RDJ started the whole Avengers thing but IronMan movies doesn't make $1bil on the box office by itself, unlike TDK or TDKR. $550mil (IM1) and $620mil (IM2) are impressive numbers but a billion is a billion and it hasn't crossed that mark yet. IM3? I don't think it'll hit that mark either. So yes, I have no doubt Disney will hesitate to drop him if he asks for too much, he isn't getting any younger either. I don't think he is signed for anything after A2 so that might be the last we see of him.
There have been a few actors who've made comparable money or more for a movie because of back-end deals (profit sharing).

Had the chance to go to the UK premiere on Thursday night, thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Probably my favorite Marvel movie other than the first Iron Man. This one is by far the funniest.
Jack Nicholson supposedly made 60 million from Batman because he took a portion of the gross. 
I can see Downey getting tired of playing the same character over and over again but I guarantee he's gonna be thrown a boat load of money to at least be in the next Avengers
You might be forgetting that Disney owns Marvel now and if RDJs price hits $100m, which is not far fetch at all, I can definitely see them casting someone new.
naw..he's been in all of em, im pretty sure they'll make it work some how...
Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel Films,has already said that if RDJ decides he doesn't want to continue as the character (IM3 is the last of his contract), they would "go the James Bond route". Having said that, I've seen stories where RDJ says he enjoys the character and would like to do a few more movies.
I honestly could see them laying off making Iron Man movies and reserving RDJ for the Avengers movies. It would be a huge event for his return. Like the comic book movie equivalent of Michael coming back after his first retirement.

Plus, do they really want to make like 8 damn movies with one hero when they can introduce new guys before each Avengers film? Wouldn't people get a little worn out? With Thor and Cap sequels coming, Ant-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy, they have more than enough content. Plus they could do a Mark Ruffalo Hulk movie. Maybe Black Panther. A Vision movie could be dope too if Ultron becomes a main villain in a future Avengers film.
I honestly could see them laying off making Iron Man movies and reserving RDJ for the Avengers movies. It would be a huge event for his return. Like the comic book movie equivalent of Michael coming back after his first retirement.

Plus, do they really want to make like 8 damn movies with one hero when they can introduce new guys before each Avengers film? Wouldn't people get a little worn out? With Thor and Cap sequels coming, Ant-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy, they have more than enough content. Plus they could do a Mark Ruffalo Hulk movie. Maybe Black Panther. A Vision movie could be dope too if Ultron becomes a main villain in a future Avengers film.

Yeah I see this happening.

I can't imagine another actor playing RDJ. HE IS IRON MAN! But it's whatever though.

Off topic but I wonder if Ryan Gosling will ever do a marvel hero role
Yeah I see this happening.

I can't imagine another actor playing RDJ. HE IS IRON MAN! But it's whatever though.

Off topic but I wonder if Ryan Gosling will ever do a marvel hero role

Eh, that is what people said about Bale and then they see JGL as Robin and now it seems everyone wants him to be the next Batman. I think it'll be a big mistake if they listened.
I honestly could see them laying off making Iron Man movies and reserving RDJ for the Avengers movies. It would be a huge event for his return. Like the comic book movie equivalent of Michael coming back after his first retirement.

Plus, do they really want to make like 8 damn movies with one hero when they can introduce new guys before each Avengers film? Wouldn't people get a little worn out? With Thor and Cap sequels coming, Ant-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy, they have more than enough content. Plus they could do a Mark Ruffalo Hulk movie. Maybe Black Panther. A Vision movie could be dope too if Ultron becomes a main villain in a future Avengers film.
U know what u just BLEW my mind. What if Collision turns out to be ultron later in the marvel movies since he is a android

Universal has been using the same tech with Terminator 3D, Shrek 3D, etc... T3D was mixed with live action though but the concept is the same thing. The seats move, blow air on your face, squirt water and even have the floor move on your feet. Pretty cool experience.

Damn I'm so unaware I need to experience this soon.
Sorta like that those 3d muppet show things at Disneyland
I honestly could see them laying off making Iron Man movies and reserving RDJ for the Avengers movies. It would be a huge event for his return. Like the comic book movie equivalent of Michael coming back after his first retirement.

Plus, do they really want to make like 8 damn movies with one hero when they can introduce new guys before each Avengers film? Wouldn't people get a little worn out? With Thor and Cap sequels coming, Ant-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy, they have more than enough content. Plus they could do a Mark Ruffalo Hulk movie. Maybe Black Panther. A Vision movie could be dope too if Ultron becomes a main villain in a future Avengers film.
U know what u just BLEW my mind. What if Collision turns out to be ultron later in the marvel movies since he is a android

Who's Collision?
Oh, when was he an android?
It's not fact, it's fan speculation because of course, you can't trust anything Nick Fury says. They never buried him or anything, he was just carted away on Fury's orders so people think they were working on reviving him somehow, like making him an android or something. (Vision or Ultron)

I don't buy it. It's Joss Whedon. This death is final.
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