iPhone: Post everything here

How long on quickpwn is it supposed to say " Wait while your iphone is prepared for jailbreaking..." ? It's been like a few minutes so far andnothing has happened.

Also I received a quickpwn error message and said that is has to close, but I haven't clicked on "Send Error Report" or "Don't End"
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

IHB, you have T-mobile w/T'zones? how is your youtube working (no wifi)?
Yup, I do, but no it doesn't,

holla @ me if you want or still need it, or I'll just post it here if anyone wants it that's on T'zones/T'mobile. got it working all smooth now
word? post it bro if you can, would like to use youtube on the fly...
can anyone help me?!?!?!?

I just downloaded quickpwn 2.5 from ripshare or something like that.. and i have the pinapple sign on my desktop and it says winpwn 2.5.. I click it and itsays:

.NET Framework Initalization Error
To run this application, you first must install one of the following versions of the .NET Framework:
Contact your application publisher for instructions about obtaining the appropriate version of the .Net Framwork

Oh yea and theres a big Red circle with a white x in it.. PLEASE HELP!!! This is really pissing me off
!! thanks
^ nevermind i got that part.. does anyone have aim so i can do it step by step with someone that knows what there doing?
i just updated winpwn 2.5 to my iphone and now i have no bars at all i cant do anything.. was i supposed to click yes to unlock my iphone??what do i do????????please help!
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

IHB, you have T-mobile w/T'zones? how is your youtube working (no wifi)?
Yup, I do, but no it doesn't,

holla @ me if you want or still need it, or I'll just post it here if anyone wants it that's on T'zones/T'mobile. got it working all smooth now
Do want!!!
Just got my first bill...$182

What the hell are all these "other" charges?

County gross receipts surcharge,federal universal service charge,mta telecom surcharge, state telecommunications excise surcharge,regulatory cost recoverycharge ?

Then on top of that the tax.
well, it's simple really. I got this from someone on Hackintosh

go to settings>general>network>cellular data network, and change apn to - epc.tmobile.com ; you can leave the username/pw blank.

then go to cydia and un-install the tzones hack (leave it off), and restart your iphone. it should work fine after this

my youtube was instantly fixed by this, I was finally able to search and watch vids on the go with no wifi. hope this works for you guys. if you have questions let me know.
I finally jailbreaked my phone thanks to retrophan23. Now can i sync all of my data contacts and stuff back on or is that gonna mess the phone up?
i downloaded quickpwn like at 5 am and i tried the phone like to call someone and it worked.. but now when i press phone the keypad comes for like 5 secondsand you cant do anything and then it just goes away.. i can call someone from the contacts list but i cant end it or do anything else.. help!!
So I'm trying to get Installer to work and I am having difficulty!! has anyone added installer after jailbreaking (not during the jailbreak process alongwith Cydia) ????

All the YouTube videos tell me I need to use these two commands:

chmod -R 777 /Applications/Installer.app

chmod a+srx /Applications/Installer.app/Installer

but the second one doesnt work
.. anyone else run into this problem ??
^^ Honestly anything you are confused about there is a probably a video for it on YouTube . I have found YouTube VERY VERY helpful in all of this.
My mom's iPhone just all of a sudden stop working..It's not letting her make calls or anything..And the battery says its low but it's been on thecharger for 3+ hours and when we take it off the charger the damn thing still has a low battery..

Any help?
Originally Posted by jordanfanatic23

word? I need a full tutorial to get to that stage(rom's etc)...my phone isn't even jail broken yet

ALL of those things are on YouTube
they even provide the download links and everything.
Santi - Where did you get your emulators ??
Originally Posted by JDocs

So I'm trying to get Installer to work and I am having difficulty!! has anyone added installer after jailbreaking (not during the jailbreak process along with Cydia) ????

All the YouTube videos tell me I need to use these two commands:

chmod -R 777 /Applications/Installer.app

chmod a+srx /Applications/Installer.app/Installer

but the second one doesnt work
.. anyone else run into this problem ??

yo, the snes stuff posted a couple pages back still doesnt work for me.
ive installed the snes emu to the correct directory, chmodded it to 0777, then made the correct rom directory, and added roms
and it still doesnt work.

any help?
all of my other emus work btw.
Theres isnt a way to jailbreak a 2.1 iphone 3g yet right???????????????? (on windows)

Man, I wish there could be a way to take this predictive text crap off. Its been pissing me off since the OG iphone.
^^ Yes there is. www.quickpwn.com There is no WinPwn version yet though but you can use QuickPwns for windows.

hella handsome - where did you get your SNES emulator from?
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