iPhone: Post everything here

I have an jailbroken iphone. Does anyone know how to get free apps that you would usually pay for from the appstore, such as games and other apps?
why would anyone pay more for the iphone from someone on ebay then they could pay if they walked into the store to get it themselves

that makes no sense to me

damn jumpman that sucks I would be so pissed if someone took my phone..........hopefully you catch who did it and are able to get it back
Does anyone use a comic viewer for their iPhone ? (iComic or ComicViewer) .. I can't figure out how to turn the page.. I've been trying for like 2days.
i want to jailbreak my iphone 3g 2.0.2 but im scared to f it up can some one help me out with a guide thanks
Originally Posted by jumpman247

I got my iPhone stolen -_-

Worst off it was one of my little sisters friends that took it -_-

I would be heated.
jumpman - if you know who took it get the goon squad out and get it back
//b_o townboiz - go to youtube and search it, there are many step by step guides.thats how i did it
Originally Posted by whoopi90

I have an jailbroken iphone. Does anyone know how to get free apps that you would usually pay for from the appstore, such as games and other apps?
Use Youtube.
[h3]Sept 9th: iTunes 8, iPhoneFirmware 2.1... with Hidden Features?[/h3]
Saturday September 06, 2008 02:02 PM EST; Category: iPhone, iPod
Written by arn

Despite having some initial doubts, Arstechnica now believes that Kevin Rose was correctand that iTunes 8 will be arriving on September 9th alongside the expected iPod updates.

Also expected is the iPhone 2.1 firmware which had been alsoreported with the original rumor.

One new tidbit, however, is that Ars was told that there are parts of the iPhone 2.1 firmware "that were specifically removed from developerseeds in order to keep them secret from the world." If true, that means there may be some surprise features that will be announced on September 9th.

Developers may note that Apple has ceased delivery of iPhone 2.1 firmware betas over the past few weeks, which is consistent with it having been declared GoldMaster in anticipation of the upcoming release.

Apple is holding a special media event to announce their new products on Tuesday, September 9th.
I finally jailbroke my 1st gen ipod i was wondering what do i do on tmobile prepaid to get it working?
How do you rename the pics that I sync through itunes to say something else instead of "Photo Library"
iTunes 8.0

iTunes 8 is expected to arrive with improvements such as GridView, Genius Playlist, a new Visualizer and possibly support forHD Television Shows.

Despite some early doubts, multiple sources are now expecting iTunes 8 to arrive at tomorrow's event.

iPhone Firmware 2.1

If the iPod Touch arrives with Firmware 2.1, the iPhone's update won't be far behind. The only official feature that has been promised for the 2.1Firmware is background push-notifications. This push-notification service allows applications to process notifications in the background while they are notactively running on the iPhone. Applications such as a Chat client will be able to notify users that a new instant message has arrived at any time.
Originally Posted by realxfresh

I finally jailbroke my 1st gen ipod i was wondering what do i do on tmobile prepaid to get it working?
You won't be able to get the internet working, but make sure its unlocked also. Secondly, you can buy unlimited sims off of eBay for justcasual iPhone purposes, they last a month.
Why would you need both?

simple, i like my iphone for video and phone, and i like my ipod nano for music. Where have you seen people use iphones or touches for music players latched tothere arm? I dont know about you but when i did the Nike race for the human, didnt see one. All nanos. Plus on a side note im really happy they are going backto 2nd generation, best decision yet.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

If the iPod Touch arrives with Firmware 2.1, the iPhone's update won't be far behind. The only official feature that has been promised for the 2.1 Firmware is background push-notifications. This push-notification service allows applications to process notifications in the background while they are not actively running on the iPhone. Applications such as a Chat client will be able to notify users that a new instant message has arrived at any time.
yes finally
hopefully its true
^ i think there are some out there, but it probably won't do you much good. i think the touch-sensitivity of the iphone works partially based on body heat. . . i have a heck of a time using mine with gloves on.
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