Investment/Stock Questions

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by cguy610

I'm going off experiences of friends, family, and talks with financial advisors that I know.  
Stop speaking right now then.
Yea, feel free to do no research and put all your faith and life savings in the hands of some "professional".  Let me know how that works out for you.

[h1]Charles Schwab settles SEC allegations that it misled investors about risks of bond fund[/h1]
[h2]The brokerage agrees to pay $119 million in settlement. Its YieldPlus fund lost hundreds of millions of dollars in early 2008 when the value of the many mortgage bonds in its portfolio collapsed.[/h2]

January 12, 2011|By Walter Hamilton, Los Angeles Times

Three years after a supposedly safe bond fund plunged in value, Charles Schwab Corp. agreed to pay $119 million to settle government allegations that it misled investors about the risks of the portfolio's mortgage-related holdings.

The Securities and Exchange Commission's suit against Schwab, which was filed as well as settled Tuesday, depicts a microcosm of the mortgage meltdown and financial crisis, with plenty of blame to go around.


My man I see what youre saying, I agree there are many professional money managers that are in it only for the money and could care less about their clients. But 119 Million is pennies compared to the billions and billions of dollars pro mny mngs make their clients.

I think what the other dude is saying is that dont be scared to use a mng based on a few stories. Just research a pro like you do a stock. Check their history, ask how they determine what to invest, what kind of fees they charge, who else they work with etc etc. And monitor their actions. Its much less work than trading yourself and the returns can be much greater.

I dunno if you have a retirement acct or not but I'd prob suggest puttin some of that in a Roth IRA, or some retirement vehicle. Do your research see which makes most sense. Then start investing just a little per month in that acct. Habit of saving>>>>sporratic amts of money. Then use the rest to experiment. Read up on Buffet too, dude is a genius and he simplifies investing so much
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by cguy610

I'm going off experiences of friends, family, and talks with financial advisors that I know.  
Stop speaking right now then.
Yea, feel free to do no research and put all your faith and life savings in the hands of some "professional".  Let me know how that works out for you.

Okay, now you're twisting my words around. I'm just saying you have no real life experience in investing.

Honestly, who wouldn't do research before investing? Excuse my assumptions, but I would hope that no one would be stupid enough to do anything without educating themselves prior. OP Educate yourself and sit down with a professional. Hell, sit down with someone who can mentor you at least. Plan and execute.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Stop speaking right now then.
Yea, feel free to do no research and put all your faith and life savings in the hands of some "professional".  Let me know how that works out for you.

Okay, now you're twisting my words around. I'm just saying you have no real life experience in investing.

Honestly, who wouldn't do research before investing? Excuse my assumptions, but I would hope that no one would be stupid enough to do anything without educating themselves prior. OP Educate yourself and sit down with a professional. Hell, sit down with someone who can mentor you at least. Plan and execute.
No, I just choose to manage my own money.  BTW, I agree with the rest of your post. 

It's just this whole idea of giving one person all your trust because they are a "professional" is how people end up on documentaries about Bernie Madoff. In addition, to be real here, any good investing "professional" is not even going to bother with a client with less than $50K-$100K to invest. 
Originally Posted by Integra Owner

I have a couple of dollars to blow, and need some advice about where i should invest in the stock market.  Any help from people knowledgeable on the subject is appreciated. 

Great thread OP. I'm in the same position. I met this guy who told me to invest in GMRIR - Global Mineral Resources. They are listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange, symbol GLLN.F  its the business of commercializing currently inactive gold and silver bearing properties that were not fully exploited in British Columbia. I'm currently doing my research to see if I should invest. 
Check out the NT Simulation game first. Most of us can't make nothing off of $25,000. Cant imagine what its like to start off with $5,000. Good luck though.
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