"Instant financial success", or your dream woman that will always be by your side?

Girl or the money?

  • Give me the girl

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  • Give me the money

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I got the ride or die chick that had/has the money, due to an unfortunate chain of events(death in the family). BUT, I already had her on lock before the mula. Win/win for me.
absolute money corrupts absolutely....would you be more inclined to be a corrupt individual through money or through having your dream girl?

I understand people going for the money to help their fam...no doubt about it. But personally I think you mofo's are short-sighted....your thinking you can do good by your fam through money, but not with a girl that is with you on all fronts, gives you a different perspective(s) to view situations? I think having the ride or die girl can serve more long term benefit to your fam than then temporary assuage of situations your family is going through w/ money. Your gonna stay having to cut checks if you think like this....then what happens? Is their love conditional after that....or more conditional for better words?
:smh: Dudes are gonna end up like A.I. and Antione Walker.

You just mentioned 2 dudes who had NO financial guidance.

If you're smart with your money when you achieve financial success, you won't end up like those 2 idiots or any other athlete/rapper/celebrity who blew all their money overnight.

c'mon son....finding someone in this thread with financial guidance who picked the money option and taking into account the longevity of the money I can make an educated guess that in these same people with all of that "financial guidance" that some of them would still end in ruins.

Would you say these wall street bankers have financial guidance when they lose people's money?

Another hole in the theory of taking the money that I want to bring up is this....Let's say you ball out for the first 20-40 years with the money....eventually I see these people having the other option of getting the dream girl weighing on their conscousness so they try to buy themselves a dream girl....Girl eventually divorces your *** takes half your **** and it takes about 5 marriages for you to figure out that you picked the wrong option.

And don't give me all that pimp talk b.s. I seen some of you simps post....I know you would end up marrying a nondream girl without a prenup.

[Eddie Murphy] HALF!!!!!!!!!1 [/Eddie Murphy]

I don't blame you boys for picking the money though. A lot of things in this world has screwed up people vision of women and their place with us....we can trust them, they're vicious succubuses, they're full of **** most of the time.....and thats the state of affairs we're in right now. But to have the option of that 1 woman that is the absolute best fit for you and it lasts a lifetime.....that **** is ******g rarer than catching some legendary pokemon.....in this world.
absolute money corrupts absolutely....would you be more inclined to be a corrupt individual through money or through having your dream girl?

I understand people going for the money to help their fam...no doubt about it. But personally I think you mofo's are short-sighted....your thinking you can do good by your fam through money, but not with a girl that is with you on all fronts, gives you a different perspective(s) to view situations? I think having the ride or die girl can serve more long term benefit to your fam than then temporary assuage of situations your family is going through w/ money. Your gonna stay having to cut checks if you think like this....then what happens? Is their love conditional after that....or more conditional for better words?
How does it make one short sighted to help their family?

If I pay for my sisters college tuition with my money and now she is successful as well how is that short sighted?
Or if I pay off my aunts home so she can provide for her kids better how is that short sighted?
And please back it up with facts not your opinion.

There is no right or wrong answer so calling people short sighted because they think differently is dumb.

Everyone aspires for certain things in life and what YOU value greater than the other is your opinion and it is not wrong in anyway. Opinions cannot be wrong. Nor are they factual.

I am not saying you are wrong im just saying people shouldnt be calling people short sighted, naive, shallow or any other name for an opinion based question that cannot be proved factually correct or incorrect
your short-sighted in terms of recognizing potential problems that could arise from money down the road.

You can very well pay off for your sisters loans and blah blah blah and nothing negative can come from it but playing within the rules of the original question in op's post, like I said you would be more inclined to have negative situations be brought about through picking the money over the woman.

Don't ask for facts on a hypothetical situation being posed, just educated guesses.
while problems CAN occur down the road, problems are definitely occurring right now to certain people who really need the "instant success." problems will occur whether you have either option. also, you say that people who choose instant success are short sighted and not recognizing the potential problems in down the road and that a dream woman will be better long term, but do you realize that "long term" for some people could be thinking about living past tomorrow? not everyone can think about their "long term" goals when they might not even find a way to put dinner on the table tonight. while this situation is ambiguous and having a dream woman is something that we all wish for, some people would benefit much more from the instant success.

when op says "instant financial success" does it mean that you find a well paying job and have to work in order to gain all the money? or does it mean that out of nowhere 10 million dollars dropped on your lap? also, does a "dream woman" mean a beautiful woman who will do anything and everything you ask for and stick by your side, or a woman who is financially stable but has her own opinions and also has her own wants and needs?

and of course its easy to say that once you're well off, the vultures will come out. but not everyone is a vulture, and there are genuine people out there, you just have to find them and use good judgement.

if the "dream woman" is someone who attractive, loving, caring, and sticks by my side through everything while making 6 figures then yeah i'd take the dream woman too.
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If your *** is on NT right now, then your not worrying about putting food on the plate for tomorrow or living past tomorrow. The context(s) for all my answers are dependent only on the participants of this thread right here right now. My answers aren't fact but they're educated guesses.

I don't know the variables in each and every NT'ers lives, but all of my response thus far is to enlighten people on why I would pick the dream woman as opposed to taking the loot.

Even if you were one of the NT'ers who face depression and every day is battle I would still encourage you to take the girl over the money....that's about the closest to worrying about tomorrow when it's comes to NT'ers.

having a good woman to have your back is priceless. Depends though, some people defeat themselves given good cards....nigs be busting with 21.

it's not easy to say vultures be coming out when you get money, it's common place.
I feel you need to love/like yourself and what you've made of yourself in order to fully love someone else, forget what the woman's motives for being with you are, ALWAYS focus on you first, if you are a dude with good common sense, chances are you won end up with a gold digger, gold-diggers are not nessesarily the smartest girls, the dudes getting caught up with them are just idiots.

So I'll take the success, be happy with myself, love myself, then focus on finding the right woman, someone that will compliment you and be successful togetherx
If steezy is saying this...

Then you "I want a girl over success" dudes really need to look in the mirror.
Is great to have a woman to have your back and support you in an emotional way, never a good look to be a dude living off a woman, therefore I think is best for a man to be successful and have his own back before he ventures into finding that woman that will hold him down in other ways.
some of you are not understanding the question
there is a difference between instant financial success and financial success
it all depends on how u define instant financial success
if its some genius business idea that came out of no where in your head, then i will take that
if its someone giving you free money, then ill take the girl
Is great to have a woman to have your back and support you in an emotional way, never a good look to be a dude living off a woman, therefore I think is best for a man to be successful and have his own back before he ventures into finding that woman that will hold him down in other ways.

a woman aint gonna respect a man if he didnt earn his money. its not possible to earn "instant" money
If you are a well grounded young man, given or earned instantly xxxx amount of money can really set you up for life...having the woman of your dreams doesn't guarantee anything passed tomorrow, she can die, she can cheat, YOU can cheat, or simply ya can fall out of love, nothing is ever guaranteed even if you two are a match made in heaven, reason why I would never take a girl over the chance at instant financial stability...sometimes you have to be realistic, I love my wife to death and she loves me, but I'm not a wizard to know what curve life will throw us that I CAN'T CONTROL the outcome of.....having instant financial stability, is something I feel I CAN CONTROL the outcome of.
If you are a well grounded young man, given or earned instantly xxxx amount of money can really set you up for life...having the woman of your dreams doesn't guarantee anything passed tomorrow, she can die, she can cheat, YOU can cheat, or simply ya can fall out of love, nothing is ever guaranteed even if you two are a match made in heaven, reason why I would never take a girl over the chance at instant financial stability...sometimes you have to be realistic, I love my wife to death and she loves me, but I'm not a wizard to know what curve life will throw us that I CAN'T CONTROL the outcome of.....having instant financial stability, is something I feel I CAN CONTROL the outcome of.

then that wouldnt be a perfect girl....
you can have financial stability now and you can still lose everything, the market decides what monetary value is along with politics and other crap. if you never had the experience on how to become successful, chances are you will never see that money ever again.
then that wouldnt be a perfect girl....
you can have financial stability now and you can still lose everything, the market decides what monetary value is along with politics and other crap. if you never had the experience on how to become successful, chances are you will never see that money ever again.

News flash, there is no such thing as a "perfect" girl.

Bein financially stable still more of a win, eventhough both are pretty unpredictable.
If we're taking the question literally... no one wants a dream woman who will always be by your side.

But its all seriousness, NT should do monthly debates, so its not just all nonsense
News flash, there is no such thing as a "perfect" girl.

no really... i was just answering the question. the option to chose in real life doesnt exist either.

theres no right or wrong answers in hypotheticals.
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