Insanity Workout Plan

I did it for a week actually lost 5 lbs. Didnt follow the calendar just did Insanity Abs everyday. Its hell but if you got some sort of athletic background you can push yourself. It also helped my metabolism get back to my high school days.
I challenge any of the so called "Team Fitness" dudes to do the second half of the Insanity workouts non-stop doing all the exercises. Insanity is a lot harder than P90X. If you stay on it like you are supposed to (2 months...6 days a week) you will definitely look better, and be stronger, and have more stamina. This I guarantee. But make sure you are taking an EXCELLENT post recovery workout formula or you will go into a serious state of catabolism.

Matter of fact post your first fitness test results...that is pretty good indicator of your starter fitness level. Also I'm about to post some good info that I posted a few months back on NT. After much research I have this stuff down to a science. Dang I can't find it. How can you search the history of all the posts you ever started?
Found it.

The way to lose weight is's called caloric deficit. There are 3500 calories in 1 pound. In order to lose weight your TOTAL caloric intake has to be in a deficit of 3500 calories. Some people chart this daily, some people weekly. The first thing you need to do is find out how many calories you need per day as determined by your height/weight/age/and activity level. This website right here has a handy calculator to help determine this. If you reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories per day then for 7 days that is equal to 3500 calories for 1 week. Remember since 1 pound is equal to 3500 calories that means that by reducing 500 calories per day you'll lose 1 pound per week. BUT there is more to this... You can accelerate the weight loss by cutting back calories AND by increasing physical activity. Let's say for example that for your body size it takes 2500 calories per day for you to maintain your current weight. If you cut back 500 calories PLUS worked out and burned 400 calories per workout which you do 4 days a week then that means you would be 5100 calories in the deficit for the week...which is roughly a 1 and a half pounds of weight loss per week.

Now here is the other aspect of weight loss...body composition. Fat weighs less than and is less dense as muscle, and it also burns less calories than muscle. So if you are doing a weight training your body composition will change. Which means while you will lose inches from your waistline you could still gain weight since muscle is dense and weighs more. In other words 1 pound of muscle takes up less space and weighs more than fat...BUT it is a more efficient calorie burner than fat so it's still a good thing.

Here is where HIgh Intensity Interval training and weight lifting has an advantage over pure running. With H.I.I.T. and anaerobic resistance training (weights) your body will continue to burn calories well AFTER you stopped the actual workout. So you get acute calorie burning with the workout and also residual calorie burning after...which only helps you to lose weight and burn fat throughout the day. Pure running can also start to take away muscle as muscle is very oxygen hungry and running being an aerobic activity, your body will seek to minimize oxygen starving mass for the sake of efficiency.

Diet wise the best way to lose fat is to curb your carbs...but don't totally eliminate them because they are important for the synthesis of glycogen which is the body main source of stored energy. Increase your intake of protein either by protein shake, or low fat protein packed foods like egg whites, boneless skinless chicken breast, and fish. Good protein shakes have the branch chain amino acids and high quality whey isolate (which is better than whey concentrate). You are going to need that to help repair and build muscle and to prevent catabolism which is a state of muscle depletion. You are also going to need some fat, but very little. You can get healthy fat from nuts and Omega 3 supplements.

Also you can use a quality thermogenic (fat burner/metab booster) to help you accelerate your fat/weight loss. I use OxyElite Pro stacked with USP Labs Recreate, stacked with CLA.

If you have any more questions or need clarification hit me up. I mean I didn't get my break away speed, fluid hips, and acceleration from just sitting on the couch
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

I downloaded/burned those dvd's for my old roommate last year. She did it for 2 months straight before her vacation to Mexico...
I am a fan of the results 
a friend of mine did this about a month after he finished p90x, he was just lifting for the month inbetween the two programs... he finishes insanity next week

He went from 280lbs to about 220lbs right now. A big part of it is the diet... he really watches what he eats now.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Found it.

The way to lose weight is's called caloric deficit. There are 3500 calories in 1 pound. In order to lose weight your TOTAL caloric intake has to be in a deficit of 3500 calories. Some people chart this daily, some people weekly. The first thing you need to do is find out how many calories you need per day as determined by your height/weight/age/and activity level. This website right here has a handy calculator to help determine this. If you reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories per day then for 7 days that is equal to 3500 calories for 1 week. Remember since 1 pound is equal to 3500 calories that means that by reducing 500 calories per day you'll lose 1 pound per week. BUT there is more to this... You can accelerate the weight loss by cutting back calories AND by increasing physical activity. Let's say for example that for your body size it takes 2500 calories per day for you to maintain your current weight. If you cut back 500 calories PLUS worked out and burned 400 calories per workout which you do 4 days a week then that means you would be 5100 calories in the deficit for the week...which is roughly a 1 and a half pounds of weight loss per week.

Now here is the other aspect of weight loss...body composition. Fat weighs less than and is less dense as muscle, and it also burns less calories than muscle. So if you are doing a weight training your body composition will change. Which means while you will lose inches from your waistline you could still gain weight since muscle is dense and weighs more. In other words 1 pound of muscle takes up less space and weighs more than fat...BUT it is a more efficient calorie burner than fat so it's still a good thing.

Here is where HIgh Intensity Interval training and weight lifting has an advantage over pure running. With H.I.I.T. and anaerobic resistance training (weights) your body will continue to burn calories well AFTER you stopped the actual workout. So you get acute calorie burning with the workout and also residual calorie burning after...which only helps you to lose weight and burn fat throughout the day. Pure running can also start to take away muscle as muscle is very oxygen hungry and running being an aerobic activity, your body will seek to minimize oxygen starving mass for the sake of efficiency.

Diet wise the best way to lose fat is to curb your carbs...but don't totally eliminate them because they are important for the synthesis of glycogen which is the body main source of stored energy. Increase your intake of protein either by protein shake, or low fat protein packed foods like egg whites, boneless skinless chicken breast, and fish. Good protein shakes have the branch chain amino acids and high quality whey isolate (which is better than whey concentrate). You are going to need that to help repair and build muscle and to prevent catabolism which is a state of muscle depletion. You are also going to need some fat, but very little. You can get healthy fat from nuts and Omega 3 supplements.

Also you can use a quality thermogenic (fat burner/metab booster) to help you accelerate your fat/weight loss. I use OxyElite Pro stacked with USP Labs Recreate, stacked with CLA.

If you have any more questions or need clarification hit me up. I mean I didn't get my break away speed, fluid hips, and acceleration from just sitting on the couch

quoting to read later
It's amazing!  I didn't want to shed that much weight, so I didn't follow the "eating clean" diet as strictly.
I went from 200lbs to 186lbs and love my results.  This is by far the best workout program that I've done.

I'm going to restart P90X at the end of the week.  Once that's over, I'll do an insanity P90X hybrid to take
me through the Fall.

If you stick with the program, you cannot lose.
did it last winter. me and my roommate did the first month, then you get a week off.

we never started up for the second month
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Al Audi

nothing wrong with bein 200lbs guys

you just gotta be the right 200lbs

Most 200 pounders in America aren't though

6'4" here

Anything under 200 lbs won't cut it. 
Had these videos sitting on my hard drive for a while now... I'll probably get on this sometime this week.
Definatly is attainable. I went from 205-155 in a 6 month stretch.....Eating 1200 calories a day and 3-4 miles of cardio 6 days a week
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Found it.

The way to lose weight is's called caloric deficit. There are 3500 calories in 1 pound. In order to lose weight your TOTAL caloric intake has to be in a deficit of 3500 calories. Some people chart this daily, some people weekly. The first thing you need to do is find out how many calories you need per day as determined by your height/weight/age/and activity level. This website right here has a handy calculator to help determine this. If you reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories per day then for 7 days that is equal to 3500 calories for 1 week. Remember since 1 pound is equal to 3500 calories that means that by reducing 500 calories per day you'll lose 1 pound per week. BUT there is more to this... You can accelerate the weight loss by cutting back calories AND by increasing physical activity. Let's say for example that for your body size it takes 2500 calories per day for you to maintain your current weight. If you cut back 500 calories PLUS worked out and burned 400 calories per workout which you do 4 days a week then that means you would be 5100 calories in the deficit for the week...which is roughly a 1 and a half pounds of weight loss per week.

Now here is the other aspect of weight loss...body composition. Fat weighs less than and is less dense as muscle, and it also burns less calories than muscle. So if you are doing a weight training your body composition will change. Which means while you will lose inches from your waistline you could still gain weight since muscle is dense and weighs more. In other words 1 pound of muscle takes up less space and weighs more than fat...BUT it is a more efficient calorie burner than fat so it's still a good thing.

Here is where HIgh Intensity Interval training and weight lifting has an advantage over pure running. With H.I.I.T. and anaerobic resistance training (weights) your body will continue to burn calories well AFTER you stopped the actual workout. So you get acute calorie burning with the workout and also residual calorie burning after...which only helps you to lose weight and burn fat throughout the day. Pure running can also start to take away muscle as muscle is very oxygen hungry and running being an aerobic activity, your body will seek to minimize oxygen starving mass for the sake of efficiency.

Diet wise the best way to lose fat is to curb your carbs...but don't totally eliminate them because they are important for the synthesis of glycogen which is the body main source of stored energy. Increase your intake of protein either by protein shake, or low fat protein packed foods like egg whites, boneless skinless chicken breast, and fish. Good protein shakes have the branch chain amino acids and high quality whey isolate (which is better than whey concentrate). You are going to need that to help repair and build muscle and to prevent catabolism which is a state of muscle depletion. You are also going to need some fat, but very little. You can get healthy fat from nuts and Omega 3 supplements.

Also you can use a quality thermogenic (fat burner/metab booster) to help you accelerate your fat/weight loss. I use OxyElite Pro stacked with USP Labs Recreate, stacked with CLA.

If you have any more questions or need clarification hit me up. I mean I didn't get my break away speed, fluid hips, and acceleration from just sitting on the couch

wow that made a lot of sense. thanks.
right now im just doing insanity pretty much everyday since last week. im def getting better and the workout is intense but it excites me as im doing it.

Any type of cardio workout that comes up ill do as well such as basketball.

Also i am watching what i'm eating.

Something im picking up now, is eating less portions but more throughout the day.

I havent weigh myself since jan 8th which i will do before i go back to school. I was 202 then. I'll see what i am this saturday.

I do feel more fit and like my stomach has gotten flatter.
40lbs is easy assuming youre totally "changing" your ways. If you live an unhealthy life style now you'll see a huge difference in a month.

You'll probably lose 20lbs and plateau, then take it to the next level for the extra 20lbs.
Quick question for those who have gone through with insanity... What workout did you follow insanity with and after completing the program did you put back on pounds?

I'm back to hitting the gym 5 days a week lifting and doing cardio 6 days a week with the primary goal of cutting down and losing fat. I think I might do insanity starting sometime in February. Also do you have to do it in your house/living room? One of the biggest turnoffs for me about P90x was that it got annoying to workout in my bedroom every day.
^Same question. I actually wondered that but forgot to ask it. After the two months are over. do you repeat? or just do a complete diff workout?
Juicy J 32- pretty much thats it. I did insanity twice and it works but what u should do is bulk up and then do insanity because you will be losing weight and body fat
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