Inglourious Basterds Thread!!!NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN!!!!

I didn't like the end. Why that dude give up so easily, thinking they were gonna just trade fairly, you kidding me that would never fly.
I was so wanting this to be good. I was major-ly disappointed. Half the dialog was nonsense. I'm not the biggest QT fan though I guess. Long, drawn outspeeches that could be cut in half. Although there were some really thought provoking, and exciting moments, for the most part this WAS indeed BORING. I wantedmore Nazi killing, and I got a bunch of talk about the cinema of various cultures. This is a movie for the people who make movies.
i agree that this for people who love movies, but ive seen it 3 times already and i cant imagine this being boring. ive taken something new away from it eachtime. the dialogue is pretty much perfect in terms of using it to create scenes that keep you captivated, as opposed to using other cinematic elements to keepsuspense (music, action, etc). and when music is used, it feels perfect. There are references to all sorts of films ranging from the 1920s to even today(various references to Scarface at the end...De Palma one of QT's fav directors). Hans Landa will go down as one of those timeless movie villains, anincredible performance.

i urge people to see this again and take in EVERYTHING
when hans landa asked if he could smoke his pipe as well, i was rollin when dude pulled that monstrosity out
( pause )

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

i agree that this for people who love movies, but ive seen it 3 times already and i cant imagine this being boring. ive taken something new away from it each time. the dialogue is pretty much perfect in terms of using it to create scenes that keep you captivated, as opposed to using other cinematic elements to keep suspense (music, action, etc). and when music is used, it feels perfect. There are references to all sorts of films ranging from the 1920s to even today (various references to Scarface at the end...De Palma one of QT's fav directors). Hans Landa will go down as one of those timeless movie villains, an incredible performance.

i urge people to see this again and take in EVERYTHING

having not read through this thread, i thought the movie was great, some parts were a little slow but i enjoyed it nonetheless, the dialogue was very goodespecially from hans - but i can understand why some people may not have liked the movie

1 - most trailers would have u believe that the focus of the movie would be around pitt and his crew, wasnt the case, aside from hans and other nazis, time waspretty much split evenly between pitt/basterds and the girl dreyfus/mimexux

2 - not as much nazi killing as some probably would have liked to see, or would have been lead to believe, one of the taglines for the movie was something like "you havent seen war until youve seen it through the eyes of quentin tarantino" - now remember people, this is the guy that did Kill Bill vol 1, ithink most people were expecting something more fast paced and battle/ambush-like amd less "careful planning"

i think most people just got something they werent expecting -

Spoiler [+]
a film centering on an ambush around a nazi-movie premier

they were probably expecting something A LOT more violent, again remember - he did kill bill vol 1, and also werent expecting for the girl to have such a bigrole in the movie, i recently read some comments from tarantino on the movie and he said something along the lines of - "this is my spaghettiwestern" - and i can definitely see what he meant by that
yea i totally understand that. im trying to tell people that even though you dont get Kill Bill with Nazis, you get an incredible Tarantino story on the levelof Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. There are references to all sorts of movies from westerns to blacksploitation to film noir...he loves movies and knowsmovies probably better than anyone on earth. its pretty clear when you see him talk about film.
QT knows movies better than anyone? What is that supposed to mean? He has his OWN taste. I for the most part, do not like movies he likes. This guy is made outto be TOO genius. He is great, we know. To me this was just as drawn out as Pulp Fiction, and the people who DO like these movies act like they are aboveeveryone else and that everyone just "doesn't understand what he is trying to convey".
I was so wanting this to be good. I was major-ly disappointed. Half the dialog was nonsense. I'm not the biggest QT fan though I guess. Long, drawn out speeches that could be cut in half. Although there were some really thought provoking, and exciting moments, for the most part this WAS indeed BORING. I wanted more Nazi killing, and I got a bunch of talk about the cinema of various cultures. This is a movie for the people who make movies.

i was VERY disappointed too. however, i had a copy of it so i wasn't mad at all for not spending the money. i was skeptical about it anyway.

my problem w/ the movie was that there wasn't very much to it. i swear that 2.5 hrs flew by quickly. at the end i was left w/ a huge question mark. the story is of course awesome, and bear jew cracking that dude of the head w/ his bat, along w/ stigler (was that his name) smothering the dude w/ the pillow and knifing him to death was
. but there was alot more in-depth story that could have been told. i hated 'valkyrie' but there was a storyline in that movie. 'inglorious...' was basically art featuring a story.

i didn't mind the subtitles however. i'm not big on the french language, but there is something awesome about german when it is spoken.

i don't recommend this if you're expecting kill bill or pulp fiction. if you are into vanguard cinema, this is for you.

the comedy was hilarious. brad pitt outing himself in italian was
well hey if you dont like his style then you dont like his style, nothing i can do about that. for people who think they would be into it, this movie speaks tothem. as far as him knowing film and film history, he does better than anyone ive seen talk about film. He definitely has his own distinct tastes, but he knowswhat it takes and what goes into making a great work of art for a movie screen, and what it takes to create an original and interesting story, and I appreciatethat.
that's my issue...

I went to see jewish american death squad run through nazis

not 20 minute long foriegn language conversations about french and german cinema of the 1940s


like I said, I was dissapointed

lol@this being close to pulp fiction

honestly, I liked jackie brown 10 times better, lol

this wasn't even better than QTs section of "4 rooms"

I really don't get how people find the subtitled babbling "really interesting" or "imperative to set up the scenes"

go read my previous posts in this thread, A LOT of that #!%%%@%* could have been and should have been left on the cutting room floor...

especially seeing how the longer version had more basterd scenes
like I said, what makes QT's dialouge unique is that its usually a pretty realistic yet mundane conversation that takes place during times of greatdiscomfort or during times of some really off the wall situations...

I.e. "do you know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in the uk?"


"black mamba...I shoulda been ##+#%@$*+%$@% black mamba"

imo, the most memorable quote in this movie was pitt's "ban-jor-no...." with tenneesee accent...


I really don't see how you guys found ALL of the dialouge so interesting and essential....

I only really have issues with chapter 3.
yeah its true that there wasnt much of that simple-realistic dialogue like "dont %%## with another man's automobile" in the movie but then againit took place in 1940 in nazi occupied france

one of this biggest parts of the dialogue were all the various languages that were being spoken throughout the film, though primarily english and german, butalso french and italian - that was intersting, and on top of that u had hans-landa who spoke all of them fluently unlike pitt-italian type mess which was veryimpressive
you guys are nuts for saying this dialogue was boring and mundane and not entertaining.

chapter 1 - Landa playing with the Frenchman...pretty much flawless scene in terms of dialogue. AU REVOIR SHOSHANNAHHHH!!!

chapter 2 - great lines from Aldo (business is a-boomin, "if you ever wanna eat a sauerkraut san'ich again, take ur weinerschnitzel lickin finger andput it on this here map...) i can go on, also the Bear Jew in this scene and the part where they recruit Stiglitz "seein if you wanna go pro"

chapter 3 - admittedly it dragged a little but the exchanges with Shoshannah and Zoller were character explorations...a Nazi hitting on a Jew, it makes forinteresting conversation. plus this had the strudel scene which was one of my favorites in the movie.

chapter 4 - i liked the dialogue with Mike Myers and Churchill and Hicox even though its Tarantino self-indulging in his movie love. lots of foreshadowing inthis chapter (Hicox telling Stiglitz to remain calm cause they arent getting into danger...just meeting the contact...heh), then the bar scene which is almostas flawless as the first scene when it comes strictly to the dialogue. from when the Major sits with them through their game until the end, incredible.

chapter 5 - really great Landa in this scene from the Italian part to the exchanges with Aldo and Utivich.

this movie is so +#+%$!@ good man, it is meant to be seen multiple times. do it. Christoph Waltz is a lock for best supporting Oscar...prob should get BestActor
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

you guys are nuts for saying this dialogue was boring and mundane and not entertaining.

chapter 1 - Landa playing with the Frenchman...pretty much flawless scene in terms of dialogue. AU REVOIR SHOSHANNAHHHH!!!

chapter 2 - great lines from Aldo (business is a-boomin, "if you ever wanna eat a sauerkraut san'ich again, take ur weinerschnitzel lickin finger and put it on this here map...) i can go on, also the Bear Jew in this scene and the part where they recruit Stiglitz "seein if you wanna go pro"

chapter 3 - admittedly it dragged a little but the exchanges with Shoshannah and Zoller were character explorations...a Nazi hitting on a Jew, it makes for interesting conversation. plus this had the strudel scene which was one of my favorites in the movie.

chapter 4 - i liked the dialogue with Mike Myers and Churchill and Hicox even though its Tarantino self-indulging in his movie love. lots of foreshadowing in this chapter (Hicox telling Stiglitz to remain calm cause they arent getting into danger...just meeting the contact...heh), then the bar scene which is almost as flawless as the first scene when it comes strictly to the dialogue. from when the Major sits with them through their game until the end, incredible.

chapter 5 - really great Landa in this scene from the Italian part to the exchanges with Aldo and Utivich.

this movie is so +#+%$!@ good man, it is meant to be seen multiple times. do it. Christoph Waltz is a lock for best supporting Oscar...prob should get Best Actor
that was a very good summary

I agree that the movie needs to be watched multiple times. I think the excellent dialogue is over shadowing how cool the movie was visually. QT stepped hisgame up with this one.

I said my only real problem was with chapter 3...

I think about 20-25 mins give or take could have been edited...or replaced with the lost basterd found the dialouge interesting because it was inanother language? can we at least agree it's less entertaining than any of the basterd scenes?
it was alright, like 3 hours long! and a lot of talking. but rest was pretty good. i liked the action scenes!
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