Information Technology (IT)

Jail time? Maybe if the 2 roles are in someway involved with sensitive information and you’re passing classified info from one company to the other or something. I’ve seen people work for 2 diff companies on the same contract, the prime and the sub before, conflict of interest perhaps sire, but criminal nah. His daughter used to date Nick Cannon too before he dropped her for remaining virtuous (which is super hilarious now that i think about it again) and she was dating some nfl dude. Ear elephant i know, but good dude
These Indian recruiters call all day long. Got offered a 6 month contract at $55hr on W2 to be an endpoint manager. Basically update applications and remediate vulnerabilities using SCCM now known as MECM. Feel like they might have actually gone higher than $55. 100% remote too. Got me seriously considering :lol:
Just passed my A+ core 2 on second attempt. Got 708/700. Officially A+ certified :nthat:
Man I’m amped, I really thought I failed that. This test was way harder than the first attempt I took
Like I wasn’t even gonna be upset when I saw that I failed, I legit thought I had no chance

Let’s gooooo
lets go papi!! congrats
These Indian recruiters call all day long. Got offered a 6 month contract at $55hr on W2 to be an endpoint manager. Basically update applications and remediate vulnerabilities using SCCM now known as MECM. Feel like they might have actually gone higher than $55. 100% remote too. Got me seriously considering :lol:
Gotta take that bro, or Id pm you and ask to fwd it to me. I thought being back outside would be ok but it is not, theres just too many people put here isk where all these people came from, they cant drive, road construction got all the highways ****** up and adds commute time, i need to get back full remote
Gotta take that bro, or Id pm you and ask to fwd it to me. I thought being back outside would be ok but it is not, theres just too many people put here isk where all these people came from, they cant drive, road construction got all the highways ****ed up and adds commute time, i need to get back full remote
Yea I might have to take it. Been trying to build my skills in SCCM. Overall concept is the same but trying to see different processes/tools other companies use.

Being at home this long I can’t believe we used to actually commute every day. I miss seeing all the different “mass” but probably saving on the $10 lunch everyday.
I think gov contracting is where it gets messy bc of taxpayer money being paid and time fraud or some ish. If I accept I’m gonna be straight up and tell the manager that I’ve got another job which won’t affect my production. take it or peace out. Or imma see (pay) a lawyer to see how or if I’m allowed to double dip on that type of job smdfh.

datznasty datznasty good to hear ur doing better man, time wise for ur jobs. That was od work bro.
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I think gov contracting is where it gets messy bc of taxpayer money being paid and time fraud or some ish. If I accept I’m gonna be straight up and tell the manager that I’ve got another job which won’t affect my production. take it or peace out. Or imma see (pay) a lawyer to see how or if I’m allowed to double dip on that type of job smdfh.

datznasty datznasty good to hear ur doing better man, time wise for ur jobs. That was od work bro.
Man listen....Gov't contracting is the easiest work you'll ever find (If you're IT and depending on who you work for) but I know guys who sit in a lab and absolutely do nothing but watch youtube, Day trade, and do school for 9 damn hours. Luckily my job lets me leave early and "work" the rest from home. It's like they just find people to fill positions and pay them to basically show up. This whole thing is a sca..i mean game lol
I have no clue why Im in this thread. How do you get into ‘it’ and whats the difference between these jobs and something like software engineer?
Man listen....Gov't contracting is the easiest work you'll ever find (If you're IT and depending on who you work for) but I know guys who sit in a lab and absolutely do nothing but watch youtube, Day trade, and do school for 9 damn hours. Luckily my job lets me leave early and "work" the rest from home. It's like they just find people to fill positions and pay them to basically show up. This whole thing is a sca..i mean game lol
Not in government contracting but this reminds me of what I was told about the guy I replaced at my job. I'm the only full-time software test engineer at the company, though the developers and some of the consultants also do some degree of testing.
Apparently the guy I replaced (Francis), who worked there for about 2 years, literally almost never had any bugs to report. At our daily standup meeting in the morning, I have to present my findings from the day before and so far I've always had multiple new bug reports to discuss. My coworkers from early on joked with me about how Francis never gave them any work, so I figured it was hyperbole but they all said he genuinely reported nothing almost every day.
One of the coworkers said he could see his monitor and he'd spent most of the day reading newspapers etc.

Market leading HR software company in my country btw.
Not in government contracting but this reminds me of what I was told about the guy I replaced at my job. I'm the only full-time software test engineer at the company, though the developers and some of the consultants also do some degree of testing.
Apparently the guy I replaced (Francis), who worked there for about 2 years, literally almost never had any bugs to report. At our daily standup meeting in the morning, I have to present my findings from the day before and so far I've always had multiple new bug reports to discuss. My coworkers from early on joked with me about how Francis never gave them any work, so I figured it was hyperbole but they all said he genuinely reported nothing almost every day.
One of the coworkers said he could see his monitor and he'd spent most of the day reading newspapers etc.

Market leading HR software company in my country btw.
Damn, Francis gave zero f’s about anything lol. I would’ve had at least something to report but since nobody else knew about his job who could tell him anything, why report it? 🤷🏽‍♂️
req81 req81 certifications are helpful. A+, network+ and security+ being the entry level ones. You’ll probably start out at help desk, which does suck.

Idk all the routes but networking, cloud, security, support, and system administration are fields in IT.

Software engineering and QA have to do specifically with software. Those other parts of IT deal more with services, upkeep, maintenance, etc.

I’d say look into programming and see if you like it. Or start studying for certs and see if u like that better. Either way, you’ll have to start studying lol.

There’s also the business side with business analysts, product owners, etc. which I have no clue how to break into. But I think BA is a role that offers entry level positions

Then there’s also database related jobs- like dbas.

If help desk is a must then do that. But just to get info and free certs. Info from co-workers on leveling up and networking with ur manager or other ppl for positions outside of the company. Don’t work at an msp imo.
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What do folks consider “a bag” in cyber/IT? I think I have lost touch with reality and a false sense of what other industries pay?
Update on this:

Been at the new job for a week now. It’s cool, 2 direct reports and we’re just help desk techs without any permissions (same as my last job but just wasn’t a lead). I’m going to have to get used to all the meetings, reports and delegating. One of my direct reports need babysitting even though they’ve been there for about 7 years :smh: Parking is paid for, environment isn’t stressful (yet?), good looking coworkers, early schedule, company events.

I didn’t think about going that managerial route but I might like not being all hands on. The pay is great as well.

Sec+ scheduled for Nov 12, hopefully I knock it out first try

Sec+ is acronym galore. Its just a big memorization test.
willypete willypete the biggest thing on the Sec + and it's first on the test, is that office matching exercise with the phone, printer, fax, etc. where you have to group things by their classification level. Once you get past that, it's smooth sailing.

If you haven't seen it lmk, I'll dig into my archives and find it. I;m sure it hasnt changed
Damn, Francis gave zero f’s about anything lol. I would’ve had at least something to report but since nobody else knew about his job who could tell him anything, why report it? 🤷🏽‍♂️
The thing is though, we have consultants who do some testing during the monthly midrelease period, 1st to the 15th of every month. They reported bugs way more than Francis ever did. So it’s kinda baffling that he got away with doing absolutely nothing for 2 whole years.
Judging by my contract and the hiring process, it seemed like they were having issues finding a qualified software test engineer.
My job interview felt like the boss was trying to convince me, not the other way around. As I mentioned, I got a contract in less than 24h after my interview, with my salary being €300-400/month net higher than the average starting salary for a software test engineer.
willypete willypete the biggest thing on the Sec + and it's first on the test, is that office matching exercise with the phone, printer, fax, etc. where you have to group things by their classification level. Once you get past that, it's smooth sailing.

If you haven't seen it lmk, I'll dig into my archives and find it. I;m sure it hasnt changed
Man I have so much material for these exams from my days of doing things frowned upon. I just haven’t been studying when I should is my issue. Feeling like I’m juggling 10 different things and sec + always tries to join the fun
Belgium Belgium would make no less than 180k if he got a remote US based job. Systems Security Engineer w cissp, rmf/dod stig jobs, pen testing, all just based off what we know of you from this thread
My resume isn't all that impressive at this point. I don't have any internationally recognized certificates besides my ISTQB certification.
As far as pen testing goes, what I put on my resume is that I taught myself to work with Burp Suite Pro and used it to steal years-long inactive social media accounts to then sell the usernames find and report vulnerabilities. The main thing I list is that Twitch 0day I uncovered that gave me full control over all their services, because my exploit allowed me to log in on site admins' accounts without requiring their email or password. That's the one that seemed to really impress every company I had interviews with when I explained how it worked and how I figured it out.

That's why I highly recommend to anyone looking to get into IT, it helps a ton if you have some sort of relevant side project(s)/hobbies that show off relevant skills for whatever you're going for.

I just hope I'm never asked to prove the Twitch 0day thing with communications or anything :lol: My communications with Twitch are them threatening prosecution, then 2 of their admins (Hassan Bokhari and their at the time head of security Xangold) offering to bribe me with the offer of removing my existing Twitch permban (which was for repeated account theft/selling) and letting me keep a stolen username of my choice with no further bans for ban evasion. The only condition was to refrain from any further account theft/account selling and to never tell anyone, especially the media, that the exploit I reported ever existed.
Normally Twitch has a security hall of fame list for people who report serious vulnerabilities but mine isn't on there for obvious reasons.
Just recently, I randomly checked the Twitch profile of the head of security at the time, Xangold, who had an active part in the bribe offer. Unsurprisingly, Xangold got fired at some point and his own Twitch is permbanned for unspecified TOS violations :lol:

I know it's not defensible but I did clean up my act afterwards and found non-intrusive ways ("autoclaimers" for example) of getting high value social media usernames to sell as a sidehustle.
I can at least say I only used exploits to take accounts that'd been inactive for many years.
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Got a interview next week for a Implementation Consultant position for a Health tech company. The interview will be a panel interview with 3 people that works for the company. Anyone ever done panel interviews?
Got a interview next week for a Implementation Consultant position for a Health tech company. The interview will be a panel interview with 3 people that works for the company. Anyone ever done panel interviews?
I have. A 4 person panel via WebEx .. My advice, show some personality. That's like 50% of the interview if you're going to be working with a team.
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