In Plane Site 9/11 Wow...just Wow.

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at these team america dudes, riding hard like theyre defending their mom.

i want to say thank you to all our troops despite my political leanings. these guys are just following orders.

but i'll tell you one thing, don't come at me thinkin youre better cuz like alot of people said the military these days is a shell.

i laugh when i see alot of the people in the service.  lotta kids use it as money or cuz they suck at everything else.
Slap yourself. 
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at these team america dudes, riding hard like theyre defending their mom.

i want to say thank you to all our troops despite my political leanings. these guys are just following orders.

but i'll tell you one thing, don't come at me thinkin youre better cuz like alot of people said the military these days is a shell.

i laugh when i see alot of the people in the service.  lotta kids use it as money or cuz they suck at everything else.
Slap yourself. 

^ Cosign

Dude says our soldiers are just following orders, but he laughs at them for it.
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at these team america dudes, riding hard like theyre defending their mom.

i want to say thank you to all our troops despite my political leanings. these guys are just following orders.

but i'll tell you one thing, don't come at me thinkin youre better cuz like alot of people said the military these days is a shell.

i laugh when i see alot of the people in the service.  lotta kids use it as money or cuz they suck at everything else.
Slap yourself. 

^ Cosign

Dude says our soldiers are just following orders, but he laughs at them for it.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Man the person who made this is a complete genius.

He breaks it down in detail.

The government has something to do with it.

Why I feel Bin Laden was the scape goat.
So even though Bin Laden admitted to it, doesn't sway your opinion that he was the scape goat? Unless he might have just admitted to it even though he didn't do it.
I think people are easily swayed when people use big words or say things that seem really smart, so they believe. Even though there is significant evidence that it wasn't an inside job.

To prove my points, I pulled up a couple articles and videos.
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Man the person who made this is a complete genius.

He breaks it down in detail.

The government has something to do with it.

Why I feel Bin Laden was the scape goat.
So even though Bin Laden admitted to it, doesn't sway your opinion that he was the scape goat? Unless he might have just admitted to it even though he didn't do it.
I think people are easily swayed when people use big words or say things that seem really smart, so they believe. Even though there is significant evidence that it wasn't an inside job.

To prove my points, I pulled up a couple articles and videos.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at these team america dudes, riding hard like theyre defending their mom.

i want to say thank you to all our troops despite my political leanings. these guys are just following orders.

but i'll tell you one thing, don't come at me thinkin youre better cuz like alot of people said the military these days is a shell.

i laugh when i see alot of the people in the service. lotta kids use it as money or cuz they suck at everything else.

thank god we fight w bombs these days bc we'd be screwed if you same some of the soldiers roun here. ole chris bosh fruitbowl lookin dudettes

You should really think about what you said. The only reason why you can do the stuff you can do today is because of our troops. 
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at these team america dudes, riding hard like theyre defending their mom.

i want to say thank you to all our troops despite my political leanings. these guys are just following orders.

but i'll tell you one thing, don't come at me thinkin youre better cuz like alot of people said the military these days is a shell.

i laugh when i see alot of the people in the service. lotta kids use it as money or cuz they suck at everything else.

thank god we fight w bombs these days bc we'd be screwed if you same some of the soldiers roun here. ole chris bosh fruitbowl lookin dudettes

You should really think about what you said. The only reason why you can do the stuff you can do today is because of our troops. 
Can u guys learn to separate sentences. Trust me i am thankful. My bad if u guys got pissed, my last block of text isnt to all the servicemen its the ones who are in the service for the wrong reason or think thyere rambo

Im on my fone but i cant believe u guys singled out one sentence. Reasd the whole thing. I give props for my FELLOW SOLDIERS. Get over yourselves
Can u guys learn to separate sentences. Trust me i am thankful. My bad if u guys got pissed, my last block of text isnt to all the servicemen its the ones who are in the service for the wrong reason or think thyere rambo

Im on my fone but i cant believe u guys singled out one sentence. Reasd the whole thing. I give props for my FELLOW SOLDIERS. Get over yourselves
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

A lot of people don't know how to distinguish where the actual facts stop and the theory begins. You just accept the entire story as fact and run off on some passionate anti-government spiel like you just found out the country's deepest secrets... on Youtube. If the government had so much control over people living and dying, and they can seize domains, kick in people's doors for downloading music, etc., then why did they let that video get posted?

It's good that people are being open to opposing ideas, but you're only being open to ideas opposing one side of the story. You're leaving yourselves open to be manipulated into believing what the creators of videos like that want you to believe without casting the same doubt on them as they are asking you to cast on the government.
so what are the "facts" then? that 19 arab dudes who lived in caves hi-jacked planes and flew them into the twin towers/pentagon? that tower 7 never got hit yet fell down?

couldnt find the black box but they found all these dudes passports deadstock

You should really think about what yousaid. The only reason why you can do the stuff you can do todayis because of our troops. 

Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

A lot of people don't know how to distinguish where the actual facts stop and the theory begins. You just accept the entire story as fact and run off on some passionate anti-government spiel like you just found out the country's deepest secrets... on Youtube. If the government had so much control over people living and dying, and they can seize domains, kick in people's doors for downloading music, etc., then why did they let that video get posted?

It's good that people are being open to opposing ideas, but you're only being open to ideas opposing one side of the story. You're leaving yourselves open to be manipulated into believing what the creators of videos like that want you to believe without casting the same doubt on them as they are asking you to cast on the government.
so what are the "facts" then? that 19 arab dudes who lived in caves hi-jacked planes and flew them into the twin towers/pentagon? that tower 7 never got hit yet fell down?

couldnt find the black box but they found all these dudes passports deadstock

You should really think about what yousaid. The only reason why you can do the stuff you can do todayis because of our troops. 

Originally Posted by Clone

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Man the person who made this is a complete genius.

He breaks it down in detail.

The government has something to do with it.

Why I feel Bin Laden was the scape goat.
So even though Bin Laden admitted to it, doesn't sway your opinion that he was the scape goat? Unless he might have just admitted to it even though he didn't do it.
I think people are easily swayed when people use big words or say things that seem really smart, so they believe. Even though there is significant evidence that it wasn't an inside job.

To prove my points, I pulled up a couple articles and videos.

You're crazy if you really believe that everything the media reported on 9/11 was true. Hell I doubt Bin Laden was a real person. First off when have you ever seen a plane crash not leave any wreckage like the Pentagon? Second 5 key witnesses say "It looked and sounded like a missile!' Yet all of the tape showing the plane were confiscated. 
If America can fake a moon landing and fool the whole world, they can pull off a terrorist attack.
Originally Posted by Clone

Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Man the person who made this is a complete genius.

He breaks it down in detail.

The government has something to do with it.

Why I feel Bin Laden was the scape goat.
So even though Bin Laden admitted to it, doesn't sway your opinion that he was the scape goat? Unless he might have just admitted to it even though he didn't do it.
I think people are easily swayed when people use big words or say things that seem really smart, so they believe. Even though there is significant evidence that it wasn't an inside job.

To prove my points, I pulled up a couple articles and videos.

You're crazy if you really believe that everything the media reported on 9/11 was true. Hell I doubt Bin Laden was a real person. First off when have you ever seen a plane crash not leave any wreckage like the Pentagon? Second 5 key witnesses say "It looked and sounded like a missile!' Yet all of the tape showing the plane were confiscated. 
If America can fake a moon landing and fool the whole world, they can pull off a terrorist attack.
Originally Posted by Clone

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at these team america dudes, riding hard like theyre defending their mom.

i want to say thank you to all our troops despite my political leanings. these guys are just following orders.

but i'll tell you one thing, don't come at me thinkin youre better cuz like alot of people said the military these days is a shell.

i laugh when i see alot of the people in the service. lotta kids use it as money or cuz they suck at everything else.

thank god we fight w bombs these days bc we'd be screwed if you same some of the soldiers roun here. ole chris bosh fruitbowl lookin dudettes

You should really think about what you said. The only reason why you can do the stuff you can do today is because of our troops. 
i love how u try to act appropriate and then act like a damn fool on private message. peasant
lmao and you PM w a title F'in piece of S and send this:

Clone: Please go kill your self. You are the most worthless piece of +$#% I can think of. And I wish you would have to experience the pain and suffering the men and women in the armed forces have to go through so you can sit on your fat *%$ and do nothing.
Originally Posted by Clone

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at these team america dudes, riding hard like theyre defending their mom.

i want to say thank you to all our troops despite my political leanings. these guys are just following orders.

but i'll tell you one thing, don't come at me thinkin youre better cuz like alot of people said the military these days is a shell.

i laugh when i see alot of the people in the service. lotta kids use it as money or cuz they suck at everything else.

thank god we fight w bombs these days bc we'd be screwed if you same some of the soldiers roun here. ole chris bosh fruitbowl lookin dudettes

You should really think about what you said. The only reason why you can do the stuff you can do today is because of our troops. 
i love how u try to act appropriate and then act like a damn fool on private message. peasant
lmao and you PM w a title F'in piece of S and send this:

Clone: Please go kill your self. You are the most worthless piece of +$#% I can think of. And I wish you would have to experience the pain and suffering the men and women in the armed forces have to go through so you can sit on your fat *%$ and do nothing.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by Clone

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at these team america dudes, riding hard like theyre defending their mom.

i want to say thank you to all our troops despite my political leanings. these guys are just following orders.

but i'll tell you one thing, don't come at me thinkin youre better cuz like alot of people said the military these days is a shell.

i laugh when i see alot of the people in the service. lotta kids use it as money or cuz they suck at everything else.

thank god we fight w bombs these days bc we'd be screwed if you same some of the soldiers roun here. ole chris bosh fruitbowl lookin dudettes

You should really think about what you said. The only reason why you can do the stuff you can do today is because of our troops. 
i love how u try to act appropriate and then act like a damn fool on private message. peasant
lmao and you PM w a title F'in piece of S and send this:

Clone: Please go kill your self. You are the most worthless piece of +$#% I can think of. And I wish you would have to experience the pain and suffering the men and women in the armed forces have to go through so you can sit on your fat *%$ and do nothing.
He has a point, and it doesn't matter what motivated the people to get into the military as long as they're doing their duties. There's no faking being in a hostile territory. There's no easy way around being in a city where people are willing to blow themselves up just to kill you. I know what you were trying to get at by saying some of them got into it just for money or tuition, but they're doing it either way and that needs to be appreciated.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by Clone

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol at these team america dudes, riding hard like theyre defending their mom.

i want to say thank you to all our troops despite my political leanings. these guys are just following orders.

but i'll tell you one thing, don't come at me thinkin youre better cuz like alot of people said the military these days is a shell.

i laugh when i see alot of the people in the service. lotta kids use it as money or cuz they suck at everything else.

thank god we fight w bombs these days bc we'd be screwed if you same some of the soldiers roun here. ole chris bosh fruitbowl lookin dudettes

You should really think about what you said. The only reason why you can do the stuff you can do today is because of our troops. 
i love how u try to act appropriate and then act like a damn fool on private message. peasant
lmao and you PM w a title F'in piece of S and send this:

Clone: Please go kill your self. You are the most worthless piece of +$#% I can think of. And I wish you would have to experience the pain and suffering the men and women in the armed forces have to go through so you can sit on your fat *%$ and do nothing.
He has a point, and it doesn't matter what motivated the people to get into the military as long as they're doing their duties. There's no faking being in a hostile territory. There's no easy way around being in a city where people are willing to blow themselves up just to kill you. I know what you were trying to get at by saying some of them got into it just for money or tuition, but they're doing it either way and that needs to be appreciated.
wait wich point does he have. when he called me a pos? or when told me to kill myself. my man got so sensitive ang got his **** all twisted.

just because i'm not a complete sheep about the military and bc i know there are people who take advantage of the military. there are people not doing their duty. im not gonna appreciate any soldier who does it for the moneyand tuition and then talks about how they can kill anyone if they wanted or how "no one can do what i do".

but thanks for the non vagina response bro. respect.

the kid on the other hand. go watch more bill oreilly. and boston suck you Fmook
wait wich point does he have. when he called me a pos? or when told me to kill myself. my man got so sensitive ang got his **** all twisted.

just because i'm not a complete sheep about the military and bc i know there are people who take advantage of the military. there are people not doing their duty. im not gonna appreciate any soldier who does it for the moneyand tuition and then talks about how they can kill anyone if they wanted or how "no one can do what i do".

but thanks for the non vagina response bro. respect.

the kid on the other hand. go watch more bill oreilly. and boston suck you Fmook
Here's how I know our government isn't capable of pulling something like 9/11 off (and managing to have thousands of people keep their mouths shut for ten years):

When we invaded Iraq, it was to find weapons of mass destruction. All the government had to do was dig a hole in the sand somewhere in the desert and plant a few bombs. Then they would "discover" them, parade it around on TV, and we'd all celebrate. So you mean to tell me the same government that is supposedly so devious and shady, and such incredible masters of deception, couldn't even do something as simple as dig a hole in the ground and drop a couple canisters of mustard gas in there?

You're giving the government way too much credit by believing they could pull something like 9/11 off.
Here's how I know our government isn't capable of pulling something like 9/11 off (and managing to have thousands of people keep their mouths shut for ten years):

When we invaded Iraq, it was to find weapons of mass destruction. All the government had to do was dig a hole in the sand somewhere in the desert and plant a few bombs. Then they would "discover" them, parade it around on TV, and we'd all celebrate. So you mean to tell me the same government that is supposedly so devious and shady, and such incredible masters of deception, couldn't even do something as simple as dig a hole in the ground and drop a couple canisters of mustard gas in there?

You're giving the government way too much credit by believing they could pull something like 9/11 off.
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