I'm having breast surgery....AGAIN......SMFH

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i am so mad i clicked on this thread this made me more sick than the split face thread, and the split face thread is bad

and damn JAY, why you relapsed?

Started rehabbin' too early, and there was a chance of swelling. My nipple looks like a safety pin away from poppin' though. I'm so gonna tearthat %*# up in NBA 2K10 though.
Originally Posted by NEIGHB0RH00D

Dude, whats wrong with you?

Grow up

I remember you posting this the first time you underwent the surgery. Don't know why people giggled about it. Nothing to be ashamed of

Good luck to you sir.
good luck man...i thought i had a similar problem but after i lost weight it got better...working out also helped a little too i guess...but yea having manboobs can turn off ur confidence real fast especially if you're not that fat looking...hope for the best
damn I diddnt know they really made man bras...
I wonder what the ladies think when u take off your shirt
You def shoulda listened to the doc for the best recovery. Swelling is common after gyno surgery.
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