im a history education major. ask me anything.

I was going to ask a real question but the rails have been re-directed. Nevermind.
The F do you plan on doing with that degree? 
 I like History, I took a lot of history related courses... but Most of my friends who were history majors are realtors now.
Why it ain't ralph doe?
What happened between Egypt's 18th Dynasty around Amenhotep and Cleopatra for them to go from such THE superpower to being A superpower?
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my major's history education.... trying to be a history teacher... high school specifically.
Cool, Just don't be boring... Make it interesting while getting your quota of info in...

I'm a product of Public school and I was never satisfied until I made it

to college.

Have you read Lies My Teacher Told Me? What are your thoughts on Columbus? Thoughts on the genocide of Native Americans? Thoughts on how wars are used to profit a select group of people? Thoughts on the Cold War?
 At those that disagree. History is simple memorization. Just like undergrad psychology. That's why 95% of people with those degree's don't end up doing anything with those degrees. Hence, my first question. 

Now if this dude actually thinks he can get outside the curriculum, and teach stuff that's not being taught, props.
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All I remember from US History is the Big Stick Policy and an Indian chief named Tecumseh
:rofl:  Anyone with half a brain can be a 4.0 history student and become a history teacher. A history teacher being inspiring in a complete oxymoron.

Those who are really interested in history will learn and take in a lot more details than someone who shares no interest in this subject, which generally applies to any subject you will major in.
:lol:  At those that disagree. History is simple memorization. Just like undergrad psychology. That's why 95% of people with those degree's don't end up doing anything with those degrees. Hence, my first question. 

Now if this dude actually thinks he can get outside the curriculum, and teach stuff that's not being taught, props.
Bruh you hatin', plain and simple. And it's out of a lack of awareness of all the things that make a society great. One being scholarship and knowledge of history.

Scholarship isn't just knowing stuff. It's analyzing, understanding, figuring out what is the truth versus what the people in charge decided to say happened, and even more than that.

Historical scholarship influences politics, religion, science, legislation, the military, the media, art, the list goes on and on.
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